OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I think the post-deadline ballots would read "Trump", but a vote for him would go to the GOP candidate, whoever it was at that time.

Some states are legally bound to vote for the name on the ballot. So if Trump quits, his votes in that state still go to him, not the GOP candidate.

In other states, the GOP would have to appeal to the courts to have votes cast for Trump transferred to the new candidate.

So it isn't that simple. If he bails, it will be very tough for the GOP to win.
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I don't think Trump is going to quit. I think when he loses he is going to play the 'rigged' election card, a scheme for which he as already laid the groundwork, and use that to create a Trump conservative tv network. He will spin it that since Hillary stole the election and his voice, he created a network with his own money to keep the real Americsn conservative message alive. He will get all the attention he wants from this and have no compromises of what he can say. He has done his best to complain about the news, including his new tv channel's prime competition, Fox New, so I see his presidential campaign as a marketing exercise to capture his new tv following. I think he wants to lose and become the ultimate conservative network owner and play a role of some sort of super Limbaugh- Hannity.
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I don't think Trump is going to quit. I think when he loses he is going to play the 'rigged' election card, a scheme for which he as already laid the groundwork, and use that to create a Trump conservative tv network. He will spin it that since Hillary stole the election and his voice, he created a network with his own money to keep the real Americsn conservative message alive. He will get all the attention he wants from this and have no compromises of what he can say. He has done his best to complain about the news, including his new tv channel's prime competition, Fox New, so I see his presidential campaign as a marketing exercise to capture his new tv following. I think he wants to lose and become the ultimate conservative network owner and play a role of some sort of super Limbaugh- Hannity.

Terrifying, but plausible.

Daily hammerings on emails and Benghazi. Yay! :messedup:
I don't think Trump is going to quit. I think when he loses he is going to play the 'rigged' election card, a scheme for which he as already laid the groundwork, and use that to create a Trump conservative tv network. He will get all the attention he wants. He has done his best to complain about the news, including his new tv channel's prime competition, Fox New, so I see his presidential campaign as a marketing exercise to capture his new tv following. I think he wants to lose and become the ultimate conservative network owner and play a role of some sort of super Limbaugh- Hannity. might be on to something there. he could poopoo everyone and everything that doesn't fit HIS mold of "make america great.....again".

the question is......what network is going to carry his program? or do you think he'll create some kind of private cable company? if so, then his viewing audience will be markedly decreased. he would want to be on network broadcast tv to reach as many as possible, and of course the preppers in idaho, that do not have cable/satallite tv. might be on to something there. he could poopoo everyone and everything that doesn't fit HIS mold of "make america great.....again".

the question is......what network is going to carry his program? or do you think he'll create some kind of private cable company? if so, then his viewing audience will be markedly decreased. he would want to be on network broadcast tv to reach as many as possible, and of course the preppers in idaho, that do not have cable/satallite tv.

I'm guessing he will buy a cable network, and cable providers will carry his channel as it is going to bring in significant viewership and ad revenue. For the people in Idaho, he will be available on trump radio, trump xm satellite, and you can buy his blue ray disc collection. He is going to make a fortune.
Will it be produced in China too?

Probably not the show, but certainly the merch will be. I bet that orange shit stain even will beg for money like a televangelist and give out cheap made in China swag to donors. Maybe stuff like the classic PBS tote bag, but for people who hate minorities. He will probably set it up as a non-profit conservative think tank, but still manage to pay himself a fuck ton out of the donor money and ad revenue.
Michael Moore said the same thing a month or two ago. Democrats are too disorganized to actually conspire on something, so these self-appointed sleeper agents decide to ring the alarm to keep the populace from growing overconfident and relaxing. I'm not saying Trump can't win, but this is just clickbait Chicken Little stuff.

I just like reading the paranoia from both sides.
I just like reading the paranoia from both sides.

I'm entertained by the conservative people I know on Facebook that are convinced that Clinton will be convicted of a crime at the last minute, thereby throwing the election. Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation, Bill and Hillary's murder cult, failures as secretary of state, fraud, etc. all seem to come up. It is an interesting and amazing bit of delusion. I assume some conservative talking head mentions this stuff a lot. They seem to completely ignore the results of FBI investigations and congressional hearings suggesting Clinton will not be charged.
I'm guessing he will buy a cable network, and cable providers will carry his channel as it is going to bring in significant viewership and ad revenue.

That’s the part that probably won’t happen. Fox and MSNBC caught on in the 90s when there was almost no original programming on cable. Today there are thousands of channels, most of which nobody carries. Recent attempts to create new conservative networks have been flops. And the new cable channels that get picked up are picked up because the big media corporations force the issue in contract renewals for other networks— Fox Business only got picked up because it was tied to Fox Sports. So the Trump/Ailes/Breitbart network is probably going to be an internet only affair.

I think Trump might just be doing all this as a grift, similar to SarahPAC. He and his kids are going to make bank off of this in 2017. After the election they’ll start phony PACs and Washington sham charities, which they’ll run as executives with six-figure salaries. They’ll all be executives of, and shareholders in, the new Trump network. They’ll get big bonuses for bringing in initial investments, for launching the network, and later get golden parachutes when they get fired. This would explain why Trump’s not releasing his tax returns, and why he’s got incomprehensibly structured businesses mired in staggering debt. The Trump empire may be crumbling, and this entire campaign is his way of generating some cash to retire on before the shithouse catches fire.
I'm entertained by the conservative people I know on Facebook that are convinced that Clinton will be convicted of a crime at the last minute, thereby throwing the election. Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation, Bill and Hillary's murder cult, failures as secretary of state, fraud, etc. all seem to come up. It is an interesting and amazing bit of delusion. I assume some conservative talking head mentions this stuff a lot. They seem to completely ignore the results of FBI investigations and congressional hearings suggesting Clinton will not be charged.

no doubt that Hill and Bill have done stuff that would get any other regular person charged. but they are SO highly connected that there's no way, short of committing murder with all the evidence, that they'd ever get convicted. they are the modern equivalent to the Kennedy's. untouchable.
no doubt that Hill and Bill have done stuff that would get any other regular person charged. but they are SO highly connected that there's no way, short of committing murder with all the evidence, that they'd ever get convicted. they are the modern equivalent to the Kennedy's. untouchable.

I think it is impossible to get that far in politics without some skeletons. I'm not suggesting any guilt or innocence. I just think it is odd that most of these things have been investigated and no charges were brought (again, this doesn't mean one is innocent), yet a lot of people seem to expect some last minute FBI arrest and trial. It is our delusion. Even if new evidence came to light and there was sufficient evidence to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime, the trial would likely unfold over YEARS, and there certainly wouldn't be any conviction that precluded presidential service in the next few months. Oddly enough, a lot of people seem to think this could happen and get Trump the election.
That’s the part that probably won’t happen. Fox and MSNBC caught on in the 90s when there was almost no original programming on cable. Today there are thousands of channels, most of which nobody carries. Recent attempts to create new conservative networks have been flops. And the new cable channels that get picked up are picked up because the big media corporations force the issue in contract renewals for other networks— Fox Business only got picked up because it was tied to Fox Sports. So the Trump/Ailes/Breitbart network is probably going to be an internet only affair.

I think Trump might just be doing all this as a grift, similar to SarahPAC. He and his kids are going to make bank off of this in 2017. After the election they’ll start phony PACs and Washington sham charities, which they’ll run as executives with six-figure salaries. They’ll all be executives of, and shareholders in, the new Trump network. They’ll get big bonuses for bringing in initial investments, for launching the network, and later get golden parachutes when they get fired. This would explain why Trump’s not releasing his tax returns, and why he’s got incomprehensibly structured businesses mired in staggering debt. The Trump empire may be crumbling, and this entire campaign is his way of generating some cash to retire on before the shithouse catches fire.

I know nothing about the television/cable business, so I will take you word on the difficulty of starting a cable network/channel. Maybe some crappy network might give Trump a show, figuring he will draw in viewers, but, again, I know nothing about the business so I might be way off the mark. I think your sketchy PAC idea is spot on.
Huffington Post is now giving the Democrats a 78% chance of taking the Senate based on polling. Obviously HuffPo stories have to be taken with a massive grain of salt, but in this case there’s plenty of polling to back it up. The drawback is that if the Senate goes back to the Dems the House will just get crazier to compensate.
if that does happen (the house getting crazier) then CSPAN needs to be on regular broadcast tv, because watching those assclowns throwing tantrums would be a hoot.:grin:
I'm entertained by the conservative people I know on Facebook that are convinced that Clinton will be convicted of a crime at the last minute, thereby throwing the election. Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation, Bill and Hillary's murder cult, failures as secretary of state, fraud, etc. all seem to come up. It is an interesting and amazing bit of delusion. I assume some conservative talking head mentions this stuff a lot. They seem to completely ignore the results of FBI investigations and congressional hearings suggesting Clinton will not be charged.

I get a kick out of the "Crooked Hillary" and she is a liar. Has any past candidate been through more investigations than her? If she really was "crooked" don't you think something would have stuck? If she is a liar, why does every independent fact checking organization rank her the most honest?

I think the only thing that bugs me about her is the moving to NY to get in the senate. Other than that, she has been pretty good in all her posts. Sure she isn't liberal enough for me, but I don't think a person I think is liberal enough will get elected in my lifetime.
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