OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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While I do think Trump will successfully commit political suicide, there's plenty of time between the last debate and the election for an October surprise. I still think she's going to win. But I'm not certain it will be a landslide.
Scares the crap out of me to think about it. I understand your reasoning, but I hope you watch the early polls before deciding to cast your vote, and make sure you are right before you make the choice you have stated.
From the Funny Pic thread.

Hey, any of you scientist types? Do you have any thoughts on Monsanto? Going to see Neil tonight, and he is getting after them. But curious what the scientist's point of view might be. Roundup has been determined to be bad, so there is that. and I don't like that Monsanto can sue (I said "can sue" not that they necessarily do all the time as that is disputed) farmers for seed that has blown on to their field. And that they make farmers pay "Licensing agreement" type fees for seed rather than just selling them seed.

But curious on the rest of the controversy.

Here is a little info. Monsanto is no angel. But not as much of a devil as advertised either. But devil enough in my mind.
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EDIT: Holy Crap! What timing of those two posts ,one after another.

Good article shared by a friend of mine on FB. A good ol' punk rock loving, mountain bike and crotch rocket riding, public defender (but not @Brian Krashpad ) A smart scot as a matter of fact.

Trump Is Only the Symptom
The rise of loud, proud stupidity has reshaped American politics

Spread the word: Presidents should be smart and well informed.
I know Flamencology does not particularly care for these books or these films. But this scene keeps coming to my mind.

Also the scene at the Council of Elrond where the leaders present squabble and fight and can make no headway.
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Fox News readers are already telling me that the only reason Trump's charity was issued a cease and desist is because the State AG is a Clinton crony and this is further evidence of how scared the democrats are of him. :facepalm:
I know Flamencology does not particularly care for these books or these films. But this scene keeps coming to my mind.

Also the scene at the Council of Elrond where the leaders present squabble and fight and can make no headway.

They were among my very favourite books when I was 12.

Now, I can both appreciate Tolkien's originality and influence (for better and for worse) as well as the fact that his stuff is pretty damn shallow.

The movies, on the other hand, surgically removed pretty much everything that I liked about the books. I don't get off on epic CGI battle scenes and set-pieces.

I understand that Tolkien's love of language, poetry, local culture and custom, etc., don't translate well to film beyond the superb work of the design teams.

And I'm usually the first person to roll my eyes when someone leans back on the critical cliches of "it was different from the book".

But the omission of Tom Bombadil, the Scouring of the Shire, and the "going west" ending demonstrate that Peter Jackson really didn't know what LOTR was about. I understand that most readers see those sections as afterthoughts. Fuck those readers. They are more important thematically than any action sequence.

I still read fantasy, mind you. But Marie Brennan and N.K. Jemisin are head and shoulders better than any of the Tolkien-inspired sword and sorcery writers than have dominated the genre for decades.
They were among my very favourite books when I was 12.

Now, I can both appreciate Tolkien's originality and influence (for better and for worse) as well as the fact that his stuff is pretty damn shallow.

The movies, on the other hand, surgically removed pretty much everything that I liked about the books. I don't get off on epic CGI battle scenes and set-pieces.

I understand that Tolkien's love of language, poetry, local culture and custom, etc., don't translate well to film beyond the superb work of the design teams.

And I'm usually the first person to roll my eyes when someone leans back on the critical cliches of "it was different from the book".

But the omission of Tom Bombadil, the Scouring of the Shire, and the "going west" ending demonstrate that Peter Jackson really didn't know what LOTR was about. I understand that most readers see those sections as afterthoughts. But they are more important thematically than any action sequence.
I can agree with you on all of that. I can enjoy the films for what they are, but they are not the original work, and the work that was done on the movie masks and distracts from the themes to the point of losing the themes almost altogether. And don't get me started on what they did to Bilbo in the latest Hobbit movie. It no longer resembles the book at all in my mind.

But the scene from the movie still spoke to me a bit regarding these times. Each of us has to decide what we are going to do, and who we intend to be, as we walk through these times of social and political change. I am deciding to be more open about my views, respectfully as possible, and support rational thought and intelligence, along with compassion and basic human rights for all, in selecting and supporting our local, regional and national leaders. I don't intend to pick fights on the street about it, but I do intend to get involved.
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Yeah. There's no avoiding politics; the choice to be apolitical is every bit as political as any other political choice. Except that it's usually dishonest, delusional, unhealthy, and toxic.

(I want to differentiate between acknowledging that everything is political versus bringing political discussion into every situation. Health care, as an institution, is necessarily political. However, doctors shouldn't be lecturing their patients.)

I think that this thread is a great example of how open discourse is far healthier than banning it and then having to endure years of built-up resentments over subtleties. I'd rather be called a POS than have to deal with years of passive-aggressive whinging.
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The only October surprise is that the Giants are steamrolling their way into the playoffs. Again.

There isn't much that could change the current political situation, IMHO. You could prove Trump paid no taxes, ever, and his lemmings wouldn't care. At this point you could reanimate Vince Foster and he could point to Hillary and say she killed him and I still wouldn't vote for trump. Assange doesn't have shit. Or maybe he does, but it won't matter.
The only October surprise is that the Giants are steamrolling their way into the playoffs. Again.

There isn't much that could change the current political situation, IMHO. You could prove Trump paid no taxes, ever, and his lemmings wouldn't care. At this point you could reanimate Vince Foster and he could point to Hillary and say she killed him and I still wouldn't vote for trump. Assange doesn't have shit. Or maybe he does, but it won't matter.

this is probably one of the most divisive elections in a long time. and one of the most polarized too. the trump supporters are gonna stick by him, no matter what and the clinton supporters are going to do the same. then there's 10's of millions in the middle thinking to themselves "what the fuck am i supposed to do now?"
they don't like either one.
and there's still more shit going to hit the fan in the next 35 days. :facepalm:
I know exactly what I am supposed to do now. Just like it was before this bullshit. Pick the best of the available candidates, and vote. Bernie didn't make it, so reboot. I am in no way a Clinton supporter, but I will definitely be a Clinton voter. The choice is easy, though painful.
At what point does it become too late for the GOP to disavow itself of Trump and enter someone else on the ballot? Or is it already too late?

Way too late. After the second week in Sept it was too late in all 50 states. Also, in 2/3 of the states, the name on the ballot is who gets the vote, so if they were to replace Trump, in 2/3 of the states, Trump still gets the republican vote. In half of the 2/3 of the state, the party can petition to have the votes go to a replacement candidate, but it isn't guaranteed. So basically if Trump drops out, Clinton wins.
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