OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Nah, we have a long way to fall, even if the current downward direction continues to accelerate.

You'll know we're fucked if I have to go out and buy an assault rifle for home fucking defense. :mad:
been looking into it.
Poll: Trump's approval rating sinks further

"Thirty-five percent approve of Trump’s job performance in the latest Quinnipiac University survey, while 57 percent disapprove and 8 percent are uncertain."

"Quinnipiac’s March 7 survey put Trump's approval rating at 41 percent, meaning that his score has tumbled by 6 points in just under a month."

"The latest Quinnipiac survey found several of Trump’s personal qualities are prompting negative reactions from respondents." [nooooo.....say it aint sooooo...]

"Fifty-seven percent say Trump does not care about average Americans, compared to 39 percent who say he does." [nooooo.....say it aint sooooo...]

"Sixty-six percent say the president is not level-headed, while 29 percent say he is normally composed." [nooooo.....say it aint sooooo...]

"Sixty-one percent say Trump is not honest compared to 34 percent who say he is honest." [nooooo.....say it aint sooooo...]

so is there anything in the constitution that would allow a vote of no confidence in a president so that he can be removed from office?? there should be. like say 120 days into the new admin., have a "re-vote" by the people, so they can change their minds if they feel they were hoodwinked.
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Report: Trump donor, Blackwater founder Erik Prince in secret meeting with Russian close to Putin

"The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between an American businessman (Erik Prince) supporting then President-elect Trump and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and the incoming president, The Washington Post reports."


Just like to point out that Erik Prince is Betsy DeVos' brother. But any possible connection to Trump is fake news, I'm quite sure.
Just like to point out that Erik Prince is Betsy DeVos' brother. But any possible connection to Trump is fake news, I'm quite sure.

I may be a bad person, but I am hoping that all of this stuff ends up to be illegal and DeVos and all of the other Trump folks end up in jail for this. All of them are in over their heads and know it. They couldn't be satisfied with being billionaires, so part of me would like to see them spend a few years behind bars. Then maybe they will change their minds about for profit prisons and wanting to dismantle public schools.
I may be a bad person, but I am hoping that all of this stuff ends up to be illegal and DeVos and all of the other Trump folks end up in jail for this. All of them are in over their heads and know it. They couldn't be satisfied with being billionaires, so part of me would like to see them spend a few years behind bars. Then maybe they will change their minds about for profit prisons and wanting to dismantle public schools. are KIND!!!!

i want to see the lot of them hanging by the neck from the street lights on Penn. Ave.!!!!!
Rep. Adam Schiff Just Blew Donald Trump’s Russia Cover Story Up Into A Million Pieces

"If the White House had any concerns over these documents, or any other documents, they should have provided them to our committee weeks ago. Additionally, the White House has yet to explain why it attempted to conceal its role in the compilation of these materials. The White House is not a whistleblower and nothing that I was shown justifies such duplicitous conduct."

thank you mister schiff. you are what the country & people need. someone who is not going to be lead around by the nose.
I may be a bad person, but I am hoping that all of this stuff ends up to be illegal and DeVos and all of the other Trump folks end up in jail for this. All of them are in over their heads and know it. They couldn't be satisfied with being billionaires, so part of me would like to see them spend a few years behind bars. Then maybe they will change their minds about for profit prisons and wanting to dismantle public schools.

Unfortunately, when dealing with the president and staff, "illegal" is whatever Congress decides it is.
If you oppose Trump, your children and their children will be cursed.

That's a whole 'nother level of crazy, right there.
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