OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I don't get it. What's so outrageous about running on "Cautious Politician" time? It's a stupid joke, but I honestly don't understand the attention.

EDIT - I just read the article. I've never heard the term they mention. Did people really used to say "CP Time"?

I've heard it quite often around here. Usually used by African Americans as kind of an inside joke, and definitely one that would be offensive if a white guy just threw it off like that in public. If you get a chance to watch the video who I am assuming is the African American actor from Hamilton on stage is audibly uncomfortable.
If you get a chance to watch the video who I am assuming is the African American actor from Hamilton on stage is audibly uncomfortable.

His being uncomfortable was part of the joke. They were making fun of politicians tiptoeing around hot buttons and politically correct liberals. Maybe it was intended to poke fun at both Sanders supports and De Blasio, whose presented his interracial family as a credential during his mayoral campaign. That said, it’s not funny, and they shouldn’t have done it. Clinton’s participation is a stunning reminder of what a bad campaigner she is. Has she looked at an op-ed page in the last year? I haven’t seen a mainstream politician act this out of touch since Romney’s 47% speech.
One thing people seem to be comfortable with that I find atrocious: if she wins, that's 4 presidents from the same 2 families in the past 30 years. We avoided a race between that option and the third president from the same family in 30 years, but it's still bad, bad news.
That's kind of a funny catch 22 I've observed when it comes to politics. I could be wrong, but it appears that either you're an elitist, establishment type who is "part of the problem," or you're an outsider who inspires people but is almost entirely ineffective.
His being uncomfortable was part of the joke. They were making fun of politicians tiptoeing around hot buttons and politically correct liberals. Maybe it was intended to poke fun at both Sanders supports and De Blasio, whose presented his interracial family as a credential during his mayoral campaign. That said, it’s not funny, and they shouldn’t have done it. Clinton’s participation is a stunning reminder of what a bad campaigner she is. Has she looked at an op-ed page in the last year? I haven’t seen a mainstream politician act this out of touch since Romney’s 47% speech.
You really think that was a set up joke? Horrible idea if it was.
You really think that was a set up joke? Horrible idea if it was.

Clinton and De Blasio are both too intelligent to do improv comedy at a campaign event. But they're also too arrogant/clueless to think their staff would write something horrible.
As a conservative, I'm having a tough time watching this entire shit show. There is no way I can vote for Trump, yet Hillary is such an incredible liar I wouldn't consider voting for her even if that meant Trump would get elected (holy crap is that a scary thought). Although I'm not a fan of Sanders, I would probably vote for him if he gets nominated or runs as an independent. I can tell you that Bernie enjoys widespread support here in VT, even among conservatives.

This is Hillary's latest shot at Sanders - it's not going over well here:

Of course, VT doesn't matter to Clinton anyway - Sanders got over 90% of the vote here in the primary (however Patrick Leahy (D) is casting his super-delegate vote for Clinton).
As a conservative, I'm having a tough time watching this entire shit show. There is no way I can vote for Trump, yet Hillary is such an incredible liar I wouldn't consider voting for her even if that meant Trump would get elected (holy crap is that a scary thought). Although I'm not a fan of Sanders, I would probably vote for him if he gets nominated or runs as an independent. I can tell you that Bernie enjoys widespread support here in VT, even among conservatives.

This is Hillary's latest shot at Sanders - it's not going over well here:

Of course, VT doesn't matter to Clinton anyway - Sanders got over 90% of the vote here in the primary (however Patrick Leahy (D) is casting his super-delegate vote for Clinton).

i am DESPERATELY hoping that at the GOP convention, Kasich ends up with the nom. i know that Kerouac can't stand him, but he's done good by T-town.
and besides, he's the only one that isn't a FUCKING CRAZY PERSON.

but so help me, as much as i HATE hillary, i WILL vote for her to keep Trump from becoming POTUS.
i am DESPERATELY hoping that at the GOP convention, Kasich ends up with the nom.

Kasich has tried to pass himself off as a moderate for the POTUS campaign, which means he’s just another RINO to right-wing media. If he gets nominated Trump will turn the tea party into a third party, and much of the right-wing media will go with him. The house and senate will go from a disorganized standstill to outright chaos. And that’s the best case scenario. Worst case is violence. Since the 1970s gun rights politicians have been saying that gun owners safeguard American democracy. It’s going to get ugly if the gun nuts decide an election was stolen and start taking shots at delegates and party leadership.
well....that is the difference between 'gun nuts'.....and responsible citizens that own firearms.
perhaps it's time the media gets taken down for all the lies and bullshit they've put forth for their political agendas, instead of just reporting the news without bias.
THAT would be a great day.
Another election, another vote for the lesser of evils.
Same shit over and over. :(
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yea....but the 'evils' are getting worse and the point that there is NO lesser anymore.

Ummmm, no.

Shoplifting is bad. Robbing the store with a shotgun is evil.

Don't confuse "not great" for "narcissistic fascist liar", because it ain't the same thing at all.
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