OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I see he could write about as well as he
I've got admit that while my now 12 year0old sone would have told you were wrong when he was seven, I only know now because I'm completely obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. It's making care more about history than I ever thought I could.

Thankfully no one's made any music to date that makes Ayn Rand's books/philosophy seems interesting to me...and I'm a Rush fan, just not a 2112 fan (although I love A Passage to Bangkok).

I haven't studied US History in detail since High School. So though I know a fair amount about balance of powers, and the US Const. and basic outline of history, the who's who of who ran way back when escapes me at this point. And I was google sloppy. Who remembers the losers anyway? :wink:
I haven't studied US History in detail since High School. So though I know a fair amount about balance of powers, and the US Const. and basic outline of history, the who's who of who ran way back when escapes me at this point. And I was google sloppy. Who remembers the losers anyway? :wink:

Well, even the losers get lucky sometimes...


That's not lacking class, just a bad picture. He actually played college baseball. Captained the team and played in two college World Series. Interestingly, he was also on the cheerleading squad, which may explain the team spirit and exuberance on display in this image.
That's not lacking class, just a bad picture. He actually played college baseball. Captained the team and played in two college World Series. Interestingly, he was also on the cheerleading squad, which may explain the team spirit and exuberance on display in this image.

Just kidding, of course. I actually thought he was a decent Repub president, but I always loved the beatific goofitude of his expression, combined with the profoundly awkward delivery. He reminded me of George McFly.
I dunno, I think it has to be a bit more overt than just hints and suggestions.
It's a very fine line

Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. (wiki)

Of course if charged, he will just say the criminal justice system is rigged.

He and his supporters, not unlike Dubya's supporters back in the day, seem unable to believe that a person can be smart enough and prepared enough to be able answer the myriad of questions that might be thrown their way during a debate. Romney didn't have these problems. McCain was good to go. But Trump can't speak to the facts or prep for debates worth a damn so again, the only way he can lose is if he's being conspired against.

He's a truly sad and pathetic man. So much so that even being President won't change it.

I was trying to figure out why he'd bother contesting the election and then I realized potentially more (and seemingly endless) free publicity. It would keep in the news and spotlight even longer. That's the other thing, he's a total attention whore. That's surely what we need in a President.
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