OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Say what they want, Twin Falls is kind of a hole.

Yes, Chobani is a bit of a bright spot, and I like that owner. (but it is still dairy, see dairy problems below) But way too many Mormons, lots of sprawl, out in the windy high desert surrounded by stinky dairy and ag land, and is the land of Walmart. Not my bag. We go down there for kids' soccer and the like, and to do Costco runs, but try to get out of there as soon as possible.

Some of the rest of the story about dairy in the area:

Abused animals:

Manure water:

More polluted water:

but.....they're making a profit, so none of that other shit matters. ask Pruitt.
Getting tired of these right-wing fuckheads throwing around terms like "unmasking" like they've been privy to the ins-and-outs of intelligence for years rather than something they picked up on TV last week. must be absolutely enthralled by the current admin. then. they throw around terminology that they just saw in a tweet, and don't even know how to spell some of it.
in case many aren't following (too closely) the whole debate about the Trumpcaresless, aka AHCA, between the admin, the conservatives and the moderates....lemme a sum up......

the conservatives want the states to be able to opt out of three provisions that were in ACA, after the AHCA basically defunds the federal money to it.
two of the 3 provisions are "essential health benefits" and "community rating". politico speak.
commnunity rating means pre-existing conditions, so the states could opt out of covering a person with pre-existing conditions at a similar rate as someone without the pre-existing conditions. according to the ultra right, this would allow the premiums to be a lower cost. [well no shit, if you eliminate everyone who's sick].

then, even more importantly, the "essential health benefits" clause, and it could be opted out also. but wait, let's look at what that polito speak crap means. here's list of the things that are part of "essential health benefits".

These essential health benefits include at least the following items and services:

  1. Outpatient care—the kind you get without being admitted to a hospital
  2. Trips to the emergency room
  3. Treatment in the hospital for inpatient care
  4. Care before and after your baby is born
  5. Mental health and substance use disorder services: This includes behavioral health treatment, counseling, and psychotherapy
  6. Your prescription drugs
  7. Services and devices to help you recover if you are injured, or have a disability or chronic condition. This includes physical and occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, psychiatric rehabilitation, and more.
  8. Your lab tests
  9. Preventive services including counseling, screenings, and vaccines to keep you healthy and care for managing a chronic disease.
  10. Pediatric services: This includes dental care and vision care for kids.
so.....the states could opt out of these also....TO LOWER PREMIUMS.

[well no fucking shit it would lower premiums, it would basically not cover you at all]

so this is what cheeto and company want to put out there for everyone. "everyone gets health care and everyone will be able to afford it" the fucker said.

more like either you won't have coverage or it will cost YOU half your fucking yearly income.

why the fuck isn't the media hanging these assholes out to dry? if they came out with stories like "this is what your heathcare would look like if dumpster gets his way"....there'd be riots in the streets.


It is worse than we thought. Sad!

I love this:

"The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, contended that Bannon was placed on the committee in part to monitor Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and never attended a meeting. He’s no longer needed with McMaster in charge of the council, the official said."

So we had to put Bannon there because we knew Flynn was a double agent and needed to keep tabs on him. Now we don't have a double agent so there's no problem. :facepalm:
trump said flynn is a good guy though right?

trump said he should get immunity.

why do good guys need immunity and someone else on the NSC to monitor them?
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