Pets of Wein

After the puppy debacle from earlier this year, I decided to try again with a cat, which is probably more my speed. My friend works at a nursing home and one of the residents passed away, leaving behind Cookie, a small female Calico cat. After meeting her a couple times at my friend's place to make sure I wasn't super allergic she came home yesterday. She's still kind of getting used to me and my apartment but so far she's been a very good girl and went doo-doo and tee-tee right in the litter box from the start. She isn't eating a lot but she's nibbling. I guess that's normal at a new place? Anyways here is a picture of Cookie.

After the puppy debacle from earlier this year, I decided to try again with a cat, which is probably more my speed. My friend works at a nursing home and one of the residents passed away, leaving behind Cookie, a small female Calico cat. After meeting her a couple times at my friend's place to make sure I wasn't super allergic she came home yesterday. She's still kind of getting used to me and my apartment but so far she's been a very good girl and went doo-doo and tee-tee right in the litter box from the start. She isn't eating a lot but she's nibbling. I guess that's normal at a new place? Anyways here is a picture of Cookie.

Y’all will be the best of friends. I give my calico Purina Cat Chow as a standard. I have also come to the realization that buying small amounts of deli turkey or ham for one meal a day is
a lot more economical than buying those small cans of Fancy Feast. Plus, y’all can share a meal together!
Let us know when you name her. I am not allergic to cats, but I do have a suggestion. If I give her a good pet pet & I inadvertently rub my eyes, they start itching immediately. That’s my only thing. Rinse your hands immediately & your eyeballs in cool water. You will be just fine.
After the puppy debacle from earlier this year, I decided to try again with a cat, which is probably more my speed. My friend works at a nursing home and one of the residents passed away, leaving behind Cookie, a small female Calico cat. After meeting her a couple times at my friend's place to make sure I wasn't super allergic she came home yesterday. She's still kind of getting used to me and my apartment but so far she's been a very good girl and went doo-doo and tee-tee right in the litter box from the start. She isn't eating a lot but she's nibbling. I guess that's normal at a new place? Anyways here is a picture of Cookie.

Be sure to set up a few things she can knock off the counter while making eye contact and she'll settle in just fine.
So a question for the cat owners... Cookie has been here for about 48 hours (dropped off Sunday afternoon around this time). My friend, who had her for a few weeks while I was traveling, brought some dry food and recommended some Friskies wet food as "what she's used to". Eventually I may try to find what's best for her health as the Friskies seems pretty cheap, but I wanted some sort of continuity for her so I thought sticking with what she already knew would be best for now. Anyways, I set out a cat dish with clean water on one side and dry food on the other, and have opened a few cans of the wet food over the last couple days.

She still seems apprehensive about the new space, but that's to be expected. She is using the litter box like a champ (no accidents or anything yet) and seems relatively fine, she will purr when I pet her even though she is still pretty cautious. But I have noticed that she isn't eating or drinking a lot. She has nibbled at the wet food and eaten some of it but I don't think she has touched the dry food at all, or had much of the water. Is this normal? She knows where the food and water is so I am assuming she will eat / drink when she needs to but should I be trying to make her do it? Or will she do it when she's ready and I should just wait?

So a question for the cat owners... Cookie has been here for about 48 hours (dropped off Sunday afternoon around this time). My friend, who had her for a few weeks while I was traveling, brought some dry food and recommended some Friskies wet food as "what she's used to". Eventually I may try to find what's best for her health as the Friskies seems pretty cheap, but I wanted some sort of continuity for her so I thought sticking with what she already knew would be best for now. Anyways, I set out a cat dish with clean water on one side and dry food on the other, and have opened a few cans of the wet food over the last couple days.

She still seems apprehensive about the new space, but that's to be expected. She is using the litter box like a champ (no accidents or anything yet) and seems relatively fine, she will purr when I pet her even though she is still pretty cautious. But I have noticed that she isn't eating or drinking a lot. She has nibbled at the wet food and eaten some of it but I don't think she has touched the dry food at all, or had much of the water. Is this normal? She knows where the food and water is so I am assuming she will eat / drink when she needs to but should I be trying to make her do it? Or will she do it when she's ready and I should just wait?


I had a friend when i was in my twenties who used to feed his cat Stagg chilli
So a question for the cat owners... Cookie has been here for about 48 hours (dropped off Sunday afternoon around this time). My friend, who had her for a few weeks while I was traveling, brought some dry food and recommended some Friskies wet food as "what she's used to". Eventually I may try to find what's best for her health as the Friskies seems pretty cheap, but I wanted some sort of continuity for her so I thought sticking with what she already knew would be best for now. Anyways, I set out a cat dish with clean water on one side and dry food on the other, and have opened a few cans of the wet food over the last couple days.

She still seems apprehensive about the new space, but that's to be expected. She is using the litter box like a champ (no accidents or anything yet) and seems relatively fine, she will purr when I pet her even though she is still pretty cautious. But I have noticed that she isn't eating or drinking a lot. She has nibbled at the wet food and eaten some of it but I don't think she has touched the dry food at all, or had much of the water. Is this normal? She knows where the food and water is so I am assuming she will eat / drink when she needs to but should I be trying to make her do it? Or will she do it when she's ready and I should just wait?

She's still getting used to her new home. Give her time. She will eat when she thinks it's safe to.
It's a highly stressful situation no matter how much love and care you're giving the cat so it'll jist take time for her to find her appetite.

Our first dog trainer said "6 weeks in is when you'll know the REAL dog you've rehomed" it just takes time mate.
So a question for the cat owners... Cookie has been here for about 48 hours (dropped off Sunday afternoon around this time). My friend, who had her for a few weeks while I was traveling, brought some dry food and recommended some Friskies wet food as "what she's used to". Eventually I may try to find what's best for her health as the Friskies seems pretty cheap, but I wanted some sort of continuity for her so I thought sticking with what she already knew would be best for now. Anyways, I set out a cat dish with clean water on one side and dry food on the other, and have opened a few cans of the wet food over the last couple days.

She still seems apprehensive about the new space, but that's to be expected. She is using the litter box like a champ (no accidents or anything yet) and seems relatively fine, she will purr when I pet her even though she is still pretty cautious. But I have noticed that she isn't eating or drinking a lot. She has nibbled at the wet food and eaten some of it but I don't think she has touched the dry food at all, or had much of the water. Is this normal? She knows where the food and water is so I am assuming she will eat / drink when she needs to but should I be trying to make her do it? Or will she do it when she's ready and I should just wait?


Best practice is to keep the food, water, and litter box in 3 separate places.
As said previously, new adult cats take time to acclimate.
Our 4 cats' water and food bowls (2 ea.) are all in the kitchen with some space between them. The litter box is in the guest bathroom. YMMV

A clean litter box makes a cat(s) consistent. Personally, I never flush cat waste down the toilet. I save plastic grocery bags that have no holes for that. I like hooded litter boxes, plus I put a small paw cleaning mat in front of it.

Just picked Lola up from doggy day care and she got an awesome report.

Seen some more videos too. She doesn't really run or play with the other dogs but she's happy to let them run around her and have a little sniff.

Said she's great with her commands too.
