OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I'm thinking the Dems have had that video of Trump in their back pocket all along, just waiting to see if he was going to play the Bill card.
Damned straight. Almost everyone in New York hates Trump, so I’m sure they’ve got a collection of these waiting to roll. With matching campaign ads. It’s only October eighth, there will be more.
He cannot possibly talk about Bill Clinton's indiscretions now.
That was literally the second sentence of his first response.
McCain out

I’m sure they polled this first. If McCain’s team thinks he can dump Trump and win in Arizona there’s going to be a tidal wave of pols jumping ship next week when they’ve got another debate disaster to back them up.

There is just so much entertainment to be had while I'm trying not to be terrified.

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The difference between Bubba and Dump is that Bubba had consent.
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