OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Fascinating. Will HRC refuse to be on the same stage with him on Sunday, I wonder.

Trump is cut, and he's only gonna ramp up the shit slingin' with this one.
Fascinating. Will HRC refuse to be on the same stage with him on Sunday, I wonder.

Clinton will be there. The first woman nominee of a major party isn’t going to skip a debate. Remember how Obama was all mellow during his first debate with Romney and everybody thought he blew it? And then over the next two debates he unloaded a truckload of intellectual brutality? I think that’s Clinton’s plan for these debates. She could have shat all over Trump last time, but she held back to let Kaine and the media pound on Trump. On Sunday night she’s going to either dunk all over him or just keep giving him openings to trash himself with crazy responses the fact-checkers will demolish in real time. Maybe both.

Then there’s a two-week gap. Trump’s going to get hammered with two more weeks of October surprises—and they’re going to be nasty surprises given the life he’s led. Sympathy for him will be at an all-time low by October 19th. She’s going to walk into that debate and shit all over him the way Biden did when he debated that little Eddie Munster motherfucker Paul Ryan. And nobody’s going to call her a bitch or bossy or anything for doing it, because the whole country will know that he had worse coming.

And that’s when shit will start getting real. Because the Clintons have had decades to become the Machiavellian fiends the GOP always made them out to be. Between October 20 and November 8 there’s going to be a torrential rain of shit falling on Donald Trump’s head.

All that said, I still think he has a shot at winning. Americans love reality TV.

It's missing "again" at the end of it :grin:
It just a bunch of boring emails by boring politicians. This is boring even by Wikileaks standards. Clinton’s own staff probably planned this leak to make the point that Hillary is the dull, stable, sane, calculating person that she campaigns as.
Seems pretty rational overall to me. I may disagree with some of it, but still rational.
Huntsman just called for Trump to drop out. This weekend is going to be GREAT. I wish Hunter Thompson was alive to mock this shit.

I hope Trump does drop out just to spite them all. Because they won’t be able to get a winning campaign whipped up in six weeks. So Clinton can spend half a billion dollars just running clips weak GOP senators endorsing Trump after the convention.
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