OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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lots of anti Obama folks said he was weak when Syria used chemical weapons and we didn't get involved.

well they just used chemcial weapons again. wonder what trump plans to do?
"Rand Paul: Ask Susan Rice Under Oath"

like jeff sessions under oath where its ok to lie or like under oath for everyone else?!?
Meanwhile, in California...

Border Patrol are ALL OVER Interstate 15 and are proactively pulling over random cars in an enforcement binge like I've never seen before. It's scary and constant. I see this scenario daily now. Several BP cars pulling over and swarming around random cars.

It feels very Gestapolike. They NEVER did this shit before. On each highway in SoCal, there is a checkpoint 50 miles from the border. It used to be you'd only see these guys at the checkpoints. Now they are out patrolling and making arrests.

yes...but those are NOT california police officers. they're dumpster's gestapo, along with ICE.
perhaps the governor should declare all state and county/city hiways/streets off limits to federal officers. :grin:

let's get this secession moving.
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Spicer: Syrian chemical attack a 'consequence' of Obama 'weakness'

"Today's chemical attack in Syria against innocent people including women and children is reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world," Spicer said. "These heinous actions by the Bashar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the past administration's weakness and irresolution."

and what is the response of the STRONG & RESOLUTE dumpster admin.?

"Despite the attack, the Trump administration has said that it is up to the people of Syria to pick a leader and that their priority is not getting Assad out of office."

so, even more irresolution. they're just going to sit there. they won't even draw a line in the sand. talk about a building full of limp dicks.
I don't know, personally, the best years of my life were during slick Willy's reign :embarrassed:

Yep. Blowjobs were good for the country, at least until the word got out.

It's fodder for a whole different thread, but I'd be interested in anyone saying the first Clinton admin wasn't the best 4 years of a presidency in modern memory, and if not what was.
when you wholeheartedly agree with ISIS:

"Islamic State said on Tuesday the United States was drowning and "being run by an idiot".

In the first official remarks by the group referring to President Donald Trump since he took office, spokesman Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said:

"America you have drowned and there is no savior, and you have become prey for the soldiers of the caliphate in every part of the earth, you are bankrupt and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye."

"... There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is," he said in a recording released on Tuesday on messaging network Telegram."
when you wholeheartedly agree with ISIS:

"Islamic State said on Tuesday the United States was drowning and "being run by an idiot".

In the first official remarks by the group referring to President Donald Trump since he took office, spokesman Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said:

"America you have drowned and there is no savior, and you have become prey for the soldiers of the caliphate in every part of the earth, you are bankrupt and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye."

"... There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is," he said in a recording released on Tuesday on messaging network Telegram."

Damn, I hate when that happens:facepalm:
Report: Trump donor, Blackwater founder Erik Prince in secret meeting with Russian close to Putin

"The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between an American businessman (Erik Prince) supporting then President-elect Trump and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and the incoming president, The Washington Post reports."

when you wholeheartedly agree with ISIS:

"Islamic State said on Tuesday the United States was drowning and "being run by an idiot".

In the first official remarks by the group referring to President Donald Trump since he took office, spokesman Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said:

"America you have drowned and there is no savior, and you have become prey for the soldiers of the caliphate in every part of the earth, you are bankrupt and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye."

"... There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is," he said in a recording released on Tuesday on messaging network Telegram."

so....should we be expecting an attack by ISIS in the very near future?
It doesn't matter you guys, none of this does. It's over, the country is toast. It is a failed state.

Nah, we have a long way to fall, even if the current downward direction continues to accelerate.

You'll know we're fucked if I have to go out and buy an assault rifle for home fucking defense. :mad:

Nah, we have a long way to fall, even if the current downward direction continues to accelerate.

You'll know we're fucked if I have to go out and buy an assault rifle for home fucking defense. :mad:
I'm not saying we've hit bottom; that is yet to come. I'm saying we've past the point of no return and it is inevitable now.
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