OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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You can't blame the media for Trumps rise. Blame the millions of dipsticks who buy his shit. The media did their best to ignore him, including FAUX News. But he speaks to the LCD and says things some people would but are afraid to because they know in their hearts it is wrong. Yes, the media covered him when he would say inflammatory or batshit crazy things, how could they not? He has played everyone throughout the primary season.
You can't blame the media for Trumps rise. Blame the millions of dipsticks who buy his shit. The media did their best to ignore him, including FAUX News. But he speaks to the LCD and says things some people would but are afraid to because they know in their hearts it is wrong. Yes, the media covered him when he would say inflammatory or batshit crazy things, how could they not? He has played everyone throughout the primary season.

again.....the media are drama queens. if they had one iota of common decency.....they wouldn't have covered one word of that nazi asshole. but they are selling air time. it's a profit thing. and that, really, is the problem. everything is FOR profit, instead of being FOR the good of the nation.
i blame the media COMPLETELY for trump's popularity. it's practically an orchestration.
Yep. Not sure I can take my smug friend who said "he got it" regarding bernie supporters wanting to support their candidate, but then proceeded to insult them and Bernie with a broad brush at every opportunity. It's ok though, I have given him shit for years. Just more material. I will vote for her of course. But I am not going to get all giddy about it. EDiT: Except I do think it is cool that she is a woman.
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It'd be a lot cooler if the woman was Elizabeth Warren.

No shit. We're long overdue for a female president, but damned if I don't wish it were the best or better person for the job. Warren is that person, in that she's been firmer on the issues (as in less waffling), while also quicker to realize, admit, and adjust when her understanding, perspective, or beliefs have changed.

Sadly the conservatives seem to have nothing to offer anything but fringe factions within the GOP. There used to be candidates that I thought might be good Presidents despite not agreeing with various stances on certain issues. I haven't seen anyone like that come out of the party in years, at least not someone that also got any chance at becoming President.
Sorry, I only came to here to say that I can't believe this thread has gotten to 52 pages in general, let alone without being locked. Good job by the MWGL forumites for proving the ability of people with differing perspectives and opinions to engage in civil discourse.

That said, I haven't read much since the first five or so pages of the thread, so you all may have been terrible to each other and a stain on the underwear of humankind, but I want assume better. :thu:
Warren is the Democrat version of Rand Paul. Lots of bloody meat for the fringe, no pragmatism that might accomplish something. Much like Bernie.
I bring thee levity. :lol: Anybody wanna exchange long protein strands?

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