OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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In Tacoma, there are multiple sites involved in/on Puget Sound. The sites focus largely on Asarco Copper Smelter (a company that basically bailed and went bankrupt, leaving a huge mess)

No big deal, I guess, if you don't mind your yard, vegetation, and water being full of arsenic, cadmium, copper and lead from the Asarco Smelter, and dioxins and other crap from the pulp mills and other industries in the tide flats, among other problems.

I was in the neighborhood at my sister-in-law's house watching this (Stack from the ASARCO smelter) go down.

Tacoma is a much, much better place because of the EPA, and it still not all the way cleaned up. So, yeah, great idea to gut the EPA.

People new to the area don't even realize the problem that existed.
The rest of this list are likely worse choices for progressive America than Gorsuch.

Personally, I think the Democrats are short-sighted and in the wrong here. Gorsuch is the Republican version of Merrick Garland. A somewhat moderate that should appease both sides. Better to compromise on this one thing, and fight everything else. Because the replacements for Kennedy, Breyer, and RBG will absolutely be worth fighting over. Using up that political capital now is short-sighted. It will invoke the nuclear option and they won't get any say whatsoever on those appointments. And then it will be used to humiliate the Dems in 2018.
I agree.
In Tacoma, there are multiple sites involved in/on Puget Sound. The sites focus largely on Asarco Copper Smelter (a company that basically bailed and went bankrupt, leaving a huge mess)

No big deal, I guess, if you don't mind your yard, vegetation, and water being full of arsenic, cadmium, copper and lead from the Asarco Smelter, and dioxins and other crap from the pulp mills and other industries in the tide flats, among other problems.

I was in the neighborhood at my sister-in-law's house watching this (Stack from the ASARCO smelter) go down.

Tacoma is a much, much better place because of the EPA, and it still not all the way cleaned up. So, yeah, great idea to gut the EPA.

People new to the area don't even realize the problem that existed.

Zevon again for the win. With help from Gilmour.

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it doesn't matter whether the republitards go nuke this time or not. they WILL go nuke on any one of the appointments as soon as the dems resist.
it's not a matter of's when. now, next time, the time soon as there is resistance, they'll pull the 51 votes only. doesn't matter about now.

If they do it now, they may not have another chance to get an nomination in. And then they wasted the option on a slightly right leaning judge. If it turns out Trump's team colluded with Russia in election tampering or whatever they call it, Trump and Pence will both be impeached (Pence was on the same ticket, so they both will go). If that happens, the dems will win big in the midterms and they will lose their shot at a really conservative judge. If nothing comes from the investigation, then they can blow it up now.
First Lady Melania Trump Gets Her First Official Portrait

first, why does she get a portrait, she's never in the WH anyway. or maybe that's so nobody will forget what she looks like when she DOES show up.

and second....ya think you have enough airbrushing on that face? shit you could paint 3 custom cars with all that crap.

Ha! I looked at the pic and immediately thought Glamour Shots. Then read the first sentence of the article :grin:
In Tacoma, there are multiple sites involved in/on Puget Sound. The sites focus largely on Asarco Copper Smelter (a company that basically bailed and went bankrupt, leaving a huge mess)

No big deal, I guess, if you don't mind your yard, vegetation, and water being full of arsenic, cadmium, copper and lead from the Asarco Smelter, and dioxins and other crap from the pulp mills and other industries in the tide flats, among other problems.

I was in the neighborhood at my sister-in-law's house watching this (Stack from the ASARCO smelter) go down.

Tacoma is a much, much better place because of the EPA, and it still not all the way cleaned up. So, yeah, great idea to gut the EPA.

People new to the area don't even realize the problem that existed.

When will you learn? It's all about jobs. Fuck your health. Fuck the mouth breathing cunts that vote. Fuck their children. It's all about the jobs and always has been. At least in my life time.

And money. Jobs and money.
When will you learn? It's all about jobs. Fuck your health. Fuck the mouth breathing cunts that vote. Fuck their children. It's all about the jobs and always has been. At least in my life time.

And money. Jobs and money.
Well, I totally get what you are saying, and it is moving in that direction again, but Tacoma saw a massive improvement during my childhood through young adult years, beginning with Nixon signing the EPA into effect back in 1970. Nixon. Freaking Nixon.

Tacoma was a complete shithole then. Now, Asarco is gone (though some of the poisons are still there), Commencement Bay (and Puget Sound) is a lot better, Tacoma no longer has "the aroma of Tacoma" which was pulp mill emissions, and the waterfront along Commencement Bay is a vibrant, human place. So, even during that time, it worked there. Currently, I am figuring out what organizations will file lawsuits to slow this whole thing down so I can direct some sort of modest contribution there, along with the ACLU. *makes a call* Ok, a couple of good organizations. ("because the earth needs a good lawyer"), and Advocates for the West,
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^ Ka-boom!
This has been my thinking as well. I guess it probably appeases the base in the short term and gets a bunch of cheap applause, but you really gotta wonder about the Dems long term strategy.

TBH I don't think the base is all that fired up about Gorsuch.
In perspective, I think many people recognize he isn't as bad as expected & there are many other more immediate issues near and dear to the average liberal/progressive.
TBH I don't think the base is all that fired up about Gorsuch.
In perspective, I think many people recognize he isn't as bad as expected & there are many other more immediate issues near and dear to the average liberal/progressive.
i kind of disagree.....i think he's the Trojan Horse. he acts a good mediocre game, but i think at his core he is HARD right. imo
TBH I don't think the base is all that fired up about Gorsuch.
In perspective, I think many people recognize he isn't as bad as expected & there are many other more immediate issues near and dear to the average liberal/progressive.

I know lots of liberal democrats who are demanding a Gorsuch filibuster. Mostly Bernie supporters. I think the party is using this to get the attention of all those angry liberals who tend not to vote at all and use them to expand the base. Because moderate liberals don’t really give a fuck, so they’re not going to vote against a Democrat for filibustering Gorsuch, and I think many of them will smirk and pump their fist about it if nobody is looking.

i kind of disagree.....i think he's the Trojan Horse. he acts a good mediocre game, but i think at his core he is HARD right. imo

He isn’t. Gorsuch was on the board of the private school my kids go to. And that place is a haven for left-wing flakes. It is literally the school where rich white lesbians send their adopted African kids. There are conservative families around, but they don’t admit it. And Gorsuch is definitely not a religious fanatic. He’s a lapsed Catholic who attends his wife’s flaming left-wing Episcopalian congregation. When was the last time you met a hard-right white male Christian Republican who let his wife pick the family Church?

The real trojan horse with Gorsuch is a philosophy/ideology called “natural law.” Exactly how this fits into American jurisprudence is not known, because the USA has never had a supreme court justice who subscribed to natural law. And Gorsuch takes pride in at least paying total lip service to the law, so he might not even bring that in.

And maybe this is why Trump picked Gorsuch. Nobody really know’s where he’s coming from. So congress can’t write legislation with a good idea of how Gorsuch will react, at least not until he’s been around a decade and written a pile of opinions. Gorsuch might be one more stick shoved into the wheel of government as we know it.
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