OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Well, I'll be.

Jared Kushner, the slimy little weasel currently embroiled in a dudefight with the porcine and inflamed Stephen Bannon, reportedly withheld dozens of meetings and contacts with Russian officials when he applied for the top-secret security clearance that he so greatly desires.

The New York Times reports that when applying for this security clearance, Kushner was required to disclose any and all contacts with foreign governments—the omission of which his lawyer is referring to as a “mistake.” Some of these meetings include one in December with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak as well as a meeting with Sergey N. Gorkov, a head of Russian-state owned Vnesheconombank who also happens to be a graduate of Russia’s spy school.

Kushner’s lawyer says that the form was submitted inadvertently on January 18 and that he notified the F.B.I the next day that he’d be providing “supplemental information.” Almost three months later, Kushner is still preparing that information and has decided to share it with the F.B.I. when he speaks to investigators working on untangling the matted, greasy ball of yarn that is the question of Russian involvement in the election.

At one of Kushner’s meetings with Kislyak, former national security adviser Michael Flynn —the man currently seeking immunity in exchange for testifying in the Trump-Russia investigation — was present. Interesting to note about Vnesheconombank is that they are currently the target of American sanctions and also have deep ties to Vladimir Putin —their funds have been tapped to bail out oligarchs Putin likes and also to fund the Sochi Olympics.

After Kushner learned of the mistake, he said in a statement:

“During the presidential campaign and transition period, I served as a point-of-contact for foreign officials trying to reach the President-Elect. I had numerous contacts with foreign officials in this capacity. … I would be happy to provide additional information about these contacts.”
The Times notes that some who hold the kind of security clearance that Kushner’s greasy little hands are seeking can amend forms and avoid punishments if the things they’ve left out are “oversights rather than deliberate falsifications.” Given the stinking, fetid pile of rotten fish that is currently in charge of this country, who can say if this whoopsie-daisy is deliberate or not?

Until he supplies the supplemental information or until he speaks with the F.B.I., Kushner currently holds an interim security clearance.​
Assad’s own people could take him out and immediately sue for peace to avoid further bloodshed. At this point the sunni and shia in Syria might be so sick of war that they’ll let the alawites live. Seems like the rest of the world would support that to avoid a repeat of the post-Saddam Iraqi civil war. Kushner and Trump would love to say they brought peace to Syria in their first 100 days. And it would be a steaming dump on Bannon’s Islamophobic rhetoric that could push him right out of the White House.

Seems like the MO of govts like Assad's is to consolidate power at the top and eliminate any one below who could be a threat or isn't loyal to the cause...leaving no one who can steady the govt in the dictators absence. Is there anyone in his govt that could legitimately assume power with mass support? Or would they wind up in Egyptian style confusion.

But this could all be Bannon’s plan to create a Muslim meat grinder in the Middle East. Decapitate the alawite regime, let the sunni and shia start fighting. Let Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran get pulled in, the Saudis flounder. Oil prices spike so the world moves to other fuels and the Arabs lose their income. It has the potential to drag the Middle East back to where it was before the oil wells.

Some outlets are suggesting that Bannon and his camp are getting pushed to the sidelines after the healthcare debacle and Kushner's people are growing in influence in the administration....sounds a good old ideological power struggle going on.
Funny how different things are when you're the one in the hot seat, isn't it?

I don't golf or search for anything golf related so that ad placement was kinda funny for our Florida golf weekender in Chief who ripped into our prior president on a regular basis for the same thing
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I don't get the GOP's position that we can a should attack various leaders without input from the UN. I know it started with Bush and I know why, and it wasn't 9/11. The UN was fully behind US retaliation...but Iraq was bullshit and they new it.

So dismissing the UN and getting the US involved in more wars that were NOT direct threats to the U.S. is asinine. We are not the World's police, but what's more is the ability and strong likelihood of a coalition coming together to take on that Putin wouldn't want to go up against. Now we've got rogue GOP pseudo mancho bullshit knee-jerk reactionary stupidity. This might be the type of thing Putin was hoping for with regards to at least tacit support of Trump becoming president.

I just threw up in my mouth a little...I thought I was finally over that.
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trump all of sudden cares about syrian kids and will help them by bombing them instead of helping to find them safe places to live.

i love that the alt right is jumping off the trump train. hopefully his approval rating dips into the 20s.
I hope the Trump stank rubs off on GOP senators and reps.

It needs to. McConnell disgusts me more and more each day. Ryan is pathetic chump that's way out of his depth (yet scarily yielding a HUGE amount of power). McCain talks the good talk, but keeps cowing in the end...he's becoming sadder and more pathetic. If he would just take a stance against Trump and stay there he'd be a hero, but the party allegiance is just fucking him and all his GOP colleagues up.

It's amazing to me how little they have done using traditional legislative processes. Everything is either an executive order or some closed door session that isn't including the officials elected by the people to give voice to their wants, needs, and concerns. The GOP is becoming complicit in dismantling our democracy.
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trump all of sudden cares about syrian kids and will help them by bombing them instead of helping to find them safe places to live.

i love that the alt right is jumping off the trump train. hopefully his approval rating dips into the 20s.

hopefully it goes much much lower than that.

"YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!" :grin:
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