OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Who would build a building and use that address? He would have been better off using a 668 or 664 address. People are superstitious. No one wants their address to be "the number of the beast".

I would love it. When I was in college, my folks bought a house for my brother and I to live in while at school. The mortgage on the house was cheaper than rent on a 2 bedroom apartment so it made sense. It came down to 2 houses. 1311 grove or 1313 grove. Naturally we took 1313. It was awesome.

I think I may have owned that particular issue.
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What I understand about a FISA warrant: Bad guy/known terrorist in Yemen talks to John Smith in America. FBI, etc. stops listening, tries to get a warrant so they can "wire tap" John Smith.

They knew Russia wants to fuck with other country's elections. They are almost certain at that point that the Russian government is who did the hacking. They are survieling the Russsians. Trump's gang keeps getting accidentally swept up in their survielence of Russians. Why was Trump Tower NOT wiretapped?
What I understand about a FISA warrant: Bad guy/known terrorist in Yemen talks to John Smith in America. FBI, etc. stops listening, tries to get a warrant so they can "wire tap" John Smith.

They knew Russia wants to fuck with other country's elections. They are almost certain at that point that the Russian government is who did the hacking. They are survieling the Russsians. Trump's gang keeps getting accidentally swept up in their survielence of Russians. Why was Trump Tower NOT wiretapped?
yep. at some point if dumpster's team keeps getting caught in the russia survielence, you have to conclude that dumpster's team IS involved WITH russia.....and yes, should be survieled also.
Top Democrat on intelligence panel accuses White House of trying to distract Congress from Russia investigation

(Schiff talking about Nunes and the dump, etc.)
“It certainly is an attempt to distract and to hide the origin of the materials, to hide the White House hand,” Schiff said. “The question is, of course, why? And I think the answer to the question is this effort to point the Congress in other directions, basically say, ‘Don't look at me, don't look at Russia, there is nothing to see here.’ You know, I would tell people, whenever they see the president use the word ‘fake,’ it ought to set off alarm bells. And I think that is really what has gone on here.”
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