OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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And, effectively, there is no left. We need a left. Let the Dems be the conservatives. Let the GOP rot in the hell of history textbooks, where future generations can read about how disgusting their great-grandparents were.

We do need a left but, we need a left now. We needed a left 8 years ago. Waiting for some new party to take hold is not an option. People need help now.
No, it's because you directly insulted somebody.

He was talking about the issues. You were talking about him. You automatically lose the argument.

I enjoy when @Flamencology expresses his opinions in a thoughtful way. I've expressed this before. Sometimes I think the language he uses is off putting. I've told him this as well.

That coupled with the fact that he has pretty thick skin, I really didn't think he'd take too much offense with me calling him an asshole.
We do need a left but, we need a left now. We needed a left 8 years ago. Waiting for some new party to take hold is not an option. People need help now.
If our governance has been like a good ol' college tug of war, we need a 400 pound guy on the end of the rope, trying to move that red flag tied on the center of the rope back toward the left side of the contest.
I enjoy when @Flamencology expresses his opinions in a thoughtful way. I've expressed this before. Sometimes I think the language he uses is off putting. I've told him this as well.

That coupled with the fact that he has pretty thick skin, I really didn't think he'd take too much offense with me calling him an asshole.
This is correct. I still love you.

Ahhhhh!! Time for a group hug. :wink:
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I do sell indulgences though. And I'll sell you full, lifetime absolution from all sins past, present, and future for the low fee of only $50,000! Think about that. All Trump or Clinton have to do is pay me, and they get absolution.

Payment via small, unmarked bills only. We can arrange a meet up point.

Trump has stated he does not need forgiveness.
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