OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I don't see how it will work out for him. If anything, it will just bring out more of the men are pigs vote which would seem to favor Hillary. And, let's face it, men can be pigs, and the two in question certainly have been. So I still do not see how he thinks it will favor him.
Also, I was thinking about the town hall format. I think it will help Hillary, and help keep a lid on the attacks as the Townhall format is not well-suited for those. Also, I was thinking about when it was some citizen's turn to ask Trump a question and that citizen just turning to Mr. Trump and saying "Mr. Trump, just Ewww. really just Ewww!"
This is going to be cool.....
I'm going to switch recording the debate for the ball game..

Debate first.....Game later..........Switch recording..

Still a half hour away
He's going to take the low road and attack Hillary for Bill's behavior, and she's going to nail his dick to the floor over it.
It's ironic. He won't tell us his plan for ISIS, because only suckers tell the enemy what they're going to do ahead of time. Then he gives Clinton a week to prepare a soundbite response to him implementing his master plan to bring up Bill's actions.
If I remember correctly, it was a town hall style debate that locked the 92 election for bill clinton when GHWB could not engage the people...
Why do you suspect that??
Remember during the primaries when trump had a hissy fit because he moderator asked him actual questions? Now we're going into a debate where, 3 days previous, a tape was unearthed of him describing to a TV host how he rapes women. He's going to get questions about that, and it's going to end exactly how you expect.
Also, I was thinking about the town hall format. I think it will help Hillary, and help keep a lid on the attacks as the Townhall format is not well-suited for those. Also, I was thinking about when it was some citizen's turn to ask Trump a question and that citizen just turning to Mr. Trump and saying "Mr. Trump, just Ewww. really just Ewww!"
i would much rather the 'citizen' ask "did you really rape a 13 year old girl?" or "did you really call someone a n-er?".....and then watch the response.
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This seems like a good idea to him?

Remember during the primaries when trump had a hissy fit because he moderator asked him actual questions? Now we're going into a debate where, 3 days previous, a tape was unearthed of him describing to a TV host how he rapes women. He's going to get questions about that, and it's going to end exactly how you expect.

He rapes women? Wow..

If that was the case I'm surprised that he got to where he is..

Time will show I guess..

Thanks for considering my qualm..
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