OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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As FBI probe continues, Trump says it’s ‘not too late’ to fire Comey

"....Trump went on to say, after noting that “it’s not too late” to oust Comey from his post, “We’ll see what happens. You know, it’s going to be interesting.”

so....if comey doesn't find a way to prove that no one in dumpster's regime are guilty of colluding with russia, his job is on the line?

if i'm comey.....i'm going to go great guns on 'getting 'trump. everything except lying or fabrication. but everything else would be on the table. every intel agency in the world would be pressed into divulging what they know. fuck that cheeto faced shit gibbon.
I hope he got a pedicure to go with those flip flops.

It's not like they were ever strongly held or well reasoned opinions in the first place....IMO, it was all just what played to the demographic they were targeting during the primaries & election. edit: and those folks don't seem to mind at all that he's changed fundamental positions as long as he keeps telling them what they want to hear.
It's not like they were ever strongly held or well reasoned opinions in the first place....IMO, it was all just what played to the demographic they were targeting during the primaries & election. edit: and those folks don't seem to mind at all that he's changed fundamental positions as long as he keeps telling them what they want to hear.
But that's the scary part: he's now telling them the opposite of what they want to hear and they don't care.
As long as he blows that racist dog whistle every once in a while, his support base will stay with him.

The moment he begins to acknowledge Muslims, blacks, hispanics, etc as American citizens...his political career is over.
if he boots bannon, that support base is gonna go into the dumper. bannon will RAIL against him in every way he can.
and trump is NOT going to choose bannon over his daughter and her husband. bannon is no profit genius, kushner is.
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