OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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they will. what's the downside?

The rest of this list are likely worse choices for progressive America than Gorsuch.

Personally, I think the Democrats are short-sighted and in the wrong here. Gorsuch is the Republican version of Merrick Garland. A somewhat moderate that should appease both sides. Better to compromise on this one thing, and fight everything else. Because the replacements for Kennedy, Breyer, and RBG will absolutely be worth fighting over. Using up that political capital now is short-sighted. It will invoke the nuclear option and they won't get any say whatsoever on those appointments. And then it will be used to humiliate the Dems in 2018.
The rest of this list are likely worse choices for progressive America than Gorsuch.

Personally, I think the Democrats are short-sighted and in the wrong here. Gorsuch is the Republican version of Merrick Garland. A somewhat moderate that should appease both sides. Better to compromise on this one thing, and fight everything else. Because the replacements for Kennedy, Breyer, and RBG will absolutely be worth fighting over. Using up that political capital now is short-sighted. It will invoke the nuclear option and they won't get any say whatsoever on those appointments. And then it will be used to humiliate the Dems in 2018.

This has been my thinking as well. I guess it probably appeases the base in the short term and gets a bunch of cheap applause, but you really gotta wonder about the Dems long term strategy.
The rest of this list are likely worse choices for progressive America than Gorsuch.

Personally, I think the Democrats are short-sighted and in the wrong here. Gorsuch is the Republican version of Merrick Garland. A somewhat moderate that should appease both sides. Better to compromise on this one thing, and fight everything else. Because the replacements for Kennedy, Breyer, and RBG will absolutely be worth fighting over. Using up that political capital now is short-sighted. It will invoke the nuclear option and they won't get any say whatsoever on those appointments. And then it will be used to humiliate the Dems in 2018.

If there wasn't the cloud of Russia looming over the presidency, I would be with you 100% If I were in charge of the DNC, I would have been saying for weeks, "until the investigation with the Russian interference has concluded we should not vote on a supreme court nominee because the appointment is for life. If the republicans force a vote, we have no choice but to block it." Then they could spin it as Trump and the RNC are trying to undermine our country's foundation blah blah blah.

On the flip side, I wouldn't go nuclear on this one if I were the republicans. I would let Gorsuch be shot down and go get a super right wing judge then go nuclear. Why blow it up for someone who isn't super conservative?

That being said, I don't think the Dems should block it for exactly the reasons you pointed out.
If there wasn't the cloud of Russia looming over the presidency, I would be with you 100% If I were in charge of the DNC, I would have been saying for weeks, "until the investigation with the Russian interference has concluded we should not vote on a supreme court nominee because the appointment is for life. If the republicans force a vote, we have no choice but to block it." Then they could spin it as Trump and the RNC are trying to undermine our country's foundation blah blah blah.

On the flip side, I wouldn't go nuclear on this one if I were the republicans. I would let Gorsuch be shot down and go get a super right wing judge then go nuclear. Why blow it up for someone who isn't super conservative?

That being said, I don't think the Dems should block it for exactly the reasons you pointed out.

it doesn't matter whether the republitards go nuke this time or not. they WILL go nuke on any one of the appointments as soon as the dems resist.
it's not a matter of's when. now, next time, the time soon as there is resistance, they'll pull the 51 votes only. doesn't matter about now.
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