OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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the senate and possibly the house are going to look much different after trump gets destroyed. he really is killing the party which needed to happen.

the list of very high ranking lifelong republicans endorsing clinton or at the least denouncing trump is very large. you really don't see that very often.
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I can't believe that so few Republican leaders are distances from Trump. They're so afraid of the chance that he might actually win and then marginalize them that they've lost sight of what they do and why.

That's the real corruption point of that moment when they politician stops thinking about being a part of changing and advancing our nation for what their constituents (or even they, themselves) see as the positive/right direction and instead it becomes solely about staying in office regardless of compromising any or all of your actual beliefs.

Obviously that's nothing new, but it's never been more apparent since Trump locked the nomination. It's always been at its worst in the House of Representatives. Those folks can never stop campaigning. Their terms are too short to be fully focused on their duties as representatives.

Clearly Trump can't get say anything offensive enough to lose those GOP-ers that can't separate his winning the nomination from his worthiness or fitness to hold and manage the office. At least with 911, there was an almost understandable rationale for the fear-mongering and kowtowing to it. It seems like the only way he would truly lose people (and not all of them) is if he called President Obama the n-word and/or went on a homophobic rant. I want him to so we can be done with him, but I fear it the notion as it will be too revealing of who we (the citizens of the U.S.) are as people...or at least a too large portion of us are.

Lastly, Julian Assange can eat a bag of dicks.

It is pretty bad. Imagine if you did a good job while in congress and your constituents saw results from all of your hard work, you really shouldn't have to campaign. I mean, I do a great job at work, so I don't have to worry about losing my job. I don't have to run around and tell my boss how great I am and how bad others are to keep it or get raises.
It is pretty bad. Imagine if you did a good job while in congress and your constituents saw results from all of your hard work, you really shouldn't have to campaign. I mean, I do a great job at work, so I don't have to worry about losing my job. I don't have to run around and tell my boss how great I am and how bad others are to keep it or get raises.
yes, but you also do not have several people running around telling everyone how bad you do your job and how bad you are for the company, all in an effort to GET your job. elected officials do have this problem, no matter how good they are at the job. just sayin'
This is what I mean when I say the Trump campaign has lost Fox News. Here's an opinion piece by some guy who isn't of the Karl Rove/Charles Krauthammer level of influence. He's just doing his job.

You've got a whole article over how Trump didn't mean what he said, the liberal media, and why didn't anyone question Elizabeth Warren. And then at the bottom he concludes with this:

"Finally - here's a bit of friendly advice to the Trump Campaign - y'all need to knock off the nonsense. Say what you mean to say -- and stop explaining what you said instead of what you meant to say in the first place."

Trump can't win without Fox support. Even with 89 days left.
He also didn't say that.

It's sort of becoming comical watching the left screw themselves into the floor every time Trump opens his mouth.

Hysteria, it's not just for breakfast.
And what do you think he meant when he said, "“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
It's sort of becoming comical watching Trump screw himself into the floor every time he opens his mouth.

Denial, it's not just for breakfast.

Trump requires no spin. He continues to screw himself with every brainless tweet and speech.

The Trump worshipers have some very serious explaining to do when this fiasco falls through. How in any reality can a human being actually fall for such a steaming pile of shit, much less support and defend him?
He also didn't say that.

It's sort of becoming comical watching the left screw themselves into the floor every time Trump opens his mouth.

Hysteria, it's not just for breakfast.

I'm by no means a fan of what you refer to as "the left," but as @micwalt already pointed out that was the implication.

Personally, I think it's awful that he's a serious contender when he's saying this kind of stuff, but him running his mouth in outlandish ways is a brilliant strategy because it's resonating with a lot of people in the Twitter dominated media. He has can always back peddle and say that's not what I meant, which appeals to the more moderates but he gets the extremist too.
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