OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I would think that would be something you should be very well aware of.:facepalm:

More importantly, how did he get registered as a Republican in the first place. "Oh, I just realized that my membership in the Puppy-Kicking, Grandma-Hating, Nickleback Fans Association is still valid. Might as well take advantage of the 10% discount I get at Friendly's."
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More importantly, how did he get registered as a Republican in the first place. "Oh, I just realized that my membership in the Puppy-Kicking, Grandma-Hating, Nickleback Fans Association is still valid. Might as well take advantage of the 10% discount I get at Friendly's."

True, but everyone has a dark secret or two from their past. I try not to judge (but I do anyway)
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I've been a registered Republican since 1996. I had switched to Democrat to vote against Hillary in the '08 primary, but I guess I switched it back and forgot.
Gross. I hope yr proud of yourself.
Party affiliation without political aspiration does nothing except allow you to vote in the primary. In this case, a vote for Kasich is a protest vote. I'd have preferred to vote for Bernie, but that too is a protest vote.
What I wonder is if the campaigns will get together as the math continues to reveal itself and find a way to mend fences and unite the party a little more.

I think that will depend on who Sanders hates more; Clinton or the GOP nominee. There's not much in the way of positions the Democrats can offer Sanders because he's radioactive now that he's shat on just about everyone in politics and business. Maybe make him ambassador to Bermuda.
Party affiliation without political aspiration does nothing except allow you to vote in the primary. In this case, a vote for Kasich is a protest vote. I'd have preferred to vote for Bernie, but that too is a protest vote.

What? You register with one party for primaries to help dictate who you can vote against in the general?

California tried open primaries (prop 198 ) but the republicans had an aneurism over it. You can currently register with 'no party preference' and vote for nearly any party except the reps.
I just found out that here in Indiana you can vote in one primary or the other regardless of your party affiliation. You just have to tell them which card you want when you go in the polls.
I just found out that here in Indiana you can vote in one primary or the other regardless of your party affiliation. You just have to tell them which card you want when you go in the polls.

it was the same for here in ohio. they asked which one i was casting for, and then handed me that card to put into the machine. yes, i'm one of the ones who helped Kasich take ohio. what other REAL choice was there? vote for either of the other two madmen?
I just found out that here in Indiana you can vote in one primary or the other regardless of your party affiliation. You just have to tell them which card you want when you go in the polls.

Same in VA. Man did I get some eye rolls when I told them what party. I guess they were pissed that I wasn't ready to make America great again.
I'd have gone off on them. Fuck a poll worker that is not at least outwardly neutral. :mad:
you'd be getting taken away 'round here in NW Ohio. this town bleeds UAW. in the 90's my polling place was a UAW UNION HALL!!!! they had people out side the door telling you to vote democrat as you were going in. illegal as HELL.
but they get away with it constantly. the local county election board has been investigated numerous times for various violations. it has gotten a lot better in the last few years.
this town bleeds UAW. .

UAW, reminds me of VFW, which reminds me of DF/W, which brings to mind this. Just as a break from all the politics and all the words. All guitar, no words.

EDIT: I will admit that for the longest time, I thought the name of the song was "VFW", and I always imagined in my mind some older vets in little blue hats rocking out to some Vaughan bros.
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What? You register with one party for primaries to help dictate who you can vote against in the general?

California tried open primaries (prop 198 ) but the republicans had an aneurism over it. You can currently register with 'no party preference' and vote for nearly any party except the reps.

I knew McCain would be the Republican nominee in '08. I was disappointed in his running mate, but that happened after the primary anyway. The real race was Obama/Clinton. I'd already suffered through 8 years of Clinton's bullshit when she carpetbagged her way to Patrick Moynihan's Senate seat. Voting against her was a priority for me. So I registered as a Democrat to vote in the primary. I have no problem changing party affiliation to vote for (or against) a candidate.
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