OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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The City of South Bend is quite diverse and democratic. We even have a young, gay mayor who everyone loves and will likely re-elect as long as he's running.

Drive a couple miles and the word "liberal" becomes a swear word. :cry:

Sounds a lot like Charlottesville.
I thought it was tin foil hat stuff when I first heard it, but the more Republicans turn against Trump, the more I think that maybe they do plan on impeaching him if he manages to get elected. Which, I'd like to think he won't, but as Mencken said "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
He can’t be impeached unless he actually breaks the law. And the old Republicans who might vote to impeach him are outnumbered by wing nuts in the house.
He can’t be impeached unless he actually breaks the law. And the old Republicans who might vote to impeach him are outnumbered by wing nuts in the house.
"actually breaks the law" is a rather slippery concept in DC. It depends far more on how powerful your enemies are than what you do.

The Democrats would obviously jump on board an impeachment train. The wing nuts wouldn't have the numbers to stop it.
"actually breaks the law" is a rather slippery concept in DC. It depends far more on how powerful your enemies are than what you do.

The Democrats would obviously jump on board an impeachment train. The wing nuts wouldn't have the numbers to stop it.

yep......all it will take is one "what did he know, and when did he know it". and trump is notorious for being involved in those kinds of things.
The City of South Bend is quite diverse and democratic. We even have a young, gay mayor who everyone loves and will likely re-elect as long as he's running.

Drive a couple miles and the word "liberal" becomes a swear word. :cry:
And when people treat a liberal like me that way I suddenly remind them that D-Generation X has two words for them:


To go with the reported 5 dead in the last 6 weeks who were critical of HRC.

*Disclaimer* this is for conversation only and in no way reflects my previous posts across the internet as a conspiracy theorist.
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I can't believe that so few Republican leaders are distancing from Trump. They're so afraid of the chance that he might actually win and then marginalize them that they've lost sight of what they do and why.

That's the real corruption point of's that moment when the politician stops thinking about being a part of changing and advancing our nation for what their constituents (or even they, themselves) see as the positive/right direction and instead it becomes solely about staying in office regardless of compromising any or all of your actual beliefs.

Obviously that's nothing new, but it's never been more apparent since Trump locked the nomination. It's always been at its worst in the House of Representatives. Those folks can never stop campaigning. Their terms are too short to be fully focused on their duties as representatives.

Clearly Trump can't get say anything offensive enough to lose those GOP-ers that can't separate his winning the nomination from his worthiness or fitness to hold and manage the office. At least with 911, there was an almost understandable rationale for the fear-mongering and kowtowing to it. It seems like the only way he would truly lose people (and not all of them) is if he called President Obama the n-word and/or went on a homophobic rant. I want him to so we can be done with him, but I also fear the notion as it will be too revealing of who we (the citizens of the U.S.) are as people...or at least a too large portion of us are.

Lastly, Julian Assange can eat a bag of dicks.
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