OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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It's only true in the construction industry because contractors dumped the local kids for mexican workers who would work for $10 an hour.

Exactly, and this cost savings has a ripple effect in business making EVERYTHING cheaper. This is why corporations and their lobbyists are happy with the status quo. Illegals save money at every turn- they have no workman's comp or legal recourse to being hurt on the job, they can't complain about OSHA violations and safety hazards, they can be fired at will, the list of advantages over legal workers is endless. It's not that Americans WON'T do these jobs, it's that they won't do them for low wages and in poor conditions.

immigration IS a problem, and cutting the flow into the country would result in more jobs for teens and young adults.

We already "cut the flow" when the economy went in the toilet and the need for low wage workers decreased. Otherwise, there's no practical way to stop them. The only solution is to allow foreign workers to come here legally, which would level the playing field and raise wages for ALL workers. It would also raise labor costs for the companies, which they would undoubtedly just absorb as a cost of doing business... OK, sorry, wait a minute... I was laughing so hard I had to catch my breath. No, of course those costs would be passed on to the consumer. There ain't no free lunch but as a society we need to decide which is more important- cheap lettuce or paying people a living wage.

Of course, we already HAVE decided, which is why our immigration laws are the way they are. The idea that there's some evil secret plan at the DNC to allow illegal immigrants in to the country in the hopes that someday they can become legal citizens and then automatically become democratic voters seems like something Glenn Beck dreamed up. Besides, it gives the democratic party WAY too much credit for strategic thought and planning- those guys can't even organize their sock drawers.
Exactly, and this cost savings has a ripple effect in business making EVERYTHING cheaper. This is why corporations and their lobbyists are happy with the status quo. Illegals save money at every turn- they have no workman's comp or legal recourse to being hurt on the job, they can't complain about OSHA violations and safety hazards, they can be fired at will, the list of advantages over legal workers is endless. It's not that Americans WON'T do these jobs, it's that they won't do them for low wages and in poor conditions.

It saves companies money, but there are costs passed on to tax payers because illegal workers benefit from public services without paying into the system.
It saves companies money, but there are costs passed on to tax payers because illegal workers benefit from public services without paying into the system.

Illegal workers pay sales taxes, gas taxes, municipal fees and fines. And they often get way fewer benefits than REAL AMERICAN WORKING FOLK because their not protected by unemployment insurance, fair workplace laws, etc.

Sure, we don't make them starve or die in the streets because #communism but it's not like it's wine and fucking roses to work for less money, with less security, and forever fearing that your boss will report you to immigration if you speak up at work. Neverminding that you'll likely not get promoted because you'll self select out because you don't want to risk a background check.
Apropos of nothing, I just wanted to mention that, as I was watching the NY primary coverage last night, I thought to myself, "Jeez, Chuck Todd looks like he has mange."
Apropos of nothing, I just wanted to mention that, as I was watching the NY primary coverage last night, I thought to myself, "Jeez, Chuck Todd looks like he has mange."
I find Chuck Todd more obnoxious than any politician. Poor Tim Russert must be spinning in his grave.
Meh, by the end Russert was a servile hack who just gave politicians a platform for the lastest round of partisan talking points. Meet the Press needs a host who's not afraid of losing access to politicians and willing to press them hard.

That said, Chuck Todd is just awful.
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Illegal workers pay sales taxes, gas taxes, municipal fees and fines. And they often get way fewer benefits than REAL AMERICAN WORKING FOLK because their not protected by unemployment insurance, fair workplace laws, etc.

Sure, we don't make them starve or die in the streets because #communism but it's not like it's wine and fucking roses to work for less money, with less security, and forever fearing that your boss will report you to immigration if you speak up at work. Neverminding that you'll likely not get promoted because you'll self select out because you don't want to risk a background check.

...and wealthy people spend alot of money to avoid paying taxes. I'm one of the nut jobs that would be in favor of doing away with income tax and going with a flat sales tax.
...and wealthy people spend alot of money to avoid paying taxes. I'm one of the nut jobs that would be in favor of doing away with income tax and going with a flat sales tax.

Flat sales tax schemes have a real gnarly effect on the poor. If I inherit shitloads of money, it's less painful for me in a real world experience sense to pay an extra 20% on necessary goods (food, clothes, whatever) than it is for someone who is in the position of asking for $2 so he/she can get something to eat. For example, if you're working very hard to get $100 of groceries, another $20 bucks is a big bite of your purchasing power. But an extra 20% is less painful when it just means you recalibrate your caviar, champaign, and child hookers budget slightly before attending your next black mass in the Hamptons.

Ain't that right, @Flamencology?
Meh, by the end Russert was a servile hack who just gave politicians a platform for the lastest round of partisan talking points. Meet the Press needs a host who's not afraid of losing access to politicians and willing to press them hard.

That said, Chuck Todd is just awful.

I wish Jon Stewart would have taken the gig when it was offered to him.
Flat sales tax schemes have a real gnarly effect on the poor. If I inherit shitloads of money, it's less painful for me in a real world experience sense to pay an extra 20% on necessary goods (food, clothes, whatever) than it is for someone who is in the position of asking for $2 so he/she can get something to eat. For example, if you're working very hard to get $100 of groceries, another $20 bucks is a big bite of your purchasing power. But an extra 20% is less painful when it just means you recalibrate your caviar, champaign, and child hookers budget slightly before attending your next black mass in the Hamptons.

Ain't that right, @Flamencology?

I'm sure some kind of credit system would be in place to help those who needed it.

It would also make it a whole heck of a lot easier for small businesses to hire workers.
Meet the Press needs a host who's not afraid of losing access to politicians and willing to press them hard.

I wish the Easter Bunny would bring me a pet dolphin.

Press the Meat and all the rest of these shows are for and by creatures of the establishment. Why would expect them to offer a real challenge to the worldview and assumptions that everyone involved with these programs holds dear?
I'm sure some kind of credit system would be in place to help those who needed it.

It would also make it a whole heck of a lot easier for small businesses to hire workers.

And a complicated system of credits and vouchers would in no way be a burden, source of fraud, and perennial target for those who believe poverty is a moral failing and the poor should be fed to dogs...

How would small businesses benefit specifically? They're now paying X% in flat tax on all their supplies and whatnot. I think this economy is going to shit under President Rhino.
And a complicated system of credits and vouchers would in no way be a burden, source of fraud, and perennial target for those who believe poverty is a moral failing and the poor should be fed to dogs...

How would small businesses benefit specifically? They're now paying X% in flat tax on all their supplies and whatnot. I think this economy is going to shit under President Rhino.

It wouldn't be any more complicated or have more fraud than there already is.

With regards to small business benefit, hiring workers would be easier because you wouldn't need an accountant to figure out all the payroll tax stuff. Plus with not having to match what employees pay in taxes, you could afford to pay them more. Their purchasing power would increase along with the cost in goods going up.

In other news, people also thought if we got away from the gold standard the county's economy would collapse.
In other news, people also thought if we got away from the gold standard the county's economy would collapse.

Watch yourself. Flat tax freaks and AUDIT THE FED goldbug types tend to be fast friends. If you're not careful, someone will show up at your house and confiscate your Ron Paul bumper sticker and your Infowars Life supplements.
Watch yourself. Flat tax freaks and AUDIT THE FED goldbug types tend to be fast friends. If you're not careful, someone will show up at your house and confiscate your Ron Paul bumper sticker and your Infowars Life supplements.

Never got into bumper stickers.

I also think that having a single payer health care system would be ideal for empowering the working class, so even if I did have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, they'd probably want it back.

I'll give you some more and see what boxes you try and put me in next.

Lots of smarter people than I are predicting that as technology makes jobs obsolete we are going to need to figure out a guaranteed basic income. I can't say that I disagree but I don't know how close that is either. Many boomers never retired and that whole generation is getting close to leaving the work force rather quickly. Unless technology can keep up with that trend, immigration reform will be a moot point. We'll be begging people to come to this country.

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