Pets of Wein

I've been having slow response time with the wein forum today...I'll try posting a link after work
Obviously got ideas above her station after today's report, this is Lola rolling in dog shit and trying to lick her eye :facepalm:

I've been having slow response time with the wein forum today...I'll try posting a link after work
ok...trying again Peen simmons ...apparently Jeff is being an asshole and wont give me a proper link to display (I know it's hard to believe but try)

so I went to etsy and found this stuff

I really like this one and it would be my picvk if I had a hamster that needed to stay warm in Chicago
The little fecker likes his new play stand.

3 days and he’s almost completely undermined the main support.
The green uprights are a ladder. He’s chewed through two of the rungs and is working on the top one.
That orange dowel ties things together from side to side.


The shark is supposed to scare him from chewing the table. Supposed to.
It was 2(F) when we went for our morning walk today, but there are still sticks out there that need chewing so it's ridiculous parka weather for short haired breeds like me, and this silly beaver/dog hybrid that I live with

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It was 8(F) when we went for our morning walk today, but there are still sticks out there that need chewing so it's ridiculous parka weather for short haired breeds like me and this silly beaver/dog hybrid that I live with

does Dart chew sticks /wood a lot because Brownie teh work dog fucking loves 2x4's I mean he loves to chew anything and everything but 2x4's are his favorite so i'm thinking it's a PB thing ?
does Dart chew sticks /wood a lot because Brownie teh work dog fucking loves 2x4's I mean he loves to chew anything and everything but 2x4's are his favorite so i'm thinking it's a PB thing ?
he's never shown interest in chewing lumber, but he's a fiend for chewing sticks. He's very good about spitting out the bits once he's chewed them up, and even has developed preferences for sticks from certain kind of trees - I noticed that every so often on walks he'll start sniffing/looking around intently and find a stick to chew and when I look up it's inevitably the same species of tree (not sure what it is, some sort of locust tree I think). I guess he prefers the flavor.

He's a big chewer in general, and I think that's definitely a pittie thing based on others that I've met. Amazingly, he's never chewed anything he's not supposed to, like shoes or whatever, but even games like fetch or tug which he likes eventually devolve into chewing the ball/frisbee/rope/whatever

[edit] he's a big fan of destruction in general I guess, every now and then I buy him a stuffed animal with a squeaker, and they last a few days before they're shreds, balls last longer but also have a limited lifespan (except tennis balls, they last about 15 minutes), and when he finds a large downed tree limb he works very diligently to rip it into smaller pieces and break off all of the smaller branches before selecting a stick to turn into wood chips
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We've been going lovely long walks super early plus as soon as I get in from work this week.

She's still barred from my nearest pub *spit* but anytime we pass this one she wants to go in.

She's gone from being scared of anyone and everything in the place to running behind the bar to see who's working and what treats they have as well as going to sniff around any punters that call her over. We've tonnes of photos obviously but I wish I had been taking video, even on my phone, to see how far she's come.
