OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Nobody was talking about the fact that Ben Carson is black in the early primaries - that was refreshing and I give Obama credit for that.

People are talking about Trump being orange and having bad hair though so perhaps there is still work to be done.

That's because everyone was so impressed about Carson's knowledge of the pyramids and how they were used to store grain.

Obama was born black. Trump was born to be bald at his current age - what's happening up there isn't natural.

OK, I'm going to sound biased towards Sanders (which I am) but with every other candidate they listed numerous reasons why we shouldn't vote for them - for Sanders they just got stuck on one issue that goes against the standard liberal agenda - immigration reform (and yes they mentioned gun control briefly). But that's exactly what's appealing about Sanders - a common sense approach to issues that are not a part of any party agenda. Having a country bordering the US with a corrupt government and no economic opportunities is a complicated problem whether anyone admits it or not. And studies showing the illegal immigrants have had no impact on jobs for Americans is only in the context of our current restrictive immigration laws - there is no study that assesses the future impact of more lax laws. Population is the number one problem in the world, root of every other economic and environmental issues. So distributing other country's populations here in large numbers is an issue. Anyway gawker listed this as Sander's big issue - it's only an issue for the hard line liberals. That's why some people are debating between Trump and Sanders and why this election is so unpredictable.
OK, I'm going to sound biased towards Sanders (which I am) but with every other candidate they listed numerous reasons why we shouldn't vote for them - for Sanders they just got stuck on one issue that goes against the standard liberal agenda - immigration reform (and yes they mentioned gun control briefly). But that's exactly what's appealing about Sanders - a common sense approach to issues that are not a part of any party agenda. Having a country bordering the US with a corrupt government and no economic opportunities is a complicated problem whether anyone admits it or not. And studies showing the illegal immigrants have had no impact on jobs for Americans is only in the context of our current restrictive immigration laws - there is no study that assesses the future impact of more lax laws. Population is the number one problem in the world, root of every other economic and environmental issues. So distributing other country's populations here in large numbers is an issue. Anyway gawker listed this as Sander's big issue - it's only an issue for the hard line liberals. That's why some people are debating between Trump and Sanders and why this election is so unpredictable.

i tend do agree with you on the immigration issue. it IS a problem, and in more than one way. the dem core (and especially those in office/want in office) are fighting immigration reform simply because the more illegals here in the USA, the more votes the dems will get. that's is their presumtion, and it's why they make sounds like 'everyone who is here can stay'. and i disagree with that position.
maybe there should be a 'you have until x date to register your presents here'. after that, we're considering you a criminal and will persue as such. if somebody is resisting registering, and thru that process, becoming a citizen, then there must be a reason for it.
Stupid just got stupid-er.


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i tend do agree with you on the immigration issue. it IS a problem, and in more than one way. the dem core (and especially those in office/want in office) are fighting immigration reform simply because the more illegals here in the USA, the more votes the dems will get. that's is their presumtion, and it's why they make sounds like 'everyone who is here can stay'. and i disagree with that position.
maybe there should be a 'you have until x date to register your presents here'. after that, we're considering you a criminal and will persue as such. if somebody is resisting registering, and thru that process, becoming a citizen, then there must be a reason for it.

When did non US citizens get the right to vote? Or are you saying the dems think if the immigrants gain citizenship they will vote for the dems?
i tend do agree with you on the immigration issue. it IS a problem, and in more than one way. the dem core (and especially those in office/want in office) are fighting immigration reform simply because the more illegals here in the USA, the more votes the dems will get. that's is their presumtion, and it's why they make sounds like 'everyone who is here can stay'. and i disagree with that position.
maybe there should be a 'you have until x date to register your presents here'. after that, we're considering you a criminal and will persue as such. if somebody is resisting registering, and thru that process, becoming a citizen, then there must be a reason for it.

although I do live in California, biggest agricultural state in the US, with that industry completely dependent upon undocumented migrant workers. The food ain't getting harvested without them - no young Americans clamoring for those jobs.
although I do live in California, biggest agricultural state in the US, with that industry completely dependent upon undocumented migrant workers. The food ain't getting harvested without them - no young Americans clamoring for those jobs.

This is true in the construction industry, and may others as well. Bush 43 found out the hard way that Corporate America is very happy with the vast pool of cheap illegal labor in the country, thank you very much, and any attempts to turn these people into legal citizens with rights and legal protection will be frowned upon.
i tend do agree with you on the immigration issue. it IS a problem, and in more than one way. the dem core (and especially those in office/want in office) are fighting immigration reform simply because the more illegals here in the USA, the more votes the dems will get. that's is their presumtion, and it's why they make sounds like 'everyone who is here can stay'. and i disagree with that position.
maybe there should be a 'you have until x date to register your presents here'. after that, we're considering you a criminal and will persue as such. if somebody is resisting registering, and thru that process, becoming a citizen, then there must be a reason for it.

This makes no sense at all. The reason why reasonable folks from both parties support a path to citizenship is the likelihood that a great many of these workers will then rise into the lower middle class and do things like open bank accounts and buy homes and report taxable income and such...thereby adding real value to our nations economy.
This makes no sense at all. The reason why reasonable folks from both parties support a path to citizenship is the likelihood that a great many of these workers will then rise into the lower middle class and do things like open bank accounts and buy homes and report taxable income and such...thereby adding real value to our nations economy.

if they don't become citizens, then none of those things can happen.
what part of getting the illegals to get on a path to citizenship did you think makes no sense at all?
although I do live in California, biggest agricultural state in the US, with that industry completely dependent upon undocumented migrant workers. The food ain't getting harvested without them - no young Americans clamoring for those jobs.
i know that big corp likes it that way....but the excuse you just gave is tantamount to the excuses the southern plantations gave to ending slavery.
they need to become citizens, for themselves and for the good of the nation. (homes, bank accounts, taxes, etc.)
This is true in the construction industry, and may others as well. Bush 43 found out the hard way that Corporate America is very happy with the vast pool of cheap illegal labor in the country, thank you very much, and any attempts to turn these people into legal citizens with rights and legal protection will be frowned upon.

^^^^my above post
This is true in the construction industry, and may others as well. Bush 43 found out the hard way that Corporate America is very happy with the vast pool of cheap illegal labor in the country, thank you very much, and any attempts to turn these people into legal citizens with rights and legal protection will be frowned upon.

It's only true in the construction industry because contractors dumped the local kids for mexican workers who would work for $10 an hour. I live in a rural area and 30 years ago local kids would get jobs at the hardware store and start learning and meeting contractors, who eventually hired them on to construction crews. Guys would hang at the corner in the morning hoping someone needed an extra hand. Then the illegals came in and undercut the competition. I am a lifelong dem, but illegal immigration IS a problem, and cutting the flow into the country would result in more jobs for teens and young adults.
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i know that big corp likes it that way....but the excuse you just gave is tantamount to the excuses the southern plantations gave to ending slavery.
they need to become citizens, for themselves and for the good of the nation. (homes, bank accounts, taxes, etc.)

well not exactly slavery. Many Mexican nationals make enough money here to retire comfortably in Mexico.

And I reluctantly admit that I have an undocumented gardener/lawn service. Had him the last 5 years or so, when the last one left to retire in Iowa of all places. Blow and go is what we call them.
It's only true in the construction industry because contractors dumped the local kids for mexican workers who would work for $10 an hour. I live in a rural area and 30 years ago local kids would get jobs at the hardware store and start learning and meeting contractors, who eventually hired them on to construction crews. Guys would hang at the corner in the morning hoping someone needed an extra hand. Then the illegals came in and undercut the competition. I am a lifelong dem, but illegal immigration IS a problem, and cutting the flow into the country would result in more jobs for teens and young adults.

That's unfortunate. But that started around here back in the early 80s. I took a summer vacation from a fairly good paying job when I was 21 to work for my friend who was a contractor. Thought I'd learn how to frame houses on my summer vacation. Most of the other workers were undocumented and I was making a lot less money that my regular job at that time programming computers. Just one of those crazy things I did in my early twenties. It was a good experience though.
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