OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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also, if their net worth is over a million dollars, they should be disqualified immediately.
Thats kinda bullshit. What if someone lives here in Orange, has paid their house off and has some savings? that could put them over that limit immediately. I have no problem with people having money. Its their behavior once they have it that is the issue.
They should at least have to pass the citizenship test. Or at least watch some Schoolhouse Rock.
I spent yesterday driving to Florida. I have revised my plan for what to do with the money when I win the lottery. I am going to buy a ton of billboards on the 95 corridor and put signs that say "Real men seek Allah" "Need answers, look to Allah"

The number of freaking Jesus billboards is insane. If you have to put up billboards to attract people to your religion, you're doing it wrong.
I spent yesterday driving to Florida. I have revised my plan for what to do with the money when I win the lottery. I am going to buy a ton of billboards on the 95 corridor and put signs that say "Real men seek Allah" "Need answers, look to Allah"

The number of freaking Jesus billboards is insane. If you have to put up billboards to attract people to your religion, you're doing it wrong.

They don't pay any taxes, so at least some of that filthy lucre is going back into the local economy via ad revenue.
Thats kinda bullshit. What if someone lives here in Orange, has paid their house off and has some savings? that could put them over that limit immediately. I have no problem with people having money. Its their behavior once they have it that is the issue.

Agreed. Even if we wanted to disqualify the obscenely rich (which would be a pretty weird standard), $1 million is nowhere near obscenely rich these days. IMO it is maybe barely enough to retire on, if you're careful...
Thats kinda bullshit. What if someone lives here in Orange, has paid their house off and has some savings? that could put them over that limit immediately. I have no problem with people having money. Its their behavior once they have it that is the issue.
the reason i say that, and maybe a million is too low, but i am sick and tired of this country being run by multi-million/billionaires. they have NO connection to the 95% of folks that have to work for a living, and often paycheck to paycheck. they (the rich politicians) have shown, for decades, that they have absolutely no idea what everyone else goes thru day to day, year to year. they're off on some rich bitch cloud. i just don't think the top 5% should be running the country.
the reason i say that, and maybe a million is too low, but i am sick and tired of this country being run by multi-million/billionaires. they have NO connection to the 95% of folks that have to work for a living, and often paycheck to paycheck. they (the rich politicians) have shown, for decades, that they have absolutely no idea what everyone else goes thru day to day, year to year. they're off on some rich bitch cloud. i just don't think the top 5% should be running the country.
I don't think that tying net worth and ability to run for office makes sense. At that point it's just class warfare.

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the reason i say that, and maybe a million is too low, but i am sick and tired of this country being run by multi-million/billionaires. they have NO connection to the 95% of folks that have to work for a living, and often paycheck to paycheck. they (the rich politicians) have shown, for decades, that they have absolutely no idea what everyone else goes thru day to day, year to year. they're off on some rich bitch cloud. i just don't think the top 5% should be running the country.

There are certainly valid concerns with lawmakers being out of touch with regular folks, and with having a de facto aristocracy. But if the alternative is to only have less-successful people running the show...
I spent yesterday driving to Florida. I have revised my plan for what to do with the money when I win the lottery. I am going to buy a ton of billboards on the 95 corridor and put signs that say "Real men seek Allah" "Need answers, look to Allah"

The number of freaking Jesus billboards is insane. If you have to put up billboards to attract people to your religion, you're doing it wrong.
well...if you did that....the billboards would just get burned down.
I haven't been able to keep up with the last couple pages of this monster so don't know if this has been posted. But look at this interesting move by members of the UN regarding proposed GOP laws to restrict protests.
i had not seen that a bunch of states were attempting to pass laws restricing free speach, although it does not surprise me in the least. not anymore.
There are certainly valid concerns with lawmakers being out of touch with regular folks, and with having a de facto aristocracy. But if the alternative is to only have less-successful people running the show...
i don't believe that success and net worth are necessarily related. i'm tired of the 1% running the country for their (and friends and family) profit.

"hey......we need to make a few hundred billion......let's start a war and rake it in."
I don't think that tying net worth and ability to run for office makes sense. At that point it's just class warfare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro has been class warefare for a hundred years.

maybe it's time for the regular people to have the upper hand.....for a change.
I don't think that tying net worth and ability to run for office makes sense. At that point it's just class warfare.

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I get what Mongooz is getting at but there is really no way of getting it fixed. Like when George HW Bush was running for president and went to a grocery store and was amazed at the machine that scanned the bar code. You know, the thing that had been in grocery stores for a decade. It showed how out of touch with the real world he was. When you listen to most of the GOP talking about healthcare, it shows how they have no clue what ordinary people go through with medical bills. It's real easy for them to say all you have to do is out in hard work and you can achieve anything, when they were sent to exclusive prep schools and had daddy give them a million dollars to start off with.
The trick is to get people to vote against politicians who don't have their best interests at heart and vote for people who have a basic level of empathy. So basically some sort of fantasy land.
while at this point in time, short of a revolution, the answer will never happen. it's called campaign finance reform. go back to the way it was done in the 70's. that is, limit contributions per person and per company. and each candidate gets X dollars, from a gov't fund, and that's what you have to run your campaign.

what we have now is, who ever has the most money.....wins the presidency. period.

but, as i said, now that the 1% are fully in charge, it's never going back to sensible.
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