OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I swear, I love Jim Wright like a brother. Or at least a first cousin.
this should be on every news station and every paper in the country, every day, until the investigation is concluded.

as i said several pages back. when there are this many people in dump's group that are getting caught up in foreign surveillance this many times....something is wrong. it's is not by accident and it is not coincidence. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!

i wish the media would stop tip toeing around and just call the asshole a liar to his face, on camera. same goes for his fucking goons.
just stand up in the press briefing and say it....."spicer, you're a godamned liar."
chelsea clinton on running for office. (she says she's not going to)

thank you chelsea, for not running for national public office. imo, the democratic party couldn't take another clinton bashing campaign from the right, and you don't need the hell they'll drag you through in that process.
Also, consider the fact that she hasn't done anything other than to be born to wealthy parents with a lot of political influence and marry rich.
Also, consider the fact that she hasn't done anything other than to be born to wealthy parents with a lot of political influence and marry rich.
well yea...she has NO experience in any political/public position. but trust me, there are legions out there that would vote for her just because she's a clinton.
the problem is that there are even more legions who will not, and that splits the party, which is exactly what happened back in november. i know lots of people who voted for "other" because they would not vote for hillary.
well, even if she did stay local, it wouldn't split the national party.

I'd be pretty happy if the Democrats split. And if the Republicans split. And if we had all new parties. So really, whatever it takes. But since she's not running for national office, I don't want her mucking up my local politics either.
chelsea clinton on running for office. (she says she's not going to)

thank you chelsea, for not running for national public office. imo, the democratic party couldn't take another clinton bashing campaign from the right, and you don't need the hell they'll drag you through in that process.

I think she should run. She would take all the attention away from other races and maybe the dems could steal a seat or 2. Put her up for a seat that the dems have no chance to win.
I think she should run. She would take all the attention away from other races and maybe the dems could steal a seat or 2. Put her up for a seat that the dems have no chance to win.

I didn't realize "carpetbagger" could be transferred generationally. :embarrassed:
I didn't realize "carpetbagger" could be transferred generationally. :embarrassed:

She doesn't really have a home state. Between living in DC for 8 years, then undergrad, grad school and getting a PhD. If it makes you feel better she can run for one of the Arkansas seats in the House. Or since she has lived in NY for a while, maybe there :embarrassed:
California Today: Defying Trump With Sanctuary Bill least one state has the stones to take on the cheeto in (so-called) chief.

"One Republican senator warned that the Legislature would be “kicking the president right in the groin,” with the law ...."

yea....i think THAT'S the point. to tell that fucking asshole to go fuck right the hell off.
Meanwhile, in California...

Border Patrol are ALL OVER Interstate 15 and are proactively pulling over random cars in an enforcement binge like I've never seen before. It's scary and constant. I see this scenario daily now. Several BP cars pulling over and swarming around random cars.

It feels very Gestapolike. They NEVER did this shit before. On each highway in SoCal, there is a checkpoint 50 miles from the border. It used to be you'd only see these guys at the checkpoints. Now they are out patrolling and making arrests.

She doesn't really have a home state. Between living in DC for 8 years, then undergrad, grad school and getting a PhD. If it makes you feel better she can run for one of the Arkansas seats in the House. Or since she has lived in NY for a while, maybe there :embarrassed:

There have been suggestions she runs for mayor of NYC or as a Rep. She's certainly a New Yorker, unlike her parents, but I'd be happier if she didn't. She probably has more influence in her current role than she would have as a lockstep Democrat here in New York.
There have been suggestions she runs for mayor of NYC or as a Rep. She's certainly a New Yorker, unlike her parents, but I'd be happier if she didn't. She probably has more influence in her current role than she would have as a lockstep Democrat here in New York.

I think she would do a better job than either of her parents in office.
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