OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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oh.....i don't know.......jim jones, charlie manson, thulsa doom......well.....maybe not that last one.....but you get my meaning.

But Jim and Chuck only had a relatively small group of followers and Thulsa (we Sets like to call him T-Doom)...well he's a comic and movie character. Trump mass following is reminiscent of something bigger and far more horrifying.

I mean he's definitely playing from Hitler's playbook, although not nearly as extreme and the likelihood of him following through on any of his loftier plans is close to nil. And it's not like other leaders in republics haven't snagged ideas from Adolf's success as a marketer and propagandist. Some of the principles are sound/effective despite how horribly the Reich wielded them.
Have I mentioned my proposal to have a large T tattooed on the forehead of anyone that supported Trump, including all the celebrities and politicians, so they can be easily identified? The main objective is to help everyone know in an instant who these folks are so they can avoid wasting a moment dealing with these folks. It also works for them, because they will then know with whom they can freely spew prejudice and xenophobic rhetoric.

Just to clarify, I have no interest in rounding them up and registering them or having them build a wall (although I'd be happy to take away their guns). It's just about transparency and being able to evade engagement with these twits.

your idea isn't too bad, except that to be able to SEE the 'T' on their foreheads, you would first have to take off their HOODS!!! :grin:
if one substitutes "gun nuts" for "2nd Amendment people", then how does Trump's statement read?

"“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although for the gun nuts — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

does it translate that he's talking about voting as a block?
But Jim and Chuck only had a relatively small group of followers and Thulsa (we Sets like to call him T-Doom)...well he's a comic and movie character. Trump mass following is reminiscent of something bigger and far more horrifying.

I mean he's definitely playing from Hitler's playbook, although not nearly as extreme and the likelihood of him following through on any of his loftier plans is close to nil. And it's not like other leaders in republics haven't snagged ideas from Adolf's success as a marketer and propagandist. Some of the principles are sound/effective despite how horribly the Reich wielded them.

i think that the most scary part of trump is how many followers he has and that they seem to be 'all in' with the ethnic cleansing and the total isolationist notions.
they don't even take a step back and look at what they are supporting. there's no constructive critiquing within the group. trump shoots off his mouth and the 'herd' goes "yea, yea, yea yea!!!!!"

maybe we as a nation, have not come anywhere near as far down the freedom road as we would like to believe.
Classic Trump, nothing to hang on, just something to report:

"In fact, in many respects, you know they honor president Obama. ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of ISIS. He's the founder of ISIS, OK? He's the founder. He founded ISIS."

He also called Clinton the co-founder.

Just let the man speak and report what he says. It's amazing.
Classic Trump, nothing to hang on, just something to report:

"In fact, in many respects, you know they honor president Obama. ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of ISIS. He's the founder of ISIS, OK? He's the founder. He founded ISIS."

He also Clinton the co-founder.

Just let the man speak and report what he says. It's amazing.

Heard that one this morning, made me facepalm for real.
...Trump has no filter and just says shit as if there are no consequences for your words...

it's stream of consciousness blather, and every now and then he stumbles across a word or phrase that he finds curious or interesting and he'll repeat it 3, 4, or 5 times. in the effort that now everyone else will find it equally fascinating.
Classic Trump, nothing to hang on, just something to report:

"In fact, in many respects, you know they honor president Obama. ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of ISIS. He's the founder of ISIS, OK? He's the founder. He founded ISIS."

He also called Clinton the co-founder.

Just let the man speak and report what he says. It's amazing.

I've noticed he always repeats what he says. I guess if he says it three times in a row, that makes it true.
Have I mentioned my proposal to have a large T tattooed on the forehead of anyone that supported Trump, including all the celebrities and politicians, so they can be easily identified? The main objective is to help everyone know in an instant who these folks are so they can avoid wasting a moment dealing with these folks. It also works for them, because they will then know with whom they can freely spew prejudice and xenophobic rhetoric.
I'm opposed to the marking idea, but the public figures who are on record supporting this guy are going to be dodging it for the rest of their lives. It'll be about 100 times the millstone that voting for the Iraq war has been for the past 15 years.
I've noticed he always repeats what he says. I guess if he says it three times in a row, that makes it true.

It's like the scene in Slackers where Devon Sawa lies to the dumb twin hotties three times and then they're into him.
if one substitutes "gun nuts" for "2nd Amendment people", then how does Trump's statement read?

"“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although for the gun nuts — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

does it translate that he's talking about voting as a block?

I haven't yet seen or heard someone point out the logic behind his statement. I don't mean that it's logically good.
I mean what it means in terms of a logical analysis.

If Clinton appoints Supreme Court justices, that means she's been elected as President.
If the "2nd amendment people" are to do anything about it, it can't be in terms of their voting power.
The logic of the statement he made indicates that they've already voted and failed to defeat Clinton.

So, sure, logic doesn't seem to be a factor in what he says. One could argue that he meant the voting power of that group of people, but why them. Why not any and all republicans? That's what one would say to unite their party and constituency. Why just "the gun nuts"?

No matter what you feel about guns, this kind thing should scare the hell out of you. You're either going to end up with an insane leader trying to do insane things or an insane figurehead supported by more seasoned politicians that were not seasoned enough to distance themselves from the crazy.

Did he think it through enough to really mean what thinks he meant?
I don't think he's that much in control of his thought stream. Which is still scary, because he will do that off the cuff shit when it's critical that he makes good, diplomatic decisions. Scary.
Did he think it through enough to really mean what thinks he meant?

trump doesn't think anything through. hence his six bankruptcies. he just runs his mouth without engaging his brain.
like when he advocates more and bigger (worse) tortue to be implemented on a daily basis.
like when he advocated banning muslims from entering the country.
like when he advocated extra police patrols in current muslim neighborhoods (as if there is such a thing).
like when he said he was going to build a wall along the mexican border and make mexico pay for it.

he would in fact seriously attempt to accomplish all those things, and much much more.

he would also shoot off his mouth to a nuclear country, and we'd be at war.
The funniest thing about conspiracy theories, "new world order", and "the liberal media" is that all of these overarching plots is that they require MASSIVE amounts of cooperation, secret keeping, plotting and planning.

We can't get large amounts of people to agree or work together on ANYTHING smoothly... airlines, the medical industry... hell we can't even get a majority of Americans to even go out and vote.

It's always one voice whether it's Fox news or a guy with a tin foil hat screaming that ONLY THEY have the right information... everyone else is conspiring against YOU... you're all SHEEP if you listen to them. It's sad that so many people are incapable of doing their own logical and critical thinking. :facepalm:
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