weird musical dildo
I'm doing another live-tweet of the debates tonite if anyone wants to check it out!
I'll just let her type:
Okay I don't actually think it was that bad, but my dad loves it so much that I mock it to tease him. I have not seen it in a few years (thankfully), but from what I remember, the cinematography was great and the plot was cool, BUT
- Keanu Reeves talks like a douchebag
-Johnny Utah is a ridiculous name
-If he was really a good cop, he could have found out that the surfers he's hanging out with are the SURFERS HE IS LOOKING FOR OH MY GOSH OPEN YOUR EYES JOHNNY UTAH
-I'm actually not going to complain about Gary Busey, he did OK
-There was only one woman with a signifigant speaking role, and she could have been replaced with a really nice looking table lamp and the plot would've been basically the same.
-That police chief keeps yelling at Johnny Utah and Gary Busey for wasting their time with surfboard wax, but it's not like he's helping at all. That just pisses me off.
-I cannot emphasize how much I hate the name Johnny Utah
-I guess it gets points for Patrick Swayze, but those points are taken away because there's no dance number
In conclusion, Point Break is not actually that bad, but not deserving of the accolades my dad gives it. And don't even get me started on the movie Brazil.
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That was my question. Homeboy needs to put up or shut up.well, if he's for real and there's lots more trump stuff out there......what the hell is he waiting for?
well, if he's for real and there's lots more trump stuff out there......what the hell is he waiting for?
That was my question. Homeboy needs to put up or shut up.
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That was my question. Homeboy needs to put up or shut up.
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I read online that the producer of those shows makes employees sign a $5M penalty clause for the unauthorized release of materials related to the show. Apparently, the producer is pro Trump, so he would likely pursue the $5M. I also suspect that relating confidential clips from a reality show might be the end of someone's Hollywood career, as the business is small and very much reputation based.
well....some billionaire democrat needs to belly up to the bar and produce the 5 mill so that one of these people can make this public.
All I can say is, Vaya con Dios
Is that to me or her? If it's for me, thanks. I need all the help I can get.
i wonder if any of this is going to make it to the news before the debates start?
Not critical, IMO. Everyone knows what the score is at this point.
I have to say I am not really looking forward to the debates tonight. Just thinking it could get ugly. Ms. Clinton will need to stick to the facts, and try to stick to the questions asked in the town hall format, I would think. If so, any hail mary attacks he tries to throw out will look pretty contrived. But I am just concerned about how ugly it could get. Again, it is just an international embarrassment that this shit show is our presidential election process. Dumpster fires are just not very dignified.
I can't imagine Trump has come up with any concrete policies since the last debate, so I expect it is going to be a train wreck for him. He likely can't shout over Clinton without looking unlikable and desperate (like he did in the last debate). Clinton can always fall back on actually having policies and plans. One might not agree with her plans, but she certainly has them, and can articulate why she thinks they are good or important. I think it is her debate to lose. If she takes the high road and avoids any mudslinging matches, she is just going to look more presidential while Trump looks more like a desperate man with very simplistic and naive approaches to complex issues.