Pets of Wein

So sorry to hear that Tilsta. I'm sure her life, albeit short, has been an awesome one thanks to you and your family.
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mojo :frown: it's always hard but 5 years has got to be rough. On the plus side you were fortunate to have a "last night" as weird as that sounds. The dog I had before Callie was similar, I had discovered he had bone cancer and not long to live so I went about three weeks knowing and everyday was special....the last night he got a whole steak and a bowl of milk ! With Callie she was having trouble standing for quite a while but otherwise fine then one morning her face was swollen and touching it caused pain....she had infected teeth and at her age of 14 and difficulty standing it was time...thatr was a bit harder because it was so sudden.


I wanted to give the old man dog I just had to put down a steak on his way out but he couldn’t even eat rice.

This one is sadly on her last night among the living. A very fast onset non-drug responsive lymphoma. She was fine like a month ago, an now can no longer even stand. She came home from the vet tonight so we could all say goodbye. Five years old is too young to lose a dog. Tomorrow she is back at the vet to be put down.

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Much mojo. So sorry .
I wanted to give the old man dog I just had to put down a steak on his way out but he couldn’t even eat rice.

:frown: I think pets can read our minds , they have a mental telepathy type thing's like how they can know when we're sad or excited. They read us good. I bet your dog knew and appreciated the thought nonetheless :)
This one is sadly on her last night among the living. A very fast onset non-drug responsive lymphoma. She was fine like a month ago, an now can no longer even stand. She came home from the vet tonight so we could all say goodbye. Five years old is too young to lose a dog. Tomorrow she is back at the vet to be put down.

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That is so very sad. I am so sorry for y'all. I had to put my pug Camilla down a few years back as she could no longer walk. She was only 8.
I hope you had a lovely last bit of time with your dog Tilsta.

Big day for Lola, Mrs JBJ has a back to office day so it's the first time she'll be left in throughout the day.

She does OK for a few hours alone and my MIL is coming up at lunchtime to let her out for a pee and a bit of company at lunchtime but it'll be the longest she's been away from my wife and I.
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Big day for Lola tomorrow - we're trying her out in a doggy day care.

Mrs JBJ is going back to the office a day or two from January so we've decided to be pro-active and get her settled in.

I'm sure she'll be fine but there's an anxiety that she'll be absolutely nuts around the other dogs. Hopefully not though :embarrassed: She does surprise us with how well she copes and how far she's come on so I'm sure she'll be fine.

We took her to the big GSD meet up on Sunday for the first time in a while and I'm 99.9% convinced she just wants to play with the dogs, she was lunging and barking but in a yelpy way. Apparently Saturdays are much quieter so we're going to try that out and if she gets on OK tomorrow I'm going to try her off the lead - we'll make her some doggy friends come hell or high water :)
The Pointer I posted months ago had to go back, unfortunately she was extremely aggressive towards my youngest son, which was a deal breaker. We finally found a rescue puppy that we will be bringing home Friday.

Meet Coco

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The Pointer I posted months ago had to go back, unfortunately she was extremely aggressive towards my youngest son, which was a deal breaker. We finally found a rescue puppy that we will be bringing home Friday.

Meet Coco

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just old is your son? I was u nder the impression your kids were grown ups?
23. Still, I'm not adopting a dog that bares his teeth, growls and lunges at any family member when he walks in the door. It started out sketchy, and got much worse quickly.
yeah i can see that.It's weird how dogs can be perfectly fine with some people and others not so. I'm not putting the blame on your son. I mean brownie the work dog is perfectly fine with most people but others he will bark at non stop. he seems to react positively to those who engage him and interact with him. Specifically parts drivers. The ones who are hesitant and stand offish he starts barking at. The ones who talk to him and play around with him he's like their long lost friend. My theory is some people just give of a trigger.Most likely it's either a conscious fear type aura or a subconcious one and it probably gets interpeted by the dog in a primal way and confuses them and they sense unpredictability in the person and then it's fight or flight response.
yeah i can see that.It's weird how dogs can be perfectly fine with some people and others not so. I'm not putting the blame on your son. I mean brownie the work dog is perfectly fine with most people but others he will bark at non stop. he seems to react positively to those who engage him and interact with him. Specifically parts drivers. The ones who are hesitant and stand offish he starts barking at. The ones who talk to him and play around with him he's like their long lost friend. My theory is some people just give of a trigger.Most likely it's either a conscious fear type aura or a subconcious one and it probably gets interpeted by the dog in a primal way and confuses them and they sense unpredictability in the person and then it's fight or flight response.

He's a total dog person, watching neighbors dogs from the time he was 8, walking them, hangs with all pups and has never had a single issue at all. It was her. She didn't want to share her new family. Came from an older couple, substituted them for us but that was it. It was sad, because otherwise she was great, if a bit insane. She would fixate intensely on a shiny object or light, and lose all contact with anything else including us. For minutes at a time, then she would snap out of it and be a goofball for any random amount of time, repeat. Pointerss can be weird, had one as a kid.
We are having a trial sleepover tonight with a doggo! He's a 9 month old GS/Cattle dog mix named Tucker. My niece got him and then had to move to Texas and they can't have a dog on base (husband in the Army) so we are going to see if he is a fit for us. I'm excited!
Aaaaaand my BIL is a dick. He says we can't have the dog so he's not coming for the sleepover. They have 5 dogs! My SIL is the one that said we should check it out and if we liked him we could keep him but when she told dick head he said no.
Aaaaaand my BIL is a dick. He says we can't have the dog so he's not coming for the sleepover. They have 5 dogs! My SIL is the one that said we should check it out and if we liked him we could keep him but when she told dick head he said no.
did he say why ? ask her/him why? Anyway he sounds like a total dick and perfect for the military

*edit* hopefully you can adopt one from a shelter or rescue.