OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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The Bernie supporters are getting bitter. I hope this isn’t going to be like 2000–2004 when I had to listen to annoying partisans refer to Bush as “not MY president”.
The Bernie supporters are getting bitter. I hope this isn’t going to be like 2000–2004 when I had to listen to annoying partisans refer to Bush as “not MY president”.
i think you are going to hear that 100 times more than back then. this is one seriously ugly campaign. there is no one running that i would even shake their hand.
if anyone of them were president and called to invite me to the whitehouse, i would actually say 'go fuck yourself'.
The Bernie supporters are getting bitter. I hope this isn’t going to be like 2000–2004 when I had to listen to annoying partisans refer to Bush as “not MY president”.
As if the rep's haven't been saying that in much more coarse terms 2008-2016?

Hillary supporters have always been smug, and that's the nice way to say it.

I know. Last night I watched her try about -100% to ingratiate herself to Bernie people when asked whether she would make any platform/policy changes to court them after a primary victory. Her reply was basically "I'm winning, fuck 'em!" It was very "I'm the decider/I earned capital and I intend to spend it." Good luck with your vanishing margin of victory against even Trump.
Do or die Tuesday is giving me an ocular migraine.
that's why i'm watching NCIS.

my point is that it doesn't matter how the primaries come out. as things are going right now.....Hillary Clinton IS the next president.
i don't like that a lot. but it IS better than Trump or Cruz. Kasich is the only one who can beat Hillary, but unless the RNC is willing to open the convention with a move to open the rules committee and change the rules to allow the delegates to disregard the popular primary votes, it is a forgone conclusion that Trump will get the nomination and he will get his ass handed to him in the general election. the main stream media is pumping Trump up because it makes great drama. but mainstream american will NOT elect this assclown. even I will vote for Hillary to stop Trump, and i hate that bitch more than almost anyone. congress will reign her shit in, just as they have obama.
i think you are going to hear that 100 times more than back then. this is one seriously ugly campaign. there is no one running that i would even shake their hand.
if anyone of them were president and called to invite me to the whitehouse, i would actually say 'go fuck yourself'.

Just ask yourself of any candidate, "Would I buy a used car from them?"
Reposted from my Redskins forum. Lengthy but informative.

Update #1: Volunteering with the #BernieSanders campaign in Baltimore as an attorney to protect the vote. Even before 8 am there are already problems: people unable to vote because they don't have ID (Maryland allows voters to vote without ID), precincts merging polling places unannounced so lines are hundreds of people long, people given provisional ballots instead of voting regularly.

Update #2: two precincts and districts were merged into one building without any signage in a low income neighborhood of Baltimore. We went to see what it was like: election judges were giving out incorrect provisional ballots to people from the other district. When we confronted them, they said "human error."

They also don't have the registration lists for the other district, so all of those voters are getting provisionals.

We asked about the lack of signs, the election judges said "they can always ask us when they get up to the desk." Only problem is that it takes three hours to get to the desk.

Another voter, who is a registered democrat and voted for Obama in the 2012 primary, had to vote provisional because the election judges told her that she was "unaffiliated." We've had a good 50 people have that same problem--being switched on the system from Democrat to Republican or unaffiliated.

Update #3: if you move and change your address at the MVA/DMV, your party changes to "unaffiliated" AUTOMAGICALLY, making it so that you cannot vote in the state of Maryland.

If you move--where else would you report your new address to?

Also, people voting early have had very little problems. Unless they live in College Park or Towson--where they've been getting provisionals instead of regular ballots, for no documented reason.

College Park polling places are still giving out provisionals where regular ballots could have been cast.

More calls from people with proof (screenshots and mailings) that they've switched to Democrat, or were registered Democrat, are now switched on the official voting records to "unaffiliated" or Republican. At least 100 calls about that.

When that happens, the election officials are supposed to give you provisional ballots. Some polling places aren't even offering people provisional ballots.

Update #4: College Park area precincts are running out (or have already run out) of provisional ballots. They've been "provisional-happy," and giving out provisionals to people who could have voted regularly.

At each precinct, there's 1 Republican and 1 Democrat election judge. They're tasked to decide together when to order more provisional ballots. The Republican wants to order 1,000 more--the Democrat wants to order 100 at a time. *There are currently 260 people in line*, 100 at a time clearly won't be enough.

We reached out to said Democrat election judge, who is refusing to order more than 100 provisional ballots at a time.
Reposted from my Redskins forum. Lengthy but informative.

Update #1: Volunteering with the #BernieSanders campaign in Baltimore as an attorney to protect the vote. Even before 8 am there are already problems: people unable to vote because they don't have ID (Maryland allows voters to vote without ID), precincts merging polling places unannounced so lines are hundreds of people long, people given provisional ballots instead of voting regularly.

Update #2: two precincts and districts were merged into one building without any signage in a low income neighborhood of Baltimore. We went to see what it was like: election judges were giving out incorrect provisional ballots to people from the other district. When we confronted them, they said "human error."

They also don't have the registration lists for the other district, so all of those voters are getting provisionals.

We asked about the lack of signs, the election judges said "they can always ask us when they get up to the desk." Only problem is that it takes three hours to get to the desk.

Another voter, who is a registered democrat and voted for Obama in the 2012 primary, had to vote provisional because the election judges told her that she was "unaffiliated." We've had a good 50 people have that same problem--being switched on the system from Democrat to Republican or unaffiliated.

Update #3: if you move and change your address at the MVA/DMV, your party changes to "unaffiliated" AUTOMAGICALLY, making it so that you cannot vote in the state of Maryland.

If you move--where else would you report your new address to?

Also, people voting early have had very little problems. Unless they live in College Park or Towson--where they've been getting provisionals instead of regular ballots, for no documented reason.

College Park polling places are still giving out provisionals where regular ballots could have been cast.

More calls from people with proof (screenshots and mailings) that they've switched to Democrat, or were registered Democrat, are now switched on the official voting records to "unaffiliated" or Republican. At least 100 calls about that.

When that happens, the election officials are supposed to give you provisional ballots. Some polling places aren't even offering people provisional ballots.

Update #4: College Park area precincts are running out (or have already run out) of provisional ballots. They've been "provisional-happy," and giving out provisionals to people who could have voted regularly.

At each precinct, there's 1 Republican and 1 Democrat election judge. They're tasked to decide together when to order more provisional ballots. The Republican wants to order 1,000 more--the Democrat wants to order 100 at a time. *There are currently 260 people in line*, 100 at a time clearly won't be enough.

We reached out to said Democrat election judge, who is refusing to order more than 100 provisional ballots at a time.

yea....there's no corruption in our election process.
Too wasted to read. *spits*

I'm pretty despondent. 15 years of an unironic Paul Verhoeven-Michael Bay collab and no end in sight. Yes, there is too much focus on the presidency, but there is also too much power vested in the presidency. S'bad. Ruhl bad.
Too wasted to read. *spits*

I'm pretty despondent. 15 years of an unironic Paul Verhoeven-Michael Bay collab and no end in sight. Yes, there is too much focus on the presidency, but there is also too much power vested in the presidency. S'bad. Ruhl bad.

i think you mean that there's too much media vested in the presidency. and that's damn fact.
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