OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Unfortunately, Vezzini died. He chose poorly by changing his vote and trying for what he thought was the lesser of two evils.
traditionally (before around 2000) republicans all wore blue and democrats wore red. same goes for state colors. but it was a standardized thing.

and then the media decided to 'standardize' it . . .

They should move to paisley ties. Or really skinny ties.

Just cooler ties. I dislike patriotic solid color ones.


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Best analysis I have read so far is "Kaine helped Clinton, and Pence helped Pence."

Pence wouldn't or couldn't defend Trump. Kaine hit more points than Pence, but looked like an idiot, while Pence looked calm, cool and collected as he lied.
Pence definitely won the "watching with the sound off" debate. Kaine (or at least, Clinton) is winning the news cycle, as far as I can tell. All the stories aren't about who won, but about how Pence has bowling-ball sized testicles of ice cold titanium to act as if DT is behaving like a boilerplate conservative candidate. To have Kaine squawk and pester about Trumps greatest hits, and for Pence to both act like it's below the pale to directly quote your opponent, and to roll his eyes and scoff in disbelief as if he's never heard them, is forming the narrative.
Pence definitely won the "watching with the sound off" debate. Kaine (or at least, Clinton) is winning the news cycle, as far as I can tell. All the stories aren't about who won, but about how Pence has bowling-ball sized testicles of ice cold titanium to act as if DT is behaving like a boilerplate conservative candidate. To have Kaine squawk and pester about Trumps greatest hits, and for Pence to both act like it's below the pale to directly quote your opponent, and to roll his eyes and scoff in disbelief as if he's never heard them, is forming the narrative.

Agreed. The real loser of the debate was the majority of GOP politicians who have endorsed Trump or kept quiet about what a jackass he is. Kaine went into the debate knowing that he doesn’t matter in a contest between two of the most polarizing candidates in the USA, so he didn’t worry about his performance.
The Atlantic endorses a presidential candidate for only the second time since Lincoln.

Tell us how you really feel... :eek:

In its founding statement, The Atlantic promised that it would be “the organ of no party or clique,” and our interest here is not to advance the prospects of the Democratic Party, nor to damage those of the Republican Party. If Hillary Clinton were facing Mitt Romney, or John McCain, or George W. Bush, or, for that matter, any of the leading candidates Trump vanquished in the Republican primaries, we would not have contemplated making this endorsement. We believe in American democracy, in which individuals from various parties of different ideological stripes can advance their ideas and compete for the affection of voters. But Trump is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office, and voters—the statesmen and thinkers of the ballot box—should act in defense of American democracy and elect his opponent.

"I don’t like Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party. I’m voting for them anyway."

"Let me be clear: I am still angry at the DNC, and I have fears about Clinton being our next president. She is a war hawk. She sold fracking to the world. She sees no path for single-payer health care. She will probably try to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, though she’s promised not to. However, there’s one thing that compels me to vote for her that is not related to my fear about Trump. Clinton is an ally of two people in Washington I do trust: Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, neither of whom would be likely to have any sway with Trump’s administration. I intend to work my heart out to elect Clinton and give Sanders and Warren the best chance at success in bringing about needed change in Washington."

Kind of summarizes how I feel about things. I put more emphasis on the court appointments, but I feel the same anger. And I am out working for Hillary anyway.
Yours is a special, and tactical situation. As I said, if the early voting day polls show that election day turns out differently than predicted, I hope y0u will reconsider. But, you will do what you will do. As is certainly your right.

I have fears about Clinton being our next president. She is a war hawk. She sold fracking to the world. She sees no path for single-payer health care. She will probably try to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, though she’s promised not to.

And that's just the beginning.

No, I won't be changing my vote to Clinton.
I predict that FL and N Carolina will get federal aid in record time after this hurricane. And I predict the GOP will scream foul.
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