OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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That's a legitimate question. Exactly why can't we use nukes? They cost a lot of money to make and store, we should get our moneys worth. If Mexico refuses to build and pay for the wall, nuke Cozumel. That'll get 'em thinking. The next day, nuke Guadalajara. I bet you see a shitload of Mexicans building a damn wall the next day.

That's a legitimate question. Exactly why can't we use nukes? They cost a lot of money to make and store, we should get our moneys worth. If Mexico refuses to build and pay for the wall, nuke Cozumel. That'll get 'em thinking. The next day, nuke Guadalajara. I bet you see a shitload of Mexicans building a damn wall the next day.

i can actually hear him screaming that.
i think one of the major problems with trump is that he was born with a diamond encrusted solid platinum spoon in his mouth. the guy has never struggled at anything. his father gave him some number of millions and advised him to buy up property on manhattan and after that, the cash just rolled in.
he doesn't know what it is to sacrifice for anything or anyone. he doesn't like his wife, he gets a new one. he doesn't like a car, he buys a new one. he doesn't like a building, he buys a, well not new, but better one. or builds one.

he has no connection to what happens in war. or poverty. or a job.
the only thing that concerns him, is getting what he wants, when he wants it. that's all.
he's so rich that it doesn't matter what he says, it's not going to cost him anything.

that's not who i want running this country. i want someone who has had to work for a living, and in a job they did not like.
i want someone who had to make car payments. and eat a p,b & j on occasion because that's all they had.

i think i've made my point. i'll stop now.
i think one of the major problems with trump is that he was born with a diamond encrusted solid platinum spoon in his mouth. the guy has never struggled at anything. his father gave him some number of millions and advised him to buy up property on manhattan and after that, the cash just rolled in.
he doesn't know what it is to sacrifice for anything or anyone. he doesn't like his wife, he gets a new one. he doesn't like a car, he buys a new one. he doesn't like a building, he buys a, well not new, but better one. or builds one.

he has no connection to what happens in war. or poverty. or a job.
the only thing that concerns him, is getting what he wants, when he wants it. that's all.
he's so rich that it doesn't matter what he says, it's not going to cost him anything.

that's not who i want running this country. i want someone who has had to work for a living, and in a job they did not like.
i want someone who had to make car payments. and eat a p,b & j on occasion because that's all they had.

i think i've made my point. i'll stop now.

Well, flip side...

It's all about character. Simple as that. Privilege doesn't prohibit that, nor does it necessarily protect you from loss or struggle.

I can acknowledge that I've had every advantage. Nowhere near the billionaire's scale, but even so. But I've also had the fortune of having a great parent, parent-figures, and mentors. And not everything is easy. I earned my degrees. I've been living with a malignant brain cancer since my early 20s. Etc.

I'll use Robert Kennedy as an example.

Imagine Trump delivering a speech like this. He just simply lacks the depth.
I sure hope Trump stays in. For my sensibilities, Ted Cruz is really just as awful and he would have a significantly better chance of winning.
something tells me that if the gop were going to replace trump (if he quit) they'd be nominating Kasich. he's more electable than Cruz and more sensible. (i know, kerouc doesn't agree).
Once he is so far back in the polls, he will come up with some reason. If he goes through and loses, his ego would implode creating a black hole where the earth once was.

I seriously doubt it. He's so deep in his own world. Facts, stats, and realities aren't an factor.
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