OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Yeah, I hear you, and I know that it is a NYC tradition thing. But I am just not a big fan of dumb old traditions, such as my brother discussing when he first became a fire fighter that NYC and Boston and other old eastern cities clung to old, more traditional looking helmets, rather than newer, more effective ones. Tradition for tradition's sake, if it holds back progress that needs to come, bugs me. In this case, the negative aspects of this event almost outweighs the token dough raised. But then again, I am not in the dire need that some may be who are reached by this money. And also, the whole catholic, "hey, rich dude, you put a whole dollar in the collection basket, go with blessings" thing uttered by a white man shaman in special clothes bugs me too. Ok, Friday morning organized religion rant over. :)

I don't give a fuck about tradition and was being as sarcastic as possible. :embarrassed:
In fairness, I can see how you can argue some good comes from Father Bing Crosby in fancy robes shaking the rich guys down for some dough for the poor helps at least get that money. And I know from my youth that Catholic charities can sometimes do some really good work. But the whole robes and gold thing and fancy buildings thing (the early joke about Trump and the RC Church being the biggest tax free property owners) needs to shift further. The new Pope has called the church to task on this issue a little, but not seeing tons of movement.

Hah, look at that! I managed to inject a forbidden topic (religion) into our forbidden politics discussion. LOL!

The Pope has taken a much firmer stance in the Vatican and in South America, but he doesn't interfere too much with American Bishops and such. It's kinda bizarre.
The current pope might be a cool bro as far as popes go. But it's a calculated move to reinvigorate the "catholic brand" after all their image troubles.

"Hmm, that whole 'molesting altar boys' has really soured people to our brand, especially in America. New pope?"

"Can we get a Hispanic pope this time? Catholicism always goes over so well in those countries and it would really make it look like we're being progressive."

"How about a FEMALE pope? Can you imagine how progressive..."


"Umm, okay. I mean, Hispanic Pope is fine. Who is going to break it to Hitler Youth Pope?"
Sure they are capable, it's worrisome, and you gotta treat it as legit.

But statistically I wonder how often Death Threats actually get carried out (to some degree of violence) in non domestic/familiar situations.

Death threats to doxed Jewish journalists from alt-right supporters is a different thing. Those guys are fully capable of taking it beyond a threat.

People haven't really changed. They've just become more politically correct. Trump blew the lid off of that and exposed the hatred for what it really is. So there's a good side and a bad side. Now that the death threats have been sent, let's round up those sending them because their actions are unacceptable.
"Hmm, that whole 'molesting altar boys' has really soured people to our brand, especially in America. New pope?"

"Can we get a Hispanic pope this time? Catholicism always goes over so well in those countries and it would really make it look like we're being progressive."

"How about a FEMALE pope? Can you imagine how progressive..."


"Umm, okay. I mean, Hispanic Pope is fine. Who is going to break it to Hitler Youth Pope?"
I tend to believe the new Pope is sincere, based on the work he has done over his life. But I bet he also knows he is to an extent being used that way, and maybe he hopes simply to move the ball in the right direction a little during his time. But I can also see it your way a bit.
The current pope might be a cool bro as far as popes go. But it's a calculated move to reinvigorate the "catholic brand" after all their image troubles.

Agreed. Most of the world, Catholics included, have no idea how the church is run. People hear “papal infallibility” and assume that the pope is a dictator who rules a huge religion by fiat. So the Cardinals picked a guy who can make them look better regardless of what they really do. It will all fall apart if a new scandal hits, but the usual headlines of the bishops running an international conspiracy to protect rapists are old news and people stopped paying attention.

Stupendously bad.

I have never seen so many people on a dais cringing and looking to their phones.

But the biggest sourpuss of the night?

View attachment 30159

“Many don’t know this, but Rudy actually got his start as a prosecutor going after wealthy New Yorkers who avoided paying taxes,” Clinton said. “But as the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, go on Fox News and call him a genius.”
That was fucking priceless!

“Nineteen days out from the election, you’ve been labeled a racist, you’ve been called a sexist,” Marshall began before the candidate cut her off.

“Thank you very much,” Trump said abruptly as he started to walk away.

Marshall made a final attempt to ask, “How do you respond to that?”

Trump turned around and retorted: “I am the least racist person you’ve ever met.”

“Nineteen days out from the election, you’ve been labeled a racist, you’ve been called a sexist,” Marshall began before the candidate cut her off.

“Thank you very much,” Trump said abruptly as he started to walk away.

Marshall made a final attempt to ask, “How do you respond to that?”

Trump turned around and retorted: “I am the least racist person you’ve ever met.”

“Nineteen days out from the election, you’ve been labeled a racist, you’ve been called a sexist,” Marshall began before the candidate cut her off.

“Thank you very much,” Trump said abruptly as he started to walk away.

Marshall made a final attempt to ask, “How do you respond to that?”

Trump turned around and retorted: “I am the least racist person you’ve ever met.”

but....but.....but.....he didn't repeat it three times.
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low brow. funny, but low brow.

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