OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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There is no such thing as a moderate GOP.

The entire party is extremist; within that, it's a scale that runs from juvenilism and denialism and ignorance to full-out batshit crazy, meanness, racist, racist, xenophobic, etc. There isn't one single issue that the American right is correct on. Not one.

The Dems are a centralist party that leans both right and left, depending on the issue.

And, effectively, there is no left. We need a left. Let the Dems be the conservatives. Let the GOP rot in the hell of history textbooks, where future generations can read about how disgusting their great-grandparents were.

You're by far the biggest asshole in this thread, but I guess it's cool because everybody who sees things differently than you is a a racist. Got it. Cool story bro.
When you express your opinion by saying everybody who thinks differently than you can rot in hell, you're not really going to reach anybody with your message. Maybe feeling morally superior to others is more important than actually making the world a better place.

It's not simply people thinking differently than you, but rather people that hold outdated opinions based off willful ignorance, racism, or religious zealotry.
You're by far the biggest asshole in this thread, but I guess it's cool because everybody who sees things differently than you is a a racist. Got it. Cool story bro.
Don't ruin the thread, dude. Things have been pretty peaceful thus far.
Not everyone is lucky enough to be born a lesbian. But thank god that some people are, because I am NOT changing my own oil.
I'm not just ANY lesbian. I'm a trans lesbian. I also have been ordained by an internet church which gives me just as much moral indignation as those that have gone through seminary divinity programs without all of the student debt. I am morally superior, and really, really cheap.
I do sell indulgences though. And I'll sell you full, lifetime absolution from all sins past, present, and future for the low fee of only $50,000! Think about that. All Trump or Clinton have to do is pay me, and they get absolution.

Payment via small, unmarked bills only. We can arrange a meet up point.
I do sell indulgences though. And I'll sell you full, lifetime absolution from all sins past, present, and future for the low fee of only $50,000! Think about that. All Trump or Clinton have to do is pay me, and they get absolution.

Payment via small, unmarked bills only. We can arrange a meet up point.
Selling any chunks of the cross with that?
I'm not wishing ill will on anyone. I was calling out the kind of language that makes things like this toxic. If this thread gets ruined because I called out hateful speech, then so be it.
No, it's because you directly insulted somebody.

He was talking about the issues. You were talking about him. You automatically lose the argument.
I'm not just ANY lesbian. I'm a trans lesbian. I also have been ordained by an internet church which gives me just as much moral indignation as those that have gone through seminary divinity programs without all of the student debt. I am morally superior, and really, really cheap.
ok....i've had way too many beers to be able to......never mind.....i'm on board....:thu:
I'm not wishing ill will on anyone. I was calling out the kind of language that makes things like this toxic. If this thread gets ruined because I called out hateful speech, then so be it.
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