i don't see where trump is getting "screwed out of the nomination". i don't care what kind of twaddle he screams about....the delegates are DOING their job, the way the rules say they're supposed to. that asshole just wants to change all the rules to suit him. and IF the delegates cast their vote for someone else after the first vote, then they are both doing their job and saving america from a dangerous lunatic, again, doing their job. that's what they are supposed to do.
even if a candidate DOES get the popular vote, the delegates job is to ensure that the candidate is fit to serve as POTUS.
and if he's/she's not, then the delegates vote for someone who IS.
that's not getting screwed out of the nomination. that's getting your ass handed to you for shooting off your mouth in such a way that you appear to be dangerous for the national good. his own damn fault.