OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I'm not sure if Oklahoma not having a state science fair anymore or:

Just to add insult to injury, the Oklahoma Homeschool Science Fair is now the largest scholastic science event in the state. Remember that thing? It’s the one where students have to include a Bible verse in their exhibit.

For more:

well since scott pruitt (you remember him....the EPA director who is trying to put it out of business).....well prior to being the EPA anti-czar....he was the oklahoma the home bible schooling doesn't surprise me. a common history lesson teaches how the dinosaurs shared the flat earth with humans, just before jeezuz was born. :(
"“This confirms all of my suspicions about unjustified, politically motivated government surveillance,” Page said in an interview Tuesday. “I have nothing to hide.” He compared surveillance of him to the eavesdropping that the FBI and Justice Department conducted against civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr."

Boy oh boy, that's another doozie of a comparison today.

well.....his boss does an awful lot of over the top comparisons too. usually in tweets
is the Holocaust Center next to the Abortionplex?

Funny how the Syrian bombing happened at the exact same time that the NYT revealed Kushner "forgot" to mention he had dozens of meetings with Russian spies.

And how Spicer said ridiculous shit about the Holocaust, during Passover, on the same day that the Washington Post interviewed Carter Page to ask for comment about him being the target of a FISA warrant.
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