Pets of Wein

We've been going lovely long walks super early plus as soon as I get in from work this week.

She's still barred from my nearest pub *spit* but anytime we pass this one she wants to go in.

She's gone from being scared of anyone and everything in the place to running behind the bar to see who's working and what treats they have as well as going to sniff around any punters that call her over. We've tonnes of photos obviously but I wish I had been taking video, even on my phone, to see how far she's come.

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is that Miller High Life next to the Peroni and above the Guiness :embarrassed: :eek:
I'll save you the click.

Pubs are great, dogs are great. Combining them = double great.

It was purely for your reading pleasure.

yeah I realised that after posting but couldn't be bothered to edit :embarrassed: I'm just suprised they would sell that in a limey pub

Lads and blokes and mates seem to love lame imports just as much as Americans from what I've seen, especially Bud.
It was purely for your reading pleasure.

Lads and blokes and mates seem to love lame imports just as much as Americans from what I've seen, especially Bud.

I'll indulge you with a click.

They can't sell much of that miller over here. The only people I can think that drink it are one of my pals and my uncle and even then it's very rare.

The last time I can remember drinking it was about 15 years ago when a local social club ran out of gas fir the draft beers on the morning of an Old Firm derby. I drank a tonne of MGDs in about 3 or 4 hours, started walking home and next thing I remember is that I woke up at 7pm the next day..

I'd fallen asleep, legs akimbo, outside the front door of our local police station. Luckily a pals mum had picked him up from the club, passed by me and dragged me into her car before I got huckled by the cops.
Jax with my kids new Huggy Wuggy doll. He's also draped in my kids scary characters blanket.

We sent our confirmation about adopting the beautiful lady in the picture this morning!

We've been thinking about getting a dog for ages, now our life situation allows it and some good options came along at the adoption organisations we were looking at. Super excited to meet her in real life! If nothing goes wrong she should be here in about a month. I'm sure there will be plenty of struggles and whatnot, but I expect plenty of good times to make up for those as well.
