Kick Henry Jackassowski
Please don't fall prey to the the popular Trump supporter tactic of associating criticism of Trump with hatred of Trump. We aren't criticizing Trump's message on Castro because it came from Trump, we are criticising the use of a negative message at a point of time when negativity will do no good.
No one is dismissing anything. Our government has finally reached the point where we realize the path we've taken with Cuba over the last 50 years has had zero impact on the Castro government, and has put a tremendous hardship on the Cuban people. It is time to move forward. Making antagonistic remarks about Fidel Castro isn't going to help a single thing. But it will sour our relationship with Raul.
That and there have always been stupid people who overlooked the atrocities of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. And Ronald Reagan. And Bill Clinton. And pretty much every other politician who thought murder, torture, and mass incarceration are acceptable.