OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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the only issue would be instead of trying to understanding people from india, you'd be trying to understand hillbilly. :grin:

When I was in college I worked at a convenience store. We had this family from Pulaski county that used to come in. There were 4 or 5 brothers and you could only understand one of them and that still wasn't easy. He would "translate" for you. Nicest guys. One night, I had a gig right after work and I was restringing my guitar. The one guy asked if I played, and I said yes. A few nights later, they showed up with some really old Martins and Gibsons and a busted out some awesome bluegrass. Those guitars probably were in the family for generations.
You know, even if it benefited more people, who the fuck wants to be a coal miner? I get you can make a decent income, once you have been there a while and work a ton of overtime, but fuck that. I can't think of a more horrible job than mining coal. How about instead of trying to bring back coal jobs, that like you said only really benefit a few areas of people, start some training programs and maybe bring some call center jobs back to the US. You can locate call centers anywhere and I can't imagine how much better for your quality of life is working in a call center is than in a coal mine.

Sounds like you're saying "help people". The party of jeebas and the white taliban is strictly anti-helping people... unless the funding passes through them or their masters.
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Would it be pushing it if we started a political figure assassination/mysterious death pool? Maybe give Mark and the mods 15% of the take to get them to look the other way?

Would it be pushing it if we started a political figure assassination/mysterious death pool? Maybe give Mark and the mods 15% of the take to get them to look the other way?

I call dibs on Putin getting taken out by his own people the day after Trump is impeached.
You know, even if it benefited more people, who the fuck wants to be a coal miner? I get you can make a decent income, once you have been there a while and work a ton of overtime, but fuck that. I can't think of a more horrible job than mining coal. How about instead of trying to bring back coal jobs, that like you said only really benefit a few areas of people, start some training programs and maybe bring some call center jobs back to the US. You can locate call centers anywhere and I can't imagine how much better for your quality of life is working in a call center is than in a coal mine.

Workin' in a call center
Goin' down down down
Workin' in a call center
Whop! about to slip down

Just doesn't have the same ring to it and, I've never herd the tale of the guy who works at the call center who was

Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip
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