OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Yeah, I was actually pleasantly surprised for the first half of it. I thought it might not be a shit show for once. But it fell off the cliff pretty rapidly.
Yeah, I was actually pleasantly surprised for the first half of it. I thought it might not be a shit show for once. But it fell off the cliff pretty rapidly.

Agreed. And I think that made it even worse. He gave the room false hope that he wasn’t going to be an asshole while speaking at a Catholic fundraiser for poor children attended by an archbishop who probably personally asked him to drop the BS and appear. What a dick.
Yeah. Trump isn't rich enough to finance a television network, even with supporters. Unless his plan is to launch one in Russia.

He has more than enough money to do something online. Trump could capitalize big up front if he uses his own money and immediately beat down the competition. He can poach a gang of big name writers/bomb-throwers from the alt-right blogosphere, throw in his crazy loyalists like Carson and Christie, and have better production values. If he can suck the air out of multiple other alt-right dumpster fires early on he could become profitable early, stop burning cash, and then wait for an opportunity to buy some cable network and rebrand it.
He has more than enough money to do something online. Trump could capitalize big up front if he uses his own money and immediately beat down the competition. He can poach a gang of big name writers/bomb-throwers from the alt-right blogosphere, throw in his crazy loyalists like Carson and Christie, and have better production values. If he can suck the air out of multiple other alt-right dumpster fires early on he could become profitable early, stop burning cash, and then wait for an opportunity to buy some cable network and rebrand it.
He'll rake in revenue from clicks. Even his detractors will go and view whatever bombast gets cooked up. It doesn't even have to be political. He can just Trump along and viewers will show up.
I just thought I'd mention as this thread is on its 366th page and this should be post #7309, that the thread title is inaccurate. This is especially true for the the OP, as sunvalleylaw has continuously contributed to and made some excellent points in this thread.

Further, it has been a great discussion considering everything. Thanks folks.
He was on-point until about the halfway mark. Much like the debates. He always crosses the line in the same way in the same spot. It's his schtick.
I was just thinking this morning about how really this event is not a great idea, tradition or not. Especially this year. What good does it do, other than the fundraising, that probably could be done in some other way? Also, being born and raised Catholic (but having since left that organized religion), I tire of seeing Bishops and Cardinals in resplendent red robes bedazzled with gold, at a fancy dinner full of rich folks putting out a little pocket change (relatively) for the poor and needy. The gaudiness bugs me. And the roast premise just seems dumb. If you were really trying to be kind and extend brotherly love to the candidates, one of whom by this time is presumably losing, you would not put them (Trump in this case) in this position.
I was just thinking this morning about how really this event is not a great idea, tradition or not. Especially this year. What good does it do, other than the fundraising, that probably could be done in some other way? Also, being born and raised Catholic (but having since left that organized religion), I tire of seeing Bishops and Cardinals in resplendent red robes bedazzled with gold, at a fancy dinner full of rich folks putting out a little pocket change (relatively) for the poor and needy. The gaudiness bugs me. And the roast premise just seems dumb. If you were really trying to be kind and extend brotherly love to the candidates, one of whom by this time is presumably losing, you would not put them (Trump in this case) in this position.

The roast is a thing here in NYC. I get it, and I get why they've jumped the shark, but how else are you going to get 1%-ers and their puppet lawmakers together to raise a token amount of money for the poor?
The roast is a thing here in NYC. I get it, and I get why they've jumped the shark, but how else are you going to get 1%-ers and their puppet lawmakers together to raise a token amount of money for the poor?
Yeah, I hear you, and I know that it is a NYC tradition thing. But I am just not a big fan of dumb old traditions, such as my brother discussing when he first became a fire fighter that NYC and Boston and other old eastern cities clung to old, more traditional looking helmets, rather than newer, more effective ones. Tradition for tradition's sake, if it holds back progress that needs to come, bugs me. In this case, the negative aspects of this event almost outweighs the token dough raised. But then again, I am not in the dire need that some may be who are reached by this money. And also, the whole catholic, "hey, rich dude, you put a whole dollar in the collection basket, go with blessings" thing uttered by a white man shaman in special clothes bugs me too. Ok, Friday morning organized religion rant over. :)
In fairness, I can see how you can argue some good comes from Father Bing Crosby in fancy robes shaking the rich guys down for some dough for the poor helps at least get that money. And I know from my youth that Catholic charities can sometimes do some really good work. But the whole robes and gold thing and fancy buildings thing (the early joke about Trump and the RC Church being the biggest tax free property owners) needs to shift further. The new Pope has called the church to task on this issue a little, but not seeing tons of movement.

Hah, look at that! I managed to inject a forbidden topic (religion) into our forbidden politics discussion. LOL!
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