OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Our Reichstag Fire moment has arrived. It only took him 11 weeks.
Talk about burying the lead... Journalism at its worst, even if it ends up being true.

I'm always leary of Raw Story because they don't use journalistic standards and I'm never quite sure if they're real or fake.

Nah, for the full effect, he needs a bigly terrorist attack on US soil to implement increased control in the name of nations nail security. This wasn't it.

Stay tuned, however... that we've attacked syria, and by proxy, russia and iran.....expect some kind of response. it's almost like walking up to the school bully and punching him in the tummy. that we've attacked syria, and by proxy, russia and iran.....expect some kind of response. it's almost like walking up to the school bully and punching him in the tummy.
Still not anything like a Reichstag fire event.

Just in, Russian troops may have been at the airbase that we attacked. Russia was notified of the target and timing, so no telling if that had changed anything. that we've attacked syria, and by proxy, russia and iran.....expect some kind of response. it's almost like walking up to the school bully and punching him in the tummy.

I’m sure a deal was brokered with Russia in advance. Putin doesn’t actually give a fuck about Assad or Syria. He just doesn’t want the Arabs building an oil pipeline through Syria and into Eastern Europe. If Putin has been assured there won’t be a pipeline he’ll let Assad burn. And he may have been offered a break on sanctions, which might be worth more than preventing the pipeline, given the expected downward trend in fossil fuel prices.
I’m sure a deal was brokered with Russia in advance. Putin doesn’t actually give a fuck about Assad or Syria. He just doesn’t want the Arabs building an oil pipeline through Syria and into Eastern Europe. If Putin has been assured there won’t be a pipeline he’ll let Assad burn. And he may have been offered a break on sanctions, which might be worth more than preventing the pipeline, given the expected downward trend in fossil fuel prices.
i guess we'll see.
Still not anything like a Reichstag fire event.

Just in, Russian troops may have been at the airbase that we attacked. Russia was notified of the target and timing, so no telling if that had changed anything.
I’m sure a deal was brokered with Russia in advance. Putin doesn’t actually give a fuck about Assad or Syria. He just doesn’t want the Arabs building an oil pipeline through Syria and into Eastern Europe. If Putin has been assured there won’t be a pipeline he’ll let Assad burn. And he may have been offered a break on sanctions, which might be worth more than preventing the pipeline, given the expected downward trend in fossil fuel prices.

U.S. officials said the Russians, who maintain significant forces in Syria, were given advance warning of the strike. There is a Russian military area at the base that was hit, but the U.S. took precautions not to strike that area, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss operations..
U.S. officials said the Russians, who maintain significant forces in Syria, were given advance warning of the strike.

Anderson Cooper had a talking head on who had been to the target air base back when the US and Syria were cooperating. His take was that the attack was all about location. This air base isn’t out in the middle of nowhere like the secret facilities Israel hits now and then. This air base is where it will be seen and the Assad regime can’t spin or cover up the USA bombing it. So it’s a good start on destabilizing whatever support Assad has left. So it doesn’t matter if the Russians warned everybody to clear out; the real damage is mental.
Anderson Cooper had a talking head on who had been to the target air base back when the US and Syria were cooperating. His take was that the attack was all about location. This air base isn’t out in the middle of nowhere like the secret facilities Israel hits now and then. This air base is where it will be seen and the Assad regime can’t spin or cover up the USA bombing it. So it’s a good start on destabilizing whatever support Assad has left. So it doesn’t matter if the Russians warned everybody to clear out; the real damage is mental.

The situation there is a supreme clusterfuck. I'm not well versed on the politics of the region but it seems like from everything I've read or seen it seems like a stalemate of no practical solutions. Is there an outside third option that's not Assad or the rebels who present a legitimate path forward?
Is there an outside third option that's not Assad or the rebels who present a legitimate path forward?

Assad’s own people could take him out and immediately sue for peace to avoid further bloodshed. At this point the sunni and shia in Syria might be so sick of war that they’ll let the alawites live. Seems like the rest of the world would support that to avoid a repeat of the post-Saddam Iraqi civil war. Kushner and Trump would love to say they brought peace to Syria in their first 100 days. And it would be a steaming dump on Bannon’s Islamophobic rhetoric that could push him right out of the White House.

But this could all be Bannon’s plan to create a Muslim meat grinder in the Middle East. Decapitate the alawite regime, let the sunni and shia start fighting. Let Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran get pulled in, the Saudis flounder. Oil prices spike so the world moves to other fuels and the Arabs lose their income. It has the potential to drag the Middle East back to where it was before the oil wells.
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