OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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If vans full of peckerwoods with AR-15s drive to minority neighborhoods to guard the polls it will be all over the news and people probably will stay away. .

the thing is that most polling places are gun free zones. the peckerwoods would not be allowed on the property.
if they force it, the national guard will get called out.
the thing is that most polling places are gun free zones. the peckerwoods would not be allowed on the property.
if they force it, the national guard will get called out.

They don’t have to go into the polling places. They just have to stand outside, just like when they show up at mosques. The Black Panthers worked out the legality of this stuff long ago.
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His response: "See? It's rigged. How were we supposed to know about an old, and listen to me now, stupid, law. When I win, we'll reverse that. I promise you. I'll sign on the line and it will go away because that's how it works. Andif it doesn't work that way, we'll change things so that it does. It will be tremendous."

More like. “More proof that Paul Ryan is working with Crooked Hillary to steal election. Sad. Second Amendment people know what to do.”
Wow. He bombed.


Stupendously bad.

I have never seen so many people on a dais cringing and looking to their phones.

But the biggest sourpuss of the night?


“Many don’t know this, but Rudy actually got his start as a prosecutor going after wealthy New Yorkers who avoided paying taxes,” Clinton said. “But as the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, go on Fox News and call him a genius.”
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