OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Patrick Stewart recently shared on his Twitter page a picture of himself in drag from 2016, while promoting his show Blunt Talk. People compared it to the Conway, but Stewart himself took the lead and shared the photo while playfully calling themselves, "Twinsies!"
How about instead of trying to bring back coal jobs, that like you said only really benefit a few areas of people, start some training programs and maybe bring some call center jobs back to the US. You can locate call centers anywhere and I can't imagine how much better for your quality of life is working in a call center is than in a coal mine.

Bringing back call centers isn’t a good campaign platform. Promising education to the GOP’s anti-intellectual base is laughable. And it would require some kind of tax on jobs outsourced to foreign call centers or replaced by computers. That hasn’t got a chance in congress, and explaining it in a stump speech would sound like Obama’s boring rose garden speeches. It’s much easier to just spew some nonsense about bringing back coal mining jobs.
Wasn't one of Trump's big campaign promises a massive increase for infrastructure construction/repairs & associated jobs?

How's that coming along?

Ya know, apart from dams bursting and bridges catching on fire.
Bringing back call centers isn’t a good campaign platform. Promising education to the GOP’s anti-intellectual base is laughable. And it would require some kind of tax on jobs outsourced to foreign call centers or replaced by computers. That hasn’t got a chance in congress, and explaining it in a stump speech would sound like Obama’s boring rose garden speeches. It’s much easier to just spew some nonsense about bringing back coal mining jobs.

And bringing back coal mining jobs has a chance in congress? Call center was just a single example. There are plenty of other jobs that could be started up in those areas.
I was discussing US politics tonight with an Austrian freundin, and we felt the same about the most powerful man on the planet not knowing the difference between reality and fiction, and hundreds of highly educated people keeping a straight face as they're twisting his nonsensical tweets until they make political sense.

It's fucking frightening. It's not a matter of Democrat or Republican, I don't even care about that. It's just very disturbing, and speaking as a person living on this planet, I'm genuinely worried.
I was discussing US politics tonight with an Austrian freundin, and we felt the same about the most powerful man on the planet not knowing the difference between reality and fiction, and hundreds of highly educated people keeping a straight face as they're twisting his nonsensical tweets until they make political sense.

It's fucking frightening. It's not a matter of Democrat or Republican, I don't even care about that. It's just very disturbing, and speaking as a person living on this planet, I'm genuinely worried.
You ain't the only one, brother.
its absolutely foolish.

we only have 75k coal miner jobs but they are in swing states. even the CEO of an enormous coal company said what trump is doing is foolish and won't add more jobs.

many more jobs could be created in renewable resources but then we couldn't figure out that oil companies own our govt.
I was discussing US politics tonight with an Austrian freundin, and we felt the same about the most powerful man on the planet not knowing the difference between reality and fiction, and hundreds of highly educated people keeping a straight face as they're twisting his nonsensical tweets until they make political sense.

It's fucking frightening. It's not a matter of Democrat or Republican, I don't even care about that. It's just very disturbing, and speaking as a person living on this planet, I'm genuinely worried.


Agreed it's crazy.

But I really don't think Trump is the most powerful single person on the planet. Top 10 maybe, top 20 sure.

Agreed it's crazy.

But I really don't think Trump is the most powerful single person on the planet. Top 10 maybe, top 20 sure.
Yeah, I know in what sense you're thinking of, but it's still big league scary. Nuclear codes, for instance, not to mention the constant souring of US relations with other countries. Uhm, diplomatic courtesy, it does matter, there's a reason why we have such a thing as diplomats.
Well imo Americans are pretty reactionary and politically lazy; most protesting comes after the fact, usually when it's too late to do much about the problem being protested.

Not always of course, but often enough.
My new favorite Facebook page. Except the part where every story about crime uses the word "thugs" and has an African American male mugshot for the picture:




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You know, even if it benefited more people, who the fuck wants to be a coal miner? I get you can make a decent income, once you have been there a while and work a ton of overtime, but fuck that. I can't think of a more horrible job than mining coal. How about instead of trying to bring back coal jobs, that like you said only really benefit a few areas of people, start some training programs and maybe bring some call center jobs back to the US. You can locate call centers anywhere and I can't imagine how much better for your quality of life is working in a call center is than in a coal mine.

the only issue would be instead of trying to understanding people from india, you'd be trying to understand hillbilly. :grin:
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