OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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i don't see where trump is getting "screwed out of the nomination". i don't care what kind of twaddle he screams about....the delegates are DOING their job, the way the rules say they're supposed to. that asshole just wants to change all the rules to suit him. and IF the delegates cast their vote for someone else after the first vote, then they are both doing their job and saving america from a dangerous lunatic, again, doing their job. that's what they are supposed to do.
even if a candidate DOES get the popular vote, the delegates job is to ensure that the candidate is fit to serve as POTUS.
and if he's/she's not, then the delegates vote for someone who IS.

that's not getting screwed out of the nomination. that's getting your ass handed to you for shooting off your mouth in such a way that you appear to be dangerous for the national good. his own damn fault.
Same sort of discussion on the other side with Bernie. Though there, I think both are "qualified". It is more about who the voting/caucusing public prefers vs. the delegates. Weird system, it seems to me, at the primary level.
Same sort of discussion on the other side with Bernie. Though there, I think both are "qualified". It is more about who the voting/caucusing public prefers vs. the delegates. Weird system, it seems to me, at the primary level.

yea, i believe both are certainly qualified. i'm just not sure how trustworthy hillary is. :eek::grin:
A stunningly distracted crowd of hundreds of Republicans almost entirely ignored Ted Cruz’s speech at the New York City GOP gala on Thursday night, instead chattering at their dinner tables, standing and taking selfies. Several casually left the dinner altogether.​

That’s exactly the response Cruz wanted. He wasn’t reaching out to rich blue bloods in New York. He was burnishing his anti-establishment image by letting those New England RINOS ignore him, because these days the important New York republicans live upstate.
Good lord. :lol::facepalm:
So did the black radio host think it was a good idea to have Hillary drop a black joke and set this up? Or is Hillarly not as out of touch as she seems and actually came up with a halfway decent joke to tell on black radio?

That’s exactly the response Cruz wanted. He wasn’t reaching out to rich blue bloods in New York. He was burnishing his anti-establishment image by letting those New England RINOS ignore him, because these days the important New York republicans live upstate.
Any self respecting New Englander will tell you that New York is not New England.
Any self respecting New Englander will tell you that New York is not New England.
Living in denial is never good.

There's a reason it isn't just "York".

Same reason New Jersey and New Hampshire aren't just "Jersey" and "Hampshire".

If anything, you could argue the Connecticut, Vermont etc are NOT "New England". Otherwise, they'd be "New Connecticut" etc.

Logic is an unforgiving bitch.
Everyone here in my neck o' the woods carries hot sauce on their person.

i have a bottle of Tabasco on my desk at work, one in the glove box in the get the drift. :grin:

and btw.....i was first introduced to McIllheny's guess where.....Keesler AFB.
(where we use to shoot down to nawlins on weekends)
Any self respecting New Englander will tell you that New York is not New England.

Historically that might be true, but in politics New England is a region formed by drawing lines on a map that connect New Haven, Cambridge, and New York City.
Living in denial is never good.

There's a reason it isn't just "York".

Same reason New Jersey and New Hampshire aren't just "Jersey" and "Hampshire".

If anything, you could argue the Connecticut, Vermont etc are NOT "New England". Otherwise, they'd be "New Connecticut" etc.

Logic is an unforgiving bitch.

Historically that might be true, but in politics New England is a region formed by drawing lines on a map that connect New Haven, Cambridge, and New York City.

Take it up with the New Englanders . They're the ones bitching.
i'm sick and tired of all the candidate BS on every second of every news broadcast.
it's not an election any more. it's a freakin' reality show now.
i can only imagine the disappointment that washington, jefferson, madison, monroe and franklin would have (are having ?).
just makes me want to move to some other country or maybe to another planet.

not to mention Reagan and William F Buckley Jr rolling over in their graves. Reagan's campaign people are the ones who orchestrated bringing the religious right into the party by playing on a couple key issues (which they could have cared less about). I bet he would have regretted that if he was around today (with his mind intact). Remember when Christians backed Jimmy Carter because he was a Christian? Remember the 60s when the Democratic party was still filled with racists? Remember when Robert Dole was promoting health care reform? People should learn about recent US history.
I'm incredibly curious as to where all of the Anti-Hillary Democrats have been hiding up until just recently.

Hang with me here...

Now, out of nowhere, we have Democrats running over each other to cast stones at her. Many of the criticisms directed at her from her own party are involving characteristics or traits that have been there all along and were never "a problem" until this past year. It just keeps getting more and more vicious.

I just don't get it.

Not true, it hasn't been a secret that large numbers of Democrats like myself voted for Obama in the primaries simply because he's the one that didn't vote for GW's war in Iraq. We got the prize of electing the first black president, but many of us were voting "against" Hilary at that time. And the de-regulation of Wall St started by B. Clinton and followed by GW directly led to the financial collapse of 2007-2008. All the democrats I know have been talking about these 2 issues long before Sanders became a candidate. Bernie is a master of the obvious but looks like a genius because he's going against the masterful propaganda paid for by billionaires.
Not true, it hasn't been a secret that large numbers of Democrats like myself voted for Obama in the primaries simply because he's the one that didn't vote for GW's war in Iraq. We got the prize of electing the first black president, but many of us were voting "against" Hilary at that time. And the de-regulation of Wall St started by B. Clinton and followed by GW directly led to the financial collapse of 2007-2008. All the democrats I know have been talking about these 2 issues long before Sanders became a candidate. Bernie is a master of the obvious but looks like a genius because he's going against the masterful propaganda paid for by billionaires.

yea.....i voted for obama for many of the same reasons. to vote against the GW machine, to vote against Billary and to be honest (not racist) but to have the first (seemingly sensible) black man as president. turns out he was a pretty darn good actor during the campaign, also.
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