OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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yeah but after all those years complaining surely they would have all these awesome ideas in place ready to go when they got control right?!? i mean they made so many grand promises...

what he is actually saying: we need to gut healthcare from the needy first to get the savings needed to further lower taxes on the rich with tax reform.
Dear Donal Trump and all your piece of shit campaign workers, advisors, etc.

Don't appear to be a threat to the security of the United States and, the national security advisor will keep her nose out of your business.

Hugs and Kisses

White supremacist asks Muslim lawyer why there is no 'Christian ISIS,' gets schooled.



what's interesting is that they denied his request for immunity. usually you give immunity to people to make a case against their higher up which would be trump. if they don't need flynn it might mean they already have what they need to get both of them.
it might also mean that they're not sure what he's got to say and don't want an ollie north thing where they grant it and then he sits there and claims he has no "recollection" of the events.


they DO have some info and they're planning on crucifying him, hence no immunity.
If we're going back in time, his dad sounds like a racist piece of filth too...

Not that I would defend a racist piece of filth, but he wasn't the presidents main advisor. We don't have time to go back and stop every racist piece of crap from being born. Although we would have a time machine....
Class in America and Donald Trump
Historian Nancy Isenberg talks about why the GOP presidential nominee resonates with poor whites and what Bernie Sanders got wrong about this long-vilified group.

An interesting read about what is rarely spoken of.

" It is difficult for Americans to talk about class because it contradicts our myths and rhetoric about the promise of the American Dream. Americans celebrate the abstract notion of equality, but history tells us that we have never embraced genuine equality."

IDK, the ideal of equality & a class-less society is a whoe lot different than the reality that we live in and most would acknowledge; many people believe in the ideal but also recognize the reality that we've never been there. To say social mobility is a myth really depends on what you consider social the extent that it is tied to economic status, it's hard to argue it's a myth from my POV.
So I haven't checked in on this thread in I think about 30 pages.

I hate that despite the shit they're doing that my life is carrying on rather seamlessly. I guess this is how it was for the Tea Party folks with Obama...they hated it, but it didn't infringe upon their lives in any significant way. This is different as this bag of dicks wants to infringe upon my friends and neighbors that are immigrants, Muslims, and LGBTQ, as well as rape our planet to increase the insane profits of all of their friends.

The most I've thought about president shit-for-brains in the last week or so are a few days of just enjoying life and actually forgetting he's our President. It sounds wonderful, I know. But it's crushing when the the momentarily repressed knowledge surfaces and you become newly aware that this did, in fact, happen and that we have elected one of the worst people to ever to the office.

We've had bad presidents and more than a few that were on the wrong side of history, but they were for better or worse, men of their times. So in some cases that meant seeing Native Americans as heathens and worthy of genocide, while also thinking that slavery was an okay practice and that the people we selected to be our slaves were somehow less than us because of their increased melanin levels, seeing women as objects of pleasure and procreation that were not worthy of a voice in our society, claiming religious freedom while shoving Christianity don everyone's through, welcoming many new immigrants only to marginalize and segregate them, being warmongers creating and then having the audacity to use the most horrible and devastating weapons known to man...and so on and son on. None of this being accepted at different times makes them acceptable, even historically.

But now we have group of mostly men in a party that will seemingly not accept their times. We are in a time of tolerance and acceptance. Every gender, race, orientation, religion (or lack thereof), nationality, etc. has a place at our table. Our common global enemies are those who not only refuse to accept our differences, but who refuse to embrace those differences as some of our greatest strengths.

This is a time where everyone has access to more knowledge and information than ever before. Yet these GOP asshats and fools that support them belittle education, if not fear it. They speak of it as a negative, yet most of the politicians have masters and/or law degrees. These two-faced fucks have added "educated" to the list of growing offenses and things to fear from the left along with liberalism and socialism and equality and tolerance.

So Ima get out of here again.

Peace to you all and resist.
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should be interesting to see what happens with syria. does trump go against putin and use force against assad? or does he back down from saying using chemical weapons crossed a line?

seems like all he is doing is blaming obama, which is par for the course, but now he is in the same situation that he criticized obama for back in 2013 and it seems like he is screwed either route he chooses.

if you really think about it he basically took both sides of the issue in his campaign. america first, we should focus on our country first and not involve ourselves in other countries issues. meanwhile condemning obama for not using force when chemical weapons were used in 2013. you really can't have it both ways.
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