OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Here is an interesting turn of events: Hit 'em where it hurts....
Mike Kulich, spokesman for XHamster, stressed the hypocrisy inherent in the state's new law, pointing out that last month the site had "400,000 hits for the term 'Transsexual' from North Carolina alone. People from that state searched 'Gay' 319,907 times."

Users who were hoping to view the site's naughty content will see only a blacked-out screen. "Judging by the stats of what you North Carolinians watch, we feel this punishment is a severe one," said XHamster, adding that the site will eventually replace the blackout with a petition to repeal the law.
I'm incredibly curious as to where all of the Anti-Hillary Democrats have been hiding up until just recently.

Hang with me here...

In 2008, she had almost unanimous support among the DNC, and perhaps even a little from the GOP. She had unusually high support among moderates. Obama really came out of nowhere in the 11th hour to get the nomination. Even still, the majority of Democrats chalked this up to a case of having an abundance of GOOD choices. Many were as disappointed for her as they were excited for Barrack as he represents an incredible milestone in US Race relations. Nevertheless, we all (we being the Democratic Left), were thrilled that she received a high level Cabinet position. That approval and support remained completely unscathed up until Sanders became a credible threat. Yes, many on the Democratic side believed Hillary to be too centric, too moderate, too hawkish, but they still had her back.

Now, out of nowhere, we have Democrats running over each other to cast stones at her. Many of the criticisms directed at her from her own party are involving characteristics or traits that have been there all along and were never "a problem" until this past year. It just keeps getting more and more vicious.

I love Bernie Sanders. Nothing would please me more than to see him get elected, but I have serious doubts about his electability. Hillary was a LOCK. It had been understood and virtually guaranteed that she would stroll effortlessly into the White House by people from all sides. The Republicans had ZERO chance of beating her and they knew it. This is why only the craziest motherfuckers in the GOP even tried to run against her. They served this election up on a silver platter.

The Democrats are falling into the very same pattern of behavior that led to the splintering and eventual catastrophic collapse of the GOP and the rise of the Tea Party. This is a huge mistake. They are dividing themselves into camps of stubborn, uncompromising antagonists. The infighting is ratcheting up daily.

Meanwhile, Trump keeps everyone's eyes on his political circus and away from the fact that Ted Cruz now has a very real shot at sliding into the White House because of this insanity. I am dumbfounded. Just my opinion, but Cruz is way nuttier than Trump because while Trump just talks out of his ass, Cruz is a bona fide zealot, a true believer.

I'm not saying that the criticisms of Hillary Clinton by her own party are invalid, or even unwarranted. That's beside the point. I'm simply wondering why now? Why suddenly pull a 180 when your party had the election won 8 years in advance? Why risk tossing sure victory out the window in the 11th hour?

How did the DNC suddenly shift from considering her the best runner up in a contest of multiple good choices, to now seeing her as worse than the lesser of evils?

I just don't get it.
The Democrats are falling into the very same pattern of behavior that led to the splintering and eventual catastrophic collapse of the GOP and the rise of the Tea Party. This is a huge mistake. They are dividing themselves into camps of stubborn, uncompromising antagonists. The infighting is ratcheting up daily.

Not really. Most of the anti-Hillary democrats are angry young people and minorities who won’t vote anyway and they get lip service from populist politicians who thrive on small donors. They get coverage because they’re noisy, not because they’re actually taking over the party. The mainstream of the party isn’t jumping on the Bernie wagon. They’re just not defending Hillary because they know Bernie’s base will eventually evaporate just like the did in the Occupy Wall Street days when they couldn’t be arsed to keep protesting because it got cold over the winter. On April 20th the Bernie supporters will have to start facing the numbers and realize that he simply cannot get the delegates unless Clinton dies. By the convention things will be back to neo-liberal normal.
There has always been a decent segment of the Dems that just can't stand Hillary. Loved Bill, but Hillary just rubs a lot of people the wrong way. That doesn't mean we won't vote for her if it comes to it, because we aren't stupid. The young voters like her less, and she will be making a big mistake if she doesn't make Bernie her VP choice as soon as she has the nomination. She simply needs his voters and can't get them without him.
The democrats will fall into line behind Clinton just like the people in power in their party want them to. Bernie is just a sideshow for them - he's allowed them to be "mad at the status quo" and "send a message" without any real danger of actually being nominated or worse, elected. Mark my words, in her acceptance speech Clinton will say something along the lines of "I hear Sanders' supporters and I want them to know I will represent their interests", and that will be that.

Clinton had this nomination locked up before it began. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The Republican Party is in complete disarray. Cruz is unelectable as is Trump. Kasich is the only real candidate in that party, however the circus side-show has complely eclipsed him.
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There has always been a decent segment of the Dems that just can't stand Hillary. Loved Bill, but Hillary just rubs a lot of people the wrong way. That doesn't mean we won't vote for her if it comes to it, because we aren't stupid. The young voters like her less, and she will be making a big mistake if she doesn't make Bernie her VP choice as soon as she has the nomination. She simply needs his voters and can't get them without him.

Bernie will not be the VP. What administration wants to spend 4+ years keeping him from saying something outrageous and/or apologizing for whatever he's shouting.

Biden can't keep his mouth shut, but at least he isn't telling the donors who paid for Obama's second term that he wants to dismantle their banks, sink their yachts, and roast their children over and open flame.
Kasich is the only real candidate in that party, however the circus side-show has complely eclipsed him.

Kasich will not be re-elected in Ohio when his term is up. The only reason he appears to be a real candidate is because he knows he can't out crazy Cruz or Trump, so he shuts his mouth and hope no one actually looks at his record here in Ohio. Him winning the state during the primaries was a protest vote, not endorsement.
Bernie will not be the VP. What administration wants to spend 4+ years keeping him from saying something outrageous and/or apologizing for whatever he's shouting.

And Bernie isn’t even a Democrat. Hillary isn’t going to put Bernie a heart attack away from leading the party that he quit and shat on. Besides, she doesn’t need Bernie’s supporters as much as people like to think. Youth voter turnout is terrible, and even Clinton isn’t so bad at campaigning that she’d plan on college kids voting.
Clinton has 100% of the Democratic party behind her. And by "party" I mean the people who count - the Democratic politicians and officials. The super delegates basically makes the little people (like you and me) irrelevant. Sanders is just to mobilize the neckbeards, occupy whatever types, and tree huggers. I don't think Clinton will make Sanders her running mate (Peen's right on about that), but she will give him a cushy cabinet position which he'll serve on for four or eight years, then retire.

As crazy as Trump sounds, president Trump doesn't scare me nearly as bad as president Cruz. Trump knows his schtick is just that. He won't be a good president, but Congress and his cabinet will keep him from doing too much damage.

Cruz, on the other hand, seems to believe his own crazy bullshit and that he is pre-ordained to turn this country into a Christian caliphate and usher in Armageddon. Cruz will turn the clock back on this country 400 years, and destroy what little relations we have left with the rest of the world. And the thought that he would likely replace at least two Supreme Court justices is just terrifying.

Trump may be a buffoon, but he isn't a madman.
I'm incredibly curious as to where all of the Anti-Hillary Democrats have been hiding up until just recently.

Hang with me here...

In 2008, she had almost unanimous support among the DNC, and perhaps even a little from the GOP. She had unusually high support among moderates. Obama really came out of nowhere in the 11th hour to get the nomination. Even still, the majority of Democrats chalked this up to a case of having an abundance of GOOD choices. Many were as disappointed for her as they were excited for Barrack as he represents an incredible milestone in US Race relations. Nevertheless, we all (we being the Democratic Left), were thrilled that she received a high level Cabinet position. That approval and support remained completely unscathed up until Sanders became a credible threat. Yes, many on the Democratic side believed Hillary to be too centric, too moderate, too hawkish, but they still had her back.

Now, out of nowhere, we have Democrats running over each other to cast stones at her. Many of the criticisms directed at her from her own party are involving characteristics or traits that have been there all along and were never "a problem" until this past year. It just keeps getting more and more vicious.

I love Bernie Sanders. Nothing would please me more than to see him get elected, but I have serious doubts about his electability. Hillary was a LOCK. It had been understood and virtually guaranteed that she would stroll effortlessly into the White House by people from all sides. The Republicans had ZERO chance of beating her and they knew it. This is why only the craziest motherfuckers in the GOP even tried to run against her. They served this election up on a silver platter.

The Democrats are falling into the very same pattern of behavior that led to the splintering and eventual catastrophic collapse of the GOP and the rise of the Tea Party. This is a huge mistake. They are dividing themselves into camps of stubborn, uncompromising antagonists. The infighting is ratcheting up daily.

Meanwhile, Trump keeps everyone's eyes on his political circus and away from the fact that Ted Cruz now has a very real shot at sliding into the White House because of this insanity. I am dumbfounded. Just my opinion, but Cruz is way nuttier than Trump because while Trump just talks out of his ass, Cruz is a bona fide zealot, a true believer.

I'm not saying that the criticisms of Hillary Clinton by her own party are invalid, or even unwarranted. That's beside the point. I'm simply wondering why now? Why suddenly pull a 180 when your party had the election won 8 years in advance? Why risk tossing sure victory out the window in the 11th hour?

How did the DNC suddenly shift from considering her the best runner up in a contest of multiple good choices, to now seeing her as worse than the lesser of evils?

I just don't get it.

I'm not sure. I wouldn't call myself anti Hillary, but I am not a fan of hers and haven't been for a long time. I didn't like the shenanigans of "moving" to NY to become the senator. She should have ran from her home state. (I know Bernie is from NY, but he was in Vermont for a long time before he ran for congress) I will vote for her if she gets the nomination because I don't know if I can think of worse candidates than Trump or Cruz. I can't see myself ever voting for someone who denies climate change. I am tired of the excuse that "I'm not a scientist." Well they aren't doctors either, but if their doctor tells them to take a pill to lower their blood pressure, I bet they do it.
Clinton has 100% of the Democratic party behind her. And by "party" I mean the people who count - the Democratic politicians and officials. The super delegates basically makes the little people (like you and me) irrelevant. Sanders is just to mobilize the neckbeards, occupy whatever types, and tree huggers. I don't think Clinton will make Sanders her running mate (Peen's right on about that), but she will give him a cushy cabinet position which he'll serve on for four or eight years, then retire.

As crazy as Trump sounds, president Trump doesn't scare me nearly as bad as president Cruz. Trump knows his schtick is just that. He won't be a good president, but Congress and his cabinet will keep him from doing too much damage.

Cruz, on the other hand, seems to believe his own crazy bullshit and that he is pre-ordained to turn this country into a Christian caliphate and usher in Armageddon. Cruz will turn the clock back on this country 400 years, and destroy what little relations we have left with the rest of the world. And the thought that he would likely replace at least two Supreme Court justices is just terrifying.

Trump may be a buffoon, but he isn't a madman.

I tend to agree. I think Trump has some kind of angle he is working here. I can't believe all of the stuff he is spouting is for real.
My Bernie support is because I like his policies better, I LOATHE the Patriot Act that Hillary voted for and Bernie did not, the banking issues, and her war vote. I do not feel that Hillary will do anything to undo the damage caused by the Patriot Act, and would side on the side of the Feds on issues such as the Apple thing. It is not about anger for me, at least toward Hillary. If she is the nominee, I will vote for her. Won't even call her the lesser of two evils. But I will say I disagree strongly with her on several points. I hope that Bernie's success pushes the conversation in a better direction. Slowly eroding from traditional democratic values further to the right because of the boat anchor of the radical right on the other side is not a long run answer in my mind. We will slowly lose the fight by "death by a thousand cuts".
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I tend to agree. I think Trump has some kind of angle he is working here. I can't believe all of the stuff he is spouting is for real.

I think he must be, and his family must be in on it because none of them seem to mind that their father has turned into an insane parody of his reality TV schtick. But it’s also possible that he’s got early-onset dementia and his kids are all just so awful that they don’t care and they think getting him elected will somehow benefit them.

Craig MazinVerified account‏@clmazin
Ted Cruz thinks people don't have a right to "stimulate their genitals." I was his college roommate. This would be a new belief of his.

this is exactly why we can not afford to elect either cruz or trump. they are both complete looney tunes....and not in a good way. cruz wants to rule the USA by deleting the constitution and bill of rights and use HIS version of the bible.

trump just wants to go to war......with everyone.
you shouldn't need any more reason to vote against cruz than this. it is a legal brief that he filed in an attempt to make sex toys and self sexual stimulation ILLEGAL in texas. his quote.

“There is no substantive due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship,” Cruz’s team wrote in the lengthy court document filed in 2007.

you want THIS asshole making laws in our country?? he'd have people nailed up on crosses all over the country.
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