OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I personally am disappointed the Dems filibustered and risked the rules change. I did not like the GOP's failure to give Garland a hearing, but did not like it any more when the Dems pulled this filibuster, especially given the risk. I guess "Whatever." Not sure what else there is to say.

Oh, and whether Hillary would have launched missiles, as I have heard reported, I am not stoked cheeto-face got to use the Syrian tragedy to try and regain some control of his presidency. Some people can't help but rally if the president goes and shoots at something for some reason.
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I was disappointed as well at first. But, I realized that it would have happened sooner or later anyway, so the Democrats might as well go ahead and shoot their wad now.
yep....the GOP was looking for that fight. they were going to change the rule no matter what. only when.
Forcing the GOP to change the filibuster rules early may end be a good long-term strategy. With the filibuster in place the House GOP could pass all kinds of wacky shit to keep their base excited, knowing that it would get filibustered in the Senate. Then they could blame the libtards for holding back God’s agenda. Now the House GOP either has to tone it down so their base isn’t constantly attacking the senate for being globalist cuckservative RINOs. That will disappoint the Tea Party, reducing 2018 voter turnout, and forcing some House GOP members into ugly primary battles that weaken them before the general elections.
I personally am disappointed the Dems filibustered and risked the rules change. I did not like the GOP's failure to give Garland a hearing, but did not like it any more when the Dems pulled this filibuster, especially given the risk. I guess "Whatever." Not sure what else there is to say.

Oh, and whether Hillary would have launched missiles, as I have heard reported, I am not stoked cheeto-face got to use the Syrian tragedy to try and regain some control of his presidency. Some people can't help but rally if the president goes and shoots at something for some reason.

Around: A thing that not only comes, but also goes

In the ass this will bite them /yoda
trump all of sudden cares about syrian kids and will help them by bombing them instead of helping to find them safe places to live.

i love that the alt right is jumping off the trump train. hopefully his approval rating dips into the 20s.

Something just occurred to me. What if Kushner and Ivanka put their lives on hold and moved to DC because they were afraid of leaving Trump alone with Bannon?

What if someone handed me a shit sandwich so I didn't have to eat the shit salad? What's your fucking point Walter?
Something just occurred to me. What if Kushner and Ivanka put their lives on hold and moved to DC because they were afraid of leaving Trump alone with Bannon?
No, she didn't want to be apart from her daddy.


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Mebbe. But it is all just part of sinking with the GOP to new lows. Judicial selection should not be so politicized. Real lawmakers should know this.

what the fuck are you talking about?

there are NO 'real' law makers in the GOP. only tyrants. they're entire purpose is to make greater and greater profits.....AT ALL COSTS.
stop thinking this is is not. that ship sailed. our only purpose at this point is to find a way to dislodge these greedy pirates.
Can someone here please explain how 59 Tomahawk missiles fails to disable a runway?

Distraction from Russia scandal while working with Putin. Joint effort.
agree. each tomahawk missile carries a 1000 pound warhead. times 59 of them (as advertised). the entire base should have been wiped from the earth. that's almos 60,000 pounds of very high yield ordinance. tomahawk warheads use octol, very high yield and quite expensive to make. so almost a B-52's fully loaded with standard Mark 82's , that's the equivalent.

there's no way a runway would still be in existence if they really used that many tomahawks and they hit the target they were supposed (advertised) to.
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