OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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at least some republicans are breaking from the teabagger conservative white caucus.

Reversal: Some Republicans now defending parts of ObamaCare

“My family history is really bad, and so my understanding of the impact of insurance regs are real, and I believe I'm a conservative, so I look at this, understand the impact of regulation, but also the impact of really bad practices in the insurance marketplace prior to the ACA passing,” he continued. “There are a lot of provisions that I've campaigned on for four election cycles that are part of the law now that I want to preserve.”
Trump's extra long ties now have their own Twitter account.






THIS is the kind of journalism that should be coming from every media outlet, 24-7.

The Trouble With Trump’s White House Is Donald Trump

"Trump is faced with terrible options when it comes to rearranging the deck chairs on the SS White House, and those of us who warned you this was inevitable are ordering popcorn. The cancer in the presidency isn’t his staff—though they reflect his shoddy intellect, his shallow impulsiveness, his loose grasp of reality, and Chinese-menu ideology. The problem is Trump himself, and nothing and no one can change that."

How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler

How to cover the rise of a political leader who’s left a paper trail of anti-constitutionalism, racism and the encouragement of violence? Does the press take the position that its subject acts outside the norms of society? Or does it take the position that someone who wins a fair election is by definition “normal,” because his leadership reflects the will of the people?

These are the questions that confronted the U.S. press after the ascendance of fascist leaders in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.
How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler

How to cover the rise of a political leader who’s left a paper trail of anti-constitutionalism, racism and the encouragement of violence? Does the press take the position that its subject acts outside the norms of society? Or does it take the position that someone who wins a fair election is by definition “normal,” because his leadership reflects the will of the people?

These are the questions that confronted the U.S. press after the ascendance of fascist leaders in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.

but "his leadership" does not reflect the will of the people. he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. and that doesn't count the people who didn't bother because the choices were f'ing terrible.

also, the press should cover the cheeto according to how all those before him have been covered and how they cover everything else. just because someone got (so-called) elected, normal does not change to that person's views. THAT is how the fascists got into power, the media changed the way they covered things to suit the fascists and thereby made their bullshit seem normal.
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