OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Just had to formulate some thoughts around what's coming.

Many people just don't realise that your choice of president can often have big consequences worldwide, not only in the US.

well.....yes you are correct, and unfortunately many people, especially some of our politicians, never take into consideration that some of the choices we make here in the USA, effect a good part of the rest of the free world. i'm going to chalk it up, somewhat, to "american exceptionalism". (we were blessed by gawd to be THE best place on the planet, in short, and everyone should just follow us or go to hell")

not that i agree with that.

moving on.....addressing your first post...well the one above the one i'm quoting. you guys in europe have moved past the kind of white/black/other....racism that still is percolating just below the surface here. there are literally tons on people in this country that really believe that the "south is gonna rise again"....(make america great again).
slavery is coming back and you can lynch any mother fucker you don't like and it will be , wink wink, nod nod, okay.
that seems very very very's true. there are (i'm guessing, but having lived in 13 states and been in 26 of them)....tens of millions in this country that seriously want to bring back the confederacy, with all it's racial ugliness.
and THAT is why a fucktard like trump could even possibly be in serious running for the president of the USA (leader of the free world).

we're scared too.
well.....yes you are correct, and unfortunately many people, especially some of our politicians, never take into consideration that some of the choices we make here in the USA, effect a good part of the rest of the free world. i'm going to chalk it up, somewhat, to "american exceptionalism". (we were blessed by gawd to be THE best place on the planet, in short, and everyone should just follow us or go to hell")

not that i agree with that.

moving on.....addressing your first post...well the one above the one i'm quoting. you guys in europe have moved past the kind of white/black/other....racism that still is percolating just below the surface here. there are literally tons on people in this country that really believe that the "south is gonna rise again"....(make america great again).
slavery is coming back and you can lynch any mother fucker you don't like and it will be , wink wink, nod nod, okay.
that seems very very very's true. there are (i'm guessing, but having lived in 13 states and been in 26 of them)....tens of millions in this country that seriously want to bring back the confederacy, with all it's racial ugliness.
and THAT is why a fucktard like trump could even possibly be in serious running for the president of the USA (leader of the free world).

we're scared too.

The thing that really scares me is that he's unstable enough he could actually start a war in a heated moment.
This is a guy who speaks first and then starts thinking.
We know Hillary would never do that (and every other candidate would never do that). Add Putin to that mix, who doesn't screw around AT ALL, and no wonder people are getting nervous. There's one guy on the planet you really don't want to get on the wrong side, and that's Putin.
On the other hand, I see stuff like this in my Facebook feed:

Screen Shot 2016-10-14 at 6.31.35 PM.png
I just watched the new Avenged Sevenfold video, has a pretty good anti-war/violence message. And kind of a conspiracy theory message near the end, with those world-leader puppets.

The thing that really scares me is that he's unstable enough he could actually start a war in a heated moment.
This is a guy who speaks first and then starts thinking.
We know Hillary would never do that (and every other candidate would never do that). Add Putin to that mix, who doesn't screw around AT ALL, and no wonder people are getting nervous. There's one guy on the planet you really don't want to get on the wrong side, and that's Putin.

i really do believe when the shit hits the fan, Hillary is going to win. the more dumpster runs his mouth, the thinner his electorate gets.
and then there is the rape case that will be going to trial in december. even if he wins the election, if he looses that rape case, he is automatically going to be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeoners"'s part of our constitution that allows a president to be removed from office for being a criminal, unlike Putin.
he would also have an EXTREMELY hostile congress to deal with. they would be looking for ANY excuse to remove him from power, and as stupid as that asstard is, he would give to them in 10 minutes.'s a very scarey thought that this flaming piece of shit COULD get elected.....but he WILL NOT last the first 100 days.
i really do believe when the shit hits the fan, Hillary is going to win. the more dumpster runs his mouth, the thinner his electorate gets.
and then there is the rape case that will be going to trial in december. even if he wins the election, if he looses that rape case, he is automatically going to be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeoners"'s part of our constitution that allows a president to be removed from office for being a criminal, unlike Putin.
he would also have an EXTREMELY hostile congress to deal with. they would be looking for ANY excuse to remove him from power, and as stupid as that asstard is, he would give to them in 10 minutes.'s a very scarey thought that this flaming piece of shit COULD get elected.....but he WILL NOT last the first 100 days.

Yeah, really hope you're right.

Just looking at the candidates available, to me it's crystal clear who is the more qualified one (and I'm leaving out past things that may have gone on).
One of the candidates have decades of political experience and know what it takes to do the job well. That's pretty much all one needs to know really.
The other one is a tax dodging, racist piece of shit that's only in it for personal gain, by the looks of it.

It really boils down to - who is equipped for doing the job? Only one answer there imo.
Yeah, really hope you're right.

Just looking at the candidates available, to me it's crystal clear who is the more qualified one (and I'm leaving out past things that may have gone on).
One of the candidates have decades of political experience and know what it takes to do the job well. That's pretty much all one needs to know really.
The other one is a tax dodging, racist piece of shit that's only in it for personal gain, by the looks of it.

It really boils down to - who is equipped for doing the job? Only one answer there imo.

you DO realize....that in this thread, you can actually use their names.
at the very least (and i REALLY don't like her...but) hillary has BEEN in the whitehouse and KNOWS how to act. knows the protocols. knows the diplomacy.
she is NOT going to go off, willy nilly, and start a war. and she is HAWKISH as hell. but she also has a pretty good deal of restraint. if she didn't, she'd be divorced by now.
well.....yes you are correct, and unfortunately many people, especially some of our politicians, never take into consideration that some of the choices we make here in the USA, effect a good part of the rest of the free world. i'm going to chalk it up, somewhat, to "american exceptionalism". (we were blessed by gawd to be THE best place on the planet, in short, and everyone should just follow us or go to hell")

not that i agree with that.

moving on.....addressing your first post...well the one above the one i'm quoting. you guys in europe have moved past the kind of white/black/other....racism that still is percolating just below the surface here. there are literally tons on people in this country that really believe that the "south is gonna rise again"....(make america great again).
slavery is coming back and you can lynch any mother fucker you don't like and it will be , wink wink, nod nod, okay.
that seems very very very's true. there are (i'm guessing, but having lived in 13 states and been in 26 of them)....tens of millions in this country that seriously want to bring back the confederacy, with all it's racial ugliness.
and THAT is why a fucktard like trump could even possibly be in serious running for the president of the USA (leader of the free world).

we're scared too.

If we did a Kickstarter to raise some money for you to take an English class, would you use it?
you DO realize....that in this thread, you can actually use their names.
at the very least (and i REALLY don't like her...but) hillary has BEEN in the whitehouse and KNOWS how to act. knows the protocols. knows the diplomacy.
she is NOT going to go off, willy nilly, and start a war. and she is HAWKISH as hell. but she also has a pretty good deal of restraint. if she didn't, she'd be divorced by now.

Very true. Like her or not, she is more than equipped to deal with that job, and that's what SHOULD count.
And the world outside the US would greatly prefer if she got it.

As for the republican party, you have to wonder the state they're in. The last few elections they've had Palin, Romney, Bush jr and so on. Is there really not any candidates left in that party with a functioning brain?
Very true. Like her or not, she is more than equipped to deal with that job, and that's what SHOULD count.
And the world outside the US would greatly prefer if she got it.

As for the republican party, you have to wonder the state they're in. The last few elections they've had Palin, Romney, Bush jr and so on. Is there really not any candidates left in that party with a functioning brain?

i think the last really good GOP president was Eisenhower. (1952-1960). after that you had Nixon.....Ford (by default), Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2.
there have been plenty of shitty Dems in there too. LBJ ( who actually started the Vietnam war), Carter (good man, couldn't get anything done), Bubba and Obama.

both sides bear plenty of blame.
what we need right TEDDY!!!!
As for the republican party, you have to wonder the state they're in. The last few elections they've had Palin, Romney, Bush jr and so on. Is there really not any candidates left in that party with a functioning brain?

This is a "chicken vs egg" debate, really.

Either way, though, stupid often tends to seek its own level.
Very true. Like her or not, she is more than equipped to deal with that job, and that's what SHOULD count.
And the world outside the US would greatly prefer if she got it.

As for the republican party, you have to wonder the state they're in. The last few elections they've had Palin, Romney, Bush jr and so on. Is there really not any candidates left in that party with a functioning brain?

I'm not sure what's worse. These were the best candidates one political party from the US could come up with or that the rest of the world still looks to the US for leadership.
i think the last really good GOP president was Eisenhower. (1952-1960). after that you had Nixon.....Ford (by default), Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2.
there have been plenty of shitty Dems in there too. LBJ ( who actually started the Vietnam war), Carter (good man, couldn't get anything done), Bubba and Obama.

both sides bear plenty of blame.
what we need right TEDDY!!!!

Ike is way overrated. Makes perfect since that he be deified by the white male 'Ozzie & Harriet' demographic.

But apathy to McCarthyism and to civil rights are unforgivable.

Vietnam was obviously a disaster, but LBJ was one of the best domestic presidents ever, even if he was a really unlikable guy.

And I think that Carter is way underrated. He was absolutely visionary, and I blame voters for failing to acknowledge that. "Oooh, shiny Reagan lights!"

It's worth noting that the two most effective legislative periods took place in eras during which liberals had super-majorities: the Civil War and the Great Depression. And those legislations have proven to be on the right side of history.
Ike is way overrated. Makes perfect since that he be deified by the white male 'Ozzie & Harriet' demographic.

But apathy to McCarthyism and to civil rights are unforgivable.

Vietnam was obviously a disaster, but LBJ was one of the best domestic presidents ever, even if he was a really unlikable guy.

And I think that Carter is way underrated. He was absolutely visionary, and I blame voters for failing to acknowledge that. "Oooh, shiny Reagan lights!"

It's worth noting that the two most effective legislative periods took place in eras during which liberals had super-majorities: the Civil War and the Great Depression. And those legislations have proven to be on the right side of history.
One of my high school teachers was a close friend of Jimmy Carter. She said he failed as President because he tried to do literally everything himself, instead of relying on his staff and cabinet to help handle things idn_smilie
One of my high school teachers was a close friend of Jimmy Carter. She said he failed as President because he tried to do literally everything himself, instead of relying on his staff and cabinet to help handle things idn_smilie
that is very much true.
carter was one of the, if not THE, most honest men that ever held the office. (Teddy would be a close second)
but he just couldn't delegate anything. i served under him while i was in the USAF. the fall of 1979 is a time that i will never be able to forgive him for, and the year and a half afterwards.
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