OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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He also didn't say that.

Then field a candidate that says " Gun owners, if you want to make sure HRC isn't elected and able to make up to 3 SCOTUS nominations, please get out and vote"

But that is not what he said, is it?

as a plus, he could also add "and despite the hysterical rumors some other 2A supporters are spreading, she has NEVER advocated abolishing the 2nd amendment, only some common sense restrictions that many of us are against"

at least that would be truthful.
oh.....i don't know.......jim jones, charlie manson, thulsa doom......well.....maybe not that last one.....but you get my meaning.

Friendly's is a dump. Water is wet. News at 11.
This one is a dump even by Friendly's standards.

It's not as bad as the one in Willowbrook Mall that got closed for health code violations, though... That one smelled bad all the way up to the Software Etc. I worked at on the second floor.
And what do you think he meant when he said, "“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
I'm not going to interpret Trumpspeak for anyone.

What I am going to say is he didn't say "shoot her". You can (and have) interpreted what he said to your preconceived notion of what you think he meant.

Y'all frothing at the mouth over it sort of proves my point; the left are hanging on the guys every word trying to catch him in some sort of faux pas. Let him go, he'll sink eventually.
This one is a dump even by Friendly's standards.

It's not as bad as the one in Willowbrook Mall that got closed for health code violations, though... That one smelled bad all the way up to the Software Etc. I worked at on the second floor.

Isn't it amazing that no matter how bad a Friendly's is, there's always a worse one?
What I am going to say is he didn't say "shoot her". You can (and have) interpreted what he said to your preconceived notion of what you think he meant.

At a certain point, words mean something. Given that the explanation given by the campaign doesn't map on to the words he used, either the man doesn't know how to use the English language, or he's not being honest about what he meant. It is not unreasonable at this point to assume that what he meant is related to the collection of words he spoke, and the order he put those words in.
At a certain point, words mean something. Given that the explanation given by the campaign doesn't map on to the words he used, either the man doesn't know how to use the English language, or he's not being honest about what he meant. It is not unreasonable at this point to assume that what he meant is related to the collection of words he spoke, and the order he put those words in.

The same logic could be said about Hillary or Biden when they insinuated the killing of Obama back in the day.
Y'all frothing at the mouth over it sort of proves my point; the left are hanging on the guys every word trying to catch him in some sort of faux pas. Let him go, he'll sink eventually.

I don't think anyone is hanging on anything. Every other thing he says is faux pas. He's the king of malapropisms...always has been. I grew up in NY and have heard about him all my life. Trump has no filter and just says shit as if there are no consequences for your words. This is a bad quality in general, but particularly for a politician, especially those running for executive office.

He's a douchebag that says shitty things all of the time and reasonable people on BOTH sides of isle are calling him out on it. I won't even say that the right are making endless excuses for all the garbage he spews, because it would be unfair to those conservatives that do see through the malarkey and/or are affronted by his shenanigans. This is his biggest marketing campaign or brand awareness initiative and nothing more.

The biggest problem is all of folks that support him and think he's for real...that he's speaks to them and for them. Trump gives a shit about himself, Ivanka, maybe some of his other kids and possibly his wife (each as exponentially lower levels). The average American, and especially his lower-middle class and rural poor folks that make up the bulk supporters mean nothing to him.
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Have I mentioned my proposal to have a large T tattooed on the forehead of anyone that supported Trump, including all the celebrities and politicians, so they can be easily identified? The main objective is to help everyone know in an instant who these folks are so they can avoid wasting a moment dealing with these folks. It also works for them, because they will then know with whom they can freely spew prejudice and xenophobic rhetoric.

Just to clarify, I have no interest in rounding them up and registering them or having them build a wall (although I'd be happy to take away their guns). It's just about transparency and being able to evade engagement with these twits.
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