OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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My Trump Facebook friends are falling right in line behind him, so at least I have confirmation of which people I know are shitty people.

I know republicans are masters of cognitive dissonance to begin with, but I'm amazed at how many people are rationalizing their candidate's open enthusiasm for sexual assault. I can't wait for somebody to ask Mike Pence to defend this one-

"Governor Pence, given your strong religious beliefs, how can you continue to support Donald Trump when he's clearly said he sexually assaults women?"
"He never said that"
"Yes he did, Governor- everyone has heard the tape"
"HE NEVER SAID THAT!!! Benghazi! Lewinsky! Crooked Hillary!! Whitewater!" (head explodes)
And the chair of the GOP in my original state of WA is a peach:
Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison defends Trump comments, says they "were made when he was a Democrat"
My Trump Facebook friends are falling right in line behind him, so at least I have confirmation of which people I know are shitty people.

I know republicans are masters of cognitive dissonance to begin with, but I'm amazed at how many people are rationalizing their candidate's open enthusiasm for sexual assault. I can't wait for somebody to ask Mike Pence to defend this one-

"Governor Pence, given your strong religious beliefs, how can you continue to support Donald Trump when he's clearly said he sexually assaults women?"
"He never said that"
"Yes he did, Governor- everyone has heard the tape"
"HE NEVER SAID THAT!!! Benghazi! Lewinsky! Crooked Hillary!! Whitewater!" (head explodes)

If this wasn't so sad it would be funny. I came here to share this from a facebook friend.

"Trump, no excuse for his potty mouth but that does not effect the country just his relationship with God. And most important he doesn't work for the political destruction of the US"

No, I didn't respond. It's from the mom of the lead guitar player in my nephew and niece's band. Not going to start a fight. Really really wanted to try to educate her, point out it wasn't just talk, he also admited assault. Add that Trump is a racist fuck...
So, one thing that kind of bothers me is that Trump could step down, and we could have Pence step in. Despite being awful in terms of any sort of content in that debate, he did carry style points. And he has that conservative voter thing going for him. Although his statements 2 hours after the release of Trump's gaff did not seem so great.

His tendency to simply pretend Trump didn't say what he said may sink him as well.
So, one thing that kind of bothers me is that Trump could step down, and we could have Pence step in. Despite being awful in terms of any sort of content in that debate, he did carry style points. And he has that conservative voter thing going for him. Although his statements 2 hours after the release of Trump's gaff did not seem so great.
Pence's idea of a good night.

So, one thing that kind of bothers me is that Trump could step down, and we could have Pence step in.

That’s not how it works. If the party managed to dump Trump they have to pick a new nominee and that nominee picks a new veep. They can’t pick Pence because he’s toxic by association with Trump.

Besides, it’s too late to change ballots in many states. Early voting has started in some important states. And even if it wasn’t too late, there’s nobody who can win. Any candidate who didn’t already endorse Trump won’t win over the base. Anybody who endorsed Trump won’t get votes from other voters.
Pence just released a statement: "As a husband and a father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump in the eleven-year-old video released yesterday. I do not condone his remarks and I cannot defend them."

Other than that, he's cool with Trump, and is looking forward to continue their campaign. He's a good Christian, after all.
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